UTG with AK
2-3 NL. This is the smallest game in the room. Hero has been at the table 5 hands so no reads. BB is an OWG who hasn’t vpiped yet. 500 eff with both.
Hero in utg with AKhh
Pre: Hero opens 15, co calls, BB calls
Flop (47) : KcQx4c
Bb donks 35 hero calls co calls
Turn (152) : 5ccc
Checks around
Rivet (152) : Qx
BB checks
17 Replies
Looks OK to me, a hand which is too strong to turn into a bluff but it just looks like everyone has a bit of the board but is scared of each other. Looks like nobody has a flush and given action I'd be surprised to see anyone with KQ. Maybe a block size is in order which can also get a crying call from Kx? Probably 40-50 and then you can happily let your medium strength hand go multiway. Your plays up to the river seem fine
I would c/c a reasonable bet on the Rivet as played and wouldn't mind if it got checked around with the tight older guy who hasn't played a hand yet and can be sneaky.
I think it's fine. Check river. I might call a small bet on river from CO depending on BB's reaction and my feel for CO.
I'd limp in.
SPR is 11 so we definitely don't want to be stacking off with just our one pear. So I'm cool with just calling the flop as well as checking this horrible turn multiway.
Think I might just set my own price on the river and bet/fold quite small, like $50 (or even smaller).
I don't mind the way this hand was played. Maybe hero could have raised the BB OMC flop donk bet, but the call is fine also. As played, hero should check river and call a most CO bets.
The problem with checking the river, imo, is that if we're checking to call then there's more argument to bet ourselves in order to ensure money goes in sometimes when we're ahead. Kx (which will consider calling a bet) is checking behind (or already checked) too often. JT and other busted draws are typically not going to bluff enough 3ways. Unlikely that BB is sandbagging given the turn checked thru. If we're going to check, then more argument to fold to a bet in this underbluffed / under-valuetown-themselves spot. I'd be cooler with a check/call line if we had an aggrotard read on the CO.
I don't like to bet because I think small clubs are calling a small bet, but they might check back river. Ditto on a Q that didn't boat.
PRE - seems standard.
FLOP - I think just flatting the donk is the best play.
TURN - Yuck. Not sure if BB is donking flop with his flush draws, but CO could be calling flop with them.
Interesting that the CO didn't stab on the turn. Once he checks back, I'd be more likely to put him on a weak K or something like JT (but not JTcc).
RIVER - Think we have to bet here. No way is BB checking trip Q's or better after the turn checks through. Think we have the best hand almost always. I probably bet small, around $50, and fold if we get raised.
bet/fold is likely a freeroll, we're almost never getting bluff raised and getting called by worse a decent amount
PRE - seems standard.
FLOP - I think just flatting the donk is the best play.
TURN - Yuck. Not sure if BB is donking flop with his flush draws, but CO could be calling flop with them.
Interesting that the CO didn't stab on the turn. Once he checks back, I'd be more likely to put him on a weak K or something like JT (but not JTcc).
RIVER - Think we have to bet here. No way is BB checking trip Q's or better after the turn checks through. Think we have the best hand almost always. I probably bet sma
Except in my experience an OWG if he is seen as tight by the table will almost always check trip Q's or better here. Especially if either of the remaining players as perceived to be aggressive as he is much more likely to be paid by checking than betting.
Result: Checks around. BB shows AK, co shows KJ.
Wow that was horrible what was he thinking
I'd limp in.
SPR is 11 so we definitely don't want to be stacking off with just our one pear. So I'm cool with just calling the flop as well as checking this horrible turn multiway.
Think I might just set my own price on the river and bet/fold quite small, like $50 (or even smaller).
This is the second time I've seen you say that you'd limp in with AKs UTG. Curious what is your thought process behind this? What else do you limp UTG? Do you have a limping range from any other positions as well or just UTG? If we shouldn't hijack this thread we could start a new one or do it through DMs.
As for the hand, I probably check and then decide. I do see the arguments for a bet/fold being free though. A small bet like 1/3 pot may get you value from a worse K and I don't ever see you being bluff raised here.
This is the second time I've seen you say that you'd limp in with AKs UTG. Curious what is your thought process behind this? What else do you limp UTG? Do you have a limping range from any other positions as well or just UTG? If we shouldn't hijack this thread we could start a new one or do it through DMs.
You must be new here? 😀
I'll spoiler so as to not derail.
My well known strategy (that most of the forums hates, FWIW) is to have a 0% raising range in the LJ- (and I need a Button straddle plus short effective stacks to consider raising the HJ). So only coming in for a raise in LP (CO & Button) or perhaps out of the blinds (where I have a bunch more preflop info that I do not have in the HJ-). Basically playing quite tight OOP and mostly looking to LRR a lot of my limped in range from most non-LP positions (depending on who is doing the raising, who / how many are calling, stacks, my exact hand, etc.). This sets me up for spots that my limited skillz set can handle well (often taking down huge dead money preflop with a LRR, or setting up trivial postflop stack-off with TP in a small SPR pot if a LRR is called, or otherwise playing a small pot OOP with a very high playable SPR in a limped pot), and meanwhile avoids spots that I find difficult to play (multiway bloated handcuffing small SPRs OOP while giving the world great IO).