2/3 Rivered Quads

2/3 Rivered Quads


Effective stack 520
Hero is in the BB with 99

Villian UTG+1 (very loose and just barrels everything) opens to 15
HJ calls, I call

Flop is 973dd
check, V bets 25, Call, Hero raised to 75, Call, Fold.

Pot: ~$220
Turn 973J
Hero Bets 80, V calls.

Pot: ~$380
River:973J9 (flush does not complete)
Hero Bets how much of the remaining $350 effective?

Smaller to get crying calls, or shove for max value?

21 October 2024 at 08:50 PM

7 Replies

Why didn't you bet more on the turn?

Yeah that was a mistake should have sized up more

For the future, it helps a lot if you include the pot size street by street when you post a hand.

Flop is 973dd (Pot: 45)
check, V bets 25, Call, Hero raised to 75, Call, Fold.
973J (Pot: 220)
Hero Bets 80, V calls.
973J9 (Pot: 380)

You have $350 left on the river, so shoving for less than pot is clearly the right play, especially when Villain can put you on a busted flush draw. But I agree that the turn sizing is the biggest mistake here. Something in the $150 - $200 range sets up a really easy river jam. A loose villain is never going to fold an overpair or a draw in this spot on the turn, so get as much money as you can in before the river comes the Ten of diamonds or something.

Yeah, pot sizes are needed. I think Dan GK missed that V2 called the original turn bet, so he's $25 skosh. I edited them in to the OP.

Also, don't include results, as they bias advice. I edited them out.

Joining the chorus of WTF on the turn sizing. That is the real loss of value here. Should be betting at least half pot.

AP, I think we can still jam river though, especially if this is the kind of V who might do that with a busted semi-bluff barreling away. The extra value we get from his calls more than makes up for the smaller percentage chance of him calling. His busted draws aren't calling anything, so sizing doesn't matter, and his TP+ probably has a hard time folding this river, even for a near PSB.

by Garick k

Yeah, pot sizes are needed. I think Dan GK missed that V2 called the original turn bet, so he's $25 skosh. I edited them in to the OP.

$45 on the flop + $25 + $75 + $75 = $220 😀

Yeah, somehow I added it it twice. My bad. I'll fix in the OP.

It's pretty much a matter of flying by the seat of your pants, and bet as much as you think he would call since there's no majic formula in these spots. The stickier he is the more I would bet, but if he folds to big bets post flop I would bet smaller.

It would of been easier if you bet more ott and it would be like a pot sized jam or even less.
