Did I make a mistake on the Turn on this 865 rainbow board?

Did I make a mistake on the Turn on this 865 rainbow board?

1/2 game, 7 handed. All players are quite deep. Villain opened in the CO to 14, five people called, including Hero in the BB with 8s7s.

Flop: 5s 6h 8c.

Hero bets 90 into a pot of 70. Villain call. All else folds.

Turn: Ks.

Hero checks. Villain bets 150 into a pot of 250. Hero call.

River: Td

Hero checks. Villain bets 240 into a pot of 550. Hero?

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02 November 2024 at 01:08 AM

16 Replies

Pre: How can 5 people call when only 3 to act and one of them is you???? In a vaccuum I fold to the 7x raise even with the odds.
Flop: Why are we overbet donking? Prefer check call, check raise here. Somewhat villain dependent.
Turn: Bad card for our range. It's somewhat dependent on villain, but in a vaccum with likely so many outs I probably call.
River: In a vaccuum it's an easy peasy fold. We beat nothing but a bluff, and if we want to call or raise you need to tell us something about villain.

Did I mention it might be useful to know about villain?

hand seems like a trainwreck

pf should be a fold although i think 3b to get dead money would be hot sometimes too.

flop overbet donk is wtf, not sure what you are doing here. bluffing? getting value? OOP vs. the world just check and see.

as played vs villains capped range im guessing the best play is to just overbet the turn like 2x and make him think a long time with his pocket pairs.

on the river easy muck vs his obvious vb.

The villain is a guy I have played with just once before, seems to me he is a pretty solid player with few bluffs.

At this table, it is quite common for people to open to 6x or 7x the big blind, so I think the CO open is standard open.

In retrospect, I think i made two mistakes, one is one the flop, it is better to check here, because an overbet would just get called by better. Also on the turn, I agree with NittyOldMan1 that perhaps an overbet here might do the job, just calling here is a mistake as it limits my options on the river.

Fold preflop. Check flop. Overbet into several players OOP is awful.

This is a donkable flop but 5 way I think you have to be a bit more respectful towards other players' ranges. You're in good shape against the PFR and want to give his overcards a bad price but he's not the only player who can have an overpair and this board will get raised quite a bit. Is donking small a thing multiway? You still have your open ender and I'd be inclined to treat your hand more as a draw than a made hand here (although if you do hit it'll be a one liner so your implied odds aren't that great)

How deep were you actually?

And how was it 5 players to the flop? How many limpers were there before cutoff?

Whether 14 is a normal open for the table is irrelevant. When the big blind is 2, you are getting a very bad price to call. Mathematically it is going to mean calling is a losing play unless you have a strong edge on the other players.

Flop overbet is bad. If you're going to donk, I would donk 25% pot. But I would lean towards checking. 5 ways to the flop, people can have you beat fairly often. But our hand is strong enough to call a bet.

Turn isn't a mistake, you have enough outs to call.

River you say villain has few bluffs, so I think we should fold.

Would help to know stack sizes. I think we can donk flop heads up but 5 handed we should probably check range here. The overbet accomplishes nothing except isolating us against very strong hands.

Having overbet flop and picked up a lot of outs I’d be tempted to bet really huge on the turn, ready to stack off unless we’re like 1200 deep.

The effective stack is like 250-300BB preflop.

The donk on the flop was mostly driven by fear of the multiway play. Now upon reflection, I wish I'd check raise instead.

by t0nyyet k

The effective stack is like 250-300BB preflop.

The donk on the flop was mostly driven by fear of the multiway play. Now upon reflection, I wish I'd check raise instead.

Yeah so jam 400 into 250 on turn. Equity bomb.

by Mlark k

How deep were you actually?

And how was it 5 players to the flop? How many limpers were there before cutoff?

Whether 14 is a normal open for the table is irrelevant. When the big blind is 2, you are getting a very bad price to call. Mathematically it is going to mean calling is a losing play unless you have a strong edge on the other players.

Flop overbet is bad. If you're going to donk, I would donk 25% pot. But I would lean towards checking. 5 ways to the flop, people can have you beat fair

I asked this too OP, and you still have not answered.

Preflop, folding this OOP 5-way is probably a little better.

On the flop, checking with the option to call, checkraise, or maybe even fold to some action is better. You can be up against a made straight or set 5-ways on this flop.

Overbetting the flop OOP 5-ways is almost never optimal, whatever your hand and the flop. You give too much information and commit yourself too much without seeing what everyone else will do.

by hitchens97 k

I asked this too OP, and you still have not answered.

Sorry I forgot to answer this. Preflop, there are two limpers before the CO raise, and BTN called, Hero called at the BB, and the two limpers called the raise.

This hand as played, hero folds to the river bet by the villain.

Thank you everyone for the discussion!

PRE - I'd play this as a raise or fold.

Over 2 limpers, a CO open and a BTN flat call, I think I'd prefer to raise with 87s. It's just going to suck playing this five ways from OOP. If you're not going to raise, go ahead and fold.

FLOP - as played pre, I just check the flop, and see what happens.

If action checks to the CO, and he bets small, I'm check-raising. If he bets big, I'm just check-calling.

I don't hate the donk-bet, but what was our plan on brick turns? If we donk this flop, especially for an over-bet, and then just check turn, we're torching money.

TURN - as played to this point, when we over-bet donk the flop, repping 2P+, I'm not taking my foot off the gas. I'm just barreling, and setting up for a river jam.

When we check on the K, it looks like we were FOS on the flop, and are just giving up, or have some 1P hand that got downgraded (exactly what we have).

That said, when we check, and V takes this smallish 60% pot sizing (smallish for the turn, given the action), I think I could see my way to turning our hand into a bluff, and check-raising. I can't credit V for having a straight here, and it's going to look insanely strong if we x/r, so much so that I could see him laying down AA/AK.

RIVER - our hand beats nothing but a bluff. Folding is okay. But the way we've played this, we've induced V to start bluffing when we check turn. Our hand could be best.

And here again, I could see check-raising when V bets less than 1/2 pot. This line from V is weak as $hlt. If we're deep enough to make him fold 1P with a really big bet, that might be our highest EV play here.

Yeah, I agree preflop is loose passive low stakes style, but this is a fold, and 3! is probably better than call.

Check/reevaluate flop.
