Sailing KTo through a pod of belugas
1/3 NLHE 7 handed for this hand
Table is one of the best I've been on this year but I'm actually tired and was only going to play for an hour or two. I sat down a few orbits ago and have a tight image because I haven't really had anything playable. I called BTN IP with A4s at one point, went six ways and I whiffed and folded. There's a TAG next to me who plays for profit and grinds out 1/3 as a side hustle, otherwise the game is a mix of whales and maniacs.
V1 - Has just lost a tough hand, was up to about 3k a few hands ago and now is down to 260$. Steam is coming out of his ears. This guy loves action and is usually driving it but he's very very bad. Vpips 100%, folds when going for a smoke, plays everything post flop, chases and is usually passive but can also raise with big draws and so on. He can have every two pair combo on a board like K-7-4r. 260$ SB.
V2 - Unknown to me but he's an action player. 80% VPIP. 3-bet 52o from the blinds earlier and triple barrelled on a K-Q-2-4-Q runout into a guy that called down with Q6o. Covers. MP+1/HJ.
We have 400$ and our stack hasn't really moved since we sat down. BB.
UTG TAG straddles 6, V2 calls, V1 calls, H to 30 from BB with K♥ T♠, TAG folds, V2 calls, V1 calls. 3-ways 2nd to act.
Flooop 90 - T♥ 9♥ 5♣
V1 checks, H cbets 70, V2 thinks a few moments and calls, V1 xrai for 230 total, und jetzt?
18 Replies
I don't understand the reasoning behind wanting to squeeze with cheese against two aggro whales who are never folding.
Re-jam to push V2 out.
But also - dafuq you doing raising KTo from the BB, when you can just flat call and probably see a flop? If UTG TAG wakes up with a hand, this raise is just torching money.
C'mon, Banana.
Check pre, as played shove flop, what else can we do? But why did you raise pre? This is a serious question. What were you hoping or expecting to achieve?
Edit: wait, you can't check, obviously. Then I'd complete the straddle with this hand.
Also. Is it good or bad to have K♥ here?
Check pre; shove flop. Personally, I don't think the Kh is very relevant vs. these players, but I like having it. Takes away one of their heart outs if they have them; gives you are heart out if you end up needing it and your two pair won't put a flush out there 😉
Probably neutral at best. Good for us to have the additional equity of a BDFD when we bet, but we're blocking some of V1's bluffs when he jams.
Not entirely sure how we feel about it vis-a-vis V2 possibly having some sort of draw, with us possibly holding one of his potential outs.
My guy says we want to squeeze V2 out by re-jamming, but maybe there's a range-based argument to be made for keeping him in by just flat calling.
I like the raise pre but I'm without a doubt checking the flop. It connects with the limp callers too much and we're OOP vs sticky people.
I don't want to bloat a pot preflop OOP to these guys with a very marginal holding. I just call and attempt to bink a flop and then go to war with them.
SPR is 4, we have TP2K, board is drawy and we're against maniacs. I would proily lay in the bed I made preflop and commit by PSBing the flop to shove the turn. As played, sigh shoving (although hating life).
Guys I cant "check pre" wakey wakey I'm in for 3$, you want me to limp 6$?
I don't want to bloat a pot preflop OOP to these guys with a very marginal holding. I just call and attempt to bink a flop and then go to war with them.
SPR is 4, we have TP2K, board is drawy and we're against maniacs. I would proily lay in the bed I made preflop and commit by PSBing the flop to shove the turn. As played, sigh shoving (although hating life).
I was trying to remember your teachings on SPR: 1-3 = easy commit, 4-5 = gray area, 6+ = whooaa horsey
..if I'm remembering correctly
call pre
as played i guess pot flop shove most turns.
now that youre in this spot you're committed so you have to call.
I shove and caller folds, runout bricks and V doesnt want to show so I just show and I'm good.
Nice hand. Well played.
surprised people saying make it bigger than 30 - I usually go 25 here IP and if only one limper then 20
surprised people saying make it bigger than 30 - I usually go 25 here IP and if only one limper then 20
Depends on how the table plays. Also, if straddles are occasional, people may perceive the raise size is big. If it is a regular straddle, it may play more like 2/5 with smaller opens in terms of BB. However, in most 1/3 games, the standard ep open without limpers is to 12 or 15. Here you have 2 limpers and you are OOP.
surprised people saying make it bigger than 30 - I usually go 25 here IP and if only one limper then 20
Are you thinking of a different thread? I don't see anyone advocating for a larger size pre.
But since you brought it might go a smidge bigger pre. Doesn't seem like your open size is an issue, though.