Are PLO players better at NLHE? This lady is giving me fits...

Are PLO players better at NLHE? This lady is giving me fits...

Seems like I have a hard time ranging PLO players in NLHE games, due to what I think I've observed as PLO players' tendencies:

1. They seem to not have much if any 3B'ing range. They might open for a raise, but if there's already a raise, they'll flat with AA and 75o. They don't seem to care how multi-way the pots go, or have much if any regard for position or pre-flop configurations.

2. Post-flop, they seem to mostly check-call or bet small for value if checked to, and not start bluffs in spots where most NLHE players would think it's natural. They make pretty light calls, some pretty tight folds, and seem to show up with some surprisingly strong hands on the river, after checking, when most NLHE players would be betting for value.

In short - they do a lot of weird $hlt that doesn't make sense to NLHE players.

Friday night, Parx Philly, 1/3, $500 max, 9-handed.

Lady on my direct right is a 2/2 PLO reg. From the conversation I had with her, and hearing her talking up the dealers, I got the sense that she was a winning PLO player, and from what I could see, she was pretty decent at NLHE. She always seemed to have a winning hand at showdown, and humble-bragged that she was good at sniffing out bluffs.

A couple hand histories of note, by way of example...

H1 -

V1 (PLO lady) limps from EP/MP. I open from LJ for my normal $20 raise over a limp. Don't remember my hand, but it doesn't matter.

V2 is a whale on the BTN. He's VPIP'ing around 90%, calling my PFR's around 95%, donking a lot of flops with any piece of the board, stabbing nearly 100% when action checks to him, and check-calling big turn bets, then dark-checking the river with what seems to be his entire range. He calls.

V3 in the BB calls. Not really relevant here.

She calls. Flop comes KT5rb, and she over-bet donks. I whiffed, and I know she's never bluffing, so I fold. As the whale is cutting out chips to call, she announces that she's jamming the rest of her stack on the turn. He shrugs and calls. BB folds.

Don't remember what the turn was, but she jams. I think she might have had her stack over the line before the card was even on the felt. BTN folds. She shows 55 for bottom set.

H2 -

The whale open limps from EP/MP. 2 more limps. She's in the SB and starts to look at her cards. I try to make it a habit not to look at my hole cards until it's my turn to act, so I don't give up any tells, but I start to look at my cards as she's looking at hers. She limps. I've got 99, and put in a pretty healthy raise to $35, hoping the whale calls and we get HU.

Action folds back around to her, and she puts in a pretty healthy 3B to $125. I started the hand with $425. Against most NLHE players, especially LAG's, I'd say this is the most FOS line ever, but I'm not loving this spot, at all. I'm in the tank, no idea what to do, and eventually fold.

She shows QQ, and leans over to tell me that she was watching me as I peeled my cards, and saw me reach for my chips, looking like I was getting ready to raise. I think I was just reaching for chips to shuffle, but whatever. Lesson learned (again). No more looking at my cards or touching my chips until it's my turn to act.

As nice as it was for her to tell me that, I was thinking about it, and realized she could have gotten more value out of me if she opened for $15-$20 and I 3B to $50-$70, or if she opened to $25-$30 and I flat called. She could get at least one more street of value by c-betting or checking to me and letting me bet my hand for value and protection, especially on a low board.

I don't know if she was soft-playing me, the way she soft-played that hand where she flopped a set, or if that's her idea of getting max value with a strong hand. Like most PLO players, she's a mystery to me.


Around $500 eff.

She open limps from EP/MP. I open AcTc for $20 in the LJ. Whale calls on BTN. BB calls. She calls.

($80) Flop is 943rb, with one club, and checks through.

($80) Turn is 943rb 2x adding a BDFD (not clubs). Action checks to me.

I figure BB would have lead the turn if he had any sort of value, and the whale would have stabbed the flop with any piece of the board. I have no idea what she's doing here, but I figure she's just waiting for someone to bet so she can fold.

I've got two overs, I could credibly rep A5s or 65s here, as well as a ton of over-pairs that want to get value after the the flop checked through, since I've been checking almost every flop as the PFR when I'm OOP to the whale and it's multi-way.

I bet $35. Whale and BB fold, and she calls.

($150) River is 9432 Ax (no flush completion), giving me top pair. She checks.


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06 October 2024 at 09:20 PM

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