Hand Review Request: Beauty and the Sweapants

Hand Review Request: Beauty and the Sweapants

This was an all around weird night for me, just trying to re-analyze this hand and see if my decisions were legit.

Sitting at a $1/2 NLH table that is very loose and passive. Table holds 8 players. Hero's stack is ~$657, up from a $200 buy-in. Table is exclusively middle-aged men clad in hoodies and sweatpants (typical low stakes early morning crowd), except for a single BEAUTIFUL Latina woman in her early 20's who is wearing makeup and a short skirt that accentuates her cleavage. It just stands out. Her stack is ~800.

Hero sits on button and is dealt KQ. Seat 3 raises to 11, seat 5 calls, and seat 7 (the Voluptuous Villan) call. Herr raises to 22. 3 Callers to flop. Pot $91



Hero makes top pair with flush draw. Checks around to hero who bets $40. Seat 3 and Voluptuous Villan call. Pot: $211



Hero makes Trip K's with flush draw.

Player 3 checks to Voluptious Villan who raises $75. Hero raises to $150, Seat 3 folds, VolupVill contemplates for a minute and calls. Pot: $511


Voluptuous Villan checks to Hero.

What should our fearless Hero do?

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25 August 2024 at 04:27 PM

18 Replies

Shove, trips will definitely call off too much

Shove. When V donks turn and only calls your reraise, she may have worse trips, a non-believing 9, or flush draw. You are good here 99% of the time, and the SPR is less than 1. Exact conditions for you to shove your stack in here.

What makes you think we should do anything else here?

The preflop 3 bet size is terrible, why didn't either previous poster mention this? When in position, raise 3x + 1x for each additional caller as a fine rule

The skirt accentuates her cleavage?

by atenesq k

The skirt accentuates her cleavage?


I really wanna see that now. Perhaps she is wearing JUST the short skirt? That might accentuate her cleavage....

by atenesq k

The skirt accentuates her cleavage?

High waisted clothes are back in.

Bet something for value.

Your 3 bet sizing is way off. IP id go 3x + 1 per cold caller so $55 here.

As played $40 is fine otf but id be fine going smaller like $25-30, keep all the pairs in and whatnot.

Turn idk why the minraise, i think you just ship, but as played ship too.

Grunch: How does a skirt accentuate cleavage? Is it ass cleavage?

Min click 3-bet is kinda pointless, either just call (KQs plays well multi-way IP) or raise bigger. This deep, either seems fine.

AP, Flop seems fine. Gets calls from all sorts of Ks and FDs.

AP, Turn raise is also too small, imo. Her bet looks like a blocker. Pot is about 350 with your call, and you raise just $75 more? Why? It changes basically nothing. Either call, or make a raise that charges her draws and makes her pot committed OTR with anything but a busted FD.

AP, shove river. It looks a bit bluffy, and may get called even more often than a regular VB with trips. Of course, if she's passive enough, some of those trips combos could be AK and beat you, but that's a tiny part of her range. Additionally, I'd be pretty surprised to see her checking river here with a FH, as it could lose so much value, though maybe she's confident that you'll bet for her after raising turn, so I won't take them out of her range. Busted draws aren't calling anything, so making it big is no loss.

Preflop, if you're going to 3bet make it larger.

Flop bet is good for these stakes - theory prob suggests a smaller size but loose players will peel with Kx, 9x, some inside straight draws and worse flush draws.

Turn: again, if you think this merits a raise go larger. And river definitely bet whatever you think villain will call.

Some reads on vv's betting patterns would be good; if you want poker advice describe the player tendencies you have observed

I have to ask what card room was this? Played with a woman like this over the weekend with that exact description (minus the beautiful part, she was attractive and dressed to the nines with cleavage hanging out).

( . )( . )

Raise bigger pre.

Flop bet seems fine.

Turn, either raise bigger or flat call. Think I prefer to flat call, to invite our other V to come along. When we min-click it, it's like we're putting the $75 in for him, which doesn't make sense.

River is a pretty straightforward jam.

Dress not Skirt- Women's clothing descriptions are not my specialty HAHA.

