5/5 seeking max value with top boat

5/5 seeking max value with top boat

good 5/5 game, i open QQ UTG for 20 and get like 5 callers.

flop (120) Q55

donkish short stack in BB open shoves for 130, i flat, main villain also flats from MP, others fold.

villain has another ~1200 behind and i cover.

villain is a splashy LAG reg, he is stuck a couple buy-ins, capable of being very sticky postflop and chasing some ambitious draws. we know each other well. he views me as solid and a bit on the tight side. i drew out on him in a big pot earlier so there may be some revenge mode factored in here.

at this point i give villain any heart draw, the case Q, pocket pairs 66-TT, or possibly a 5.

turn 7

i check, villain bets 275, i call.

at this point i think villain is more likely to have a value hand than a draw - in a protected pot i think he would probably just check back and realize his equity with a naked FD. but he is unpredictable.

river T


i think villain would have a very hard time folding a naked 5 here, but would probably check it back with the flush coming in and me calling turn.

22 September 2024 at 04:44 PM

13 Replies

Man it's tough, I'm inclined to block bet to try and induce but I can see a case for more of a half pot bet for pure value from hands that won't raise and he might still jam with SPR of about 1 on the river

Block looks good

Look at your cards again, then check.

I would check again in flow. You would think people don't bluff a dry side pot, but it happens, esp if he is on tilt and targeting you. Maybe he hit the 7 also. He is also somewhat likely to just continue betting with a 5.

I’d check. You have exactly two flush combos being AK and AJ.

A LAG checking back trips here would be retarded fwiw.

Against this player type I just rip it in and see if he wants to play for all of it.

I'd check it back in flow. Hard for a LAG to resist betting here.

I see two issues here: BB range and its impact on main V's range, and the pot size.

The BB open shove is heavily weighted to 5x and FDs. This, and H's QQ, blocks a lot of the main v's value (Qx, 5x) and some of his flush draws. I think V's flats are mainly Ahx combos that are attractive bluff hands in position.

AP on river: It looks like the pot size is ~1050, so V has less than a PSB left. A block bet gives him a great price to call. But I really don't think he arrives with much value here, given bb open shove and Qh on board.

So I would rather check and let him bluff. If V jams, he offers H over 2-1 to call but we have to fold a lot of medium-strength hands, here especially with the ~500 side pot.

I know everyone else thinks you should check, but I really want to put out what looks like a blocking bet. Like $300, especially if he will check back a 5.

Check raise turn. Calling the turn bet was the error, not whatever you did on the river. Its even crazier to me that you check called after putting him on a made hand

I also prefer to check-raise the turn (or even bet it)

So...my first thought on reading OP was to donk-lead stupid-small, like 10% pot, to induce raises from all his worse boats, flushes, and trips.

Micro-betting is generally going to be treated like a check, except it's better, because V can't check back, and V is more likely to spaz facing an obnoxiously small bet than he is to spaz facing a check.

If we just take a "normal" size, V calls some and folds some, but he rarely raises with hands that would just call, and almost never raises with the bottom of his range.

Then I saw Tomark's post, and...I dunno. I understand not wanting to scare V away, but I like the idea of taking the betting lead on the turn.

Now I'm wondering if we want to donk turn, to make sure money goes in, and shape the pot for a reasonable-size river jam. If V is splashy, maybe we could bet $375 on turn, making the pot $1260 going to the river, and jam for V's remaining $825, or still block for 10% pot, yet with a bigger pot.

Yeah, donk turn for ~2/3 pot, to set up a 2/3 pot river jam, or block-bet stupid small on the river.

Bet turn small, as played check raise turn small. As played check river.
