QQ preflop in BTn straddle facing small 3b AI

QQ preflop in BTn straddle facing small 3b AI

$1/2 Wednesday day game

V1 MP early 60’s WG. ABC but not OMC at all. $285
V2 CO 40’s WG. ABC rec player. $43
H BTN sexy 40’s WG. Should have active image. Been RFI and 3b more than rest of table but showing good starters if anyone is watching. $325


H BTN straddles to $5. BB completes, V1 goes $20, V2 shoves for $43 which, critically, reopens V1. H looks down at QQ.

V2 obviously doesn’t matter in this hand. V1 probably has TT+, AJs+, AQo+, plus some spazz. V1 surely views H as loose. If H flats I expect V1 to shove maybe 75-80% of his range. If H 4b’s I’m not really sure what V1 with his non-AA/KK range. H having QQ blocks a fair amount of V1’s range that will fold to a 4b. So….

H 4b/calls V1 shove
H 4b/folds to a V1 shove
H flats/calls a V1 shove
H flats/folds to a V1 shove
H folds to the $43 3b and quits poker

06 November 2024 at 07:33 PM

13 Replies

I hate to 4b/fold and if you 4b and he shoves, you are most likely toast, so I don't like 4b/call.

So, I'm going w/ flat/fold to a shove. I honestly don't think he'll shove w/ worse than AA/KK unless maybe it's AKs. Plus, your flat looks awfully strong -- as if you are begging him to shove.

V1 is less than 60BBs effective, and with the extra $43 in the middle, I don't see how we can do anything but shove with QQ+.

by Always Fondling k

V1 is less than 60BBs effective, and with the extra $43 in the middle, I don't see how we can do anything but shove with QQ+.

Don't you want him in the hand, though? I guess winning (we hope) ~$60 if he folds is a pretty good outcome.

I would call to induce and snap the 4b.

I would think about how I'd play 99-JJ/AQ-AK/KK+. Which of these parts of our range would we play differently from QQ and why?

  • There might be some merit to shoving 99-JJ, for instance. If V1 thinks we might shove these hands, then QQ is a clear value shove.

  • While I think shoving AK would be -EV, V1 may think we might, as it can be overvalued by some in this spot, which again, means QQ is a clear value shove.

  • Another reason why QQ is a value shove is that we're less likely to shove KK or AA (as a decent percentage of players would 4bet these hands 2.5x-3x).

So if we believe V1 will call a shove with AJs or TT, for instance, then I don't mind 4bet-shoving QQ, although V1's probably not levelling himself in this way. So, most often I'd just flat, given we're IP (and reassess if V1 4bets, but likely calling). Keep in mind that the SPR will be less than 2 if V1 also flats, which means playing QQ IP postflop shouldn't be too tricky.

I probably just shove.

The problem with flatting is imo that he get great odds to call, and your betting range on flop is kinda face up value because the pot is protected trough all-in from v2.

But if you're kinda sure he will shove something like TT+/AQ+ if you flat, then go with flat/call

Weird ass spot, almost to a point of irrelevance as far as being instructive to any future situations, and i suppose a weird ass spot deserves a weird ass line. Maybe min 4 bet to like $70. Thats about a proper 3 betting size against a raiser and flatter. V as described probably only 5b jams AA KK, so id fold to a jam, and youre pretty well ahead of most of his calling range, especially if an A doesnt hit (dont be so scared of a K, it he has AK oh well.)

by OmahaDonk k

I would call to induce and snap the 4b.

Results: This was H’s thinking. H flats and V1 shoves as expected, H beats V1 into the pot. V1 has KK and a river Q bails us out.

Glad you binked 😉 I would have patted myself on the back when I saw his hand then kicked myself when that Q hit.

Pick one: call/shove or shove.

The main reads I'd want is how much V1 calls when we shove and how often V1 shoves when we call.
The better V1 is the more I like call/shove.

If I were villain and didn’t think hero was good I would jam my whole range after hero flatted.

If we were 100BB deep I would probably just shove. I think it starts getting worse closer to 150BB+. I don't really care about how many straddles deep we are unless every hand is straddled.

So in this hand, I would probably just flat the $43 and fold to a shove. Don't really think he's shoving hands like AQ,TT,99 if we flat. Even JJ would be marginal.

To me, the benefit of flatting is we don't get it in vs a dominated range. The benefit of shoving is that we get folds from AK. I don't know if it's worth it 150BB deep to drive out AK.

by OmahaDonk k

If I were villain and didn’t think hero was good I would jam my whole range after hero flatted.

And i bet you arent V as described.