I checked the river and Villan revealed 55, giving her a full house. Can't be sure, but I feel with that hand, villan would have called an all-in jam.

My fear is that I made a bad decision and experienced a good result, building a costly habit I need to break.

Thanks for the feedback everyone.

by WillTheProgrammer k

Table is exclusively middle-aged men clad in hoodies and sweatpants (typical low stakes early morning crowd)...

In what crime-filled, Eastern European hamlet were you playing? Here in the US, I've never sat at an early morning game with middle-aged men all dressed like either 20 y.o. college students or Romania gangsters.

by Always Fondling k

In what crime-filled, Eastern European hamlet were you playing? Here in the US, I've never sat at an early morning game with middle-aged men all dressed like either 20 y.o. college students or Romania gangsters.

North Texas is a special place.

by WillTheProgrammer k

Dress not Skirt- Women's clothing descriptions are not my specialty HAHA.

I checked the river and Villan revealed 55, giving her a full house. Can't be sure, but I feel with that hand, villan would have called an all-in jam.

My fear is that I made a bad decision and experienced a good result, building a costly habit I need to break.

Thanks for the feedback everyone.

She definitely would have called the jam, but that's not the mistake to focus on.

Focus on the min-raises pre-flop and on turn. Those are bad. If you raise (much) bigger pre, and make it 3x-4x on turn, checking back the river would make some sense.

That said - even if you 3B to $55 pre, she might have called (although, doubtful at 1/2), and flopped a set, and you'd lose an even bigger pot. Alternatively, if everyone folds back around to you pre (most likely), you win $36.

by Garick k

Grunch: How does a skirt accentuate cleavage? Is it ass cleavage?

Min click 3-bet is kinda pointless, either just call (KQs plays well multi-way IP) or raise bigger. This deep, either seems fine.

AP, Flop seems fine. Gets calls from all sorts of Ks and FDs.

AP, Turn raise is also too small, imo. Her bet looks like a blocker. Pot is about 350 with your call, and you raise just $75 more? Why? It changes basically nothing. Either call, or make a raise that charges her draws and makes her pot c

Help me understand why the pre-flop min raise 3-bet is wrong. My goal was to build the pot (I hoped most would call the additional money), and KQs plays well multiway. This feedback is consistent though, so I'm clearly missing something important here.

by WillTheProgrammer k

Help me understand why the pre-flop min raise 3-bet is wrong. My goal was to build the pot (I hoped most would call the additional money), and KQs plays well multiway. This feedback is consistent though, so I'm clearly missing something important here.

You want to choose a single preflop sizing and stick with it. A larger sizing is better for your range because you want to bet larger to extract maximum value from your value hands like AA, and also to get fold equity from your bluffing hands like K6s.

A min raise should NEVER get a fold from V, and youre reopening the action and from a risk/reward viewpoint, youre gaining a very small amount of value while allowing for them to 4 bet and extract from you.

To add onto what Tomark said, another benefit of raising pre is that it helps define our opponents' ranges post-flop.

If we 3B to 3x the open raise amount, or more, they should be folding some of the weaker hands in their opening and calling ranges. But when we min-raise, they really shouldn't be folding much of anything.

To use this hand as an example, by the time action gets back around to the voluptuous lady, she's priced in to call with any two cards, whereas if you raised to $55 (5x the open raise, basically 3x plus 1x for each caller), she should mostly be folding hands like 55 and 99 (although at your starting stack size, it's pretty close, and she might call to set-mine).

If we 3B larger pre, we'd be able to rule out most, if not all the 2P combos on the flop, and most of the sets. That would leave our opponents with worse Kx and flush draws, and worse 1P hands that didn't fold pre. In other words, KhQh is doing pretty well against those ranges.

But when we min-click it, we really can't rule out anything on the flop. Our opponents could have almost anything.

Also, although KQs is a good starting hand, it doesn't have much showdown value. When we 3B with it pre, we're basically bluffing. We just happen to be bluffing with a good / playable hand. We don't mind if everyone folds and we just scoop the pot. We'd prefer that to opponents calling us with wide ranges that can connect with a lot of boards.
