2/3 NL Turn Spot

2/3 NL Turn Spot

Both players in the hand seem like your run of the mill loose passive live player. Both have around $400 and we cover. Standard raise in this game is to $15. 2-3 people have been straddling.

V1 limps in the HJ, We make it $20 on the button with KJ. V2 calls in the BB and V1 calls.

FLOP ($62): T94

Check. Check. Hero bets $30. V2 calls. V1 calls.

TURN ($152): J

Check. Check. Hero?

07 November 2024 at 05:21 AM

13 Replies

check flop, as played check turn

Like the flop bet - would bet the turn. Should have the best hand a lot of times - rather not let them see a free river and this is really a two street value hand.

Really depends on the players. I probably check the flop, but I can get behind a bet. As played, I bet the turn. Let them call w/ a T or draw.

I'm cool with preflop. Might raise slightly smaller but whatever. Also don't think overlimping is a crime.

3ways with a board that probably is supposed to hit my opponents more than me, think I'd lean to a check. But wouldn't hate a small bet with our overs + gutter to see what happens.

I'm checking back turn. Still multiway and a crapload of stuff got there. We have a mediocre but showdownable hand that doesn't want to be blown off our draw.


by gobbledygeek k

I'm checking back turn. Still multiway and a crapload of stuff got there. We have a mediocre but showdownable hand that doesn't want to be blown off our draw.

We have top pair and they both checked to us. I want to bet them off their draws or keep their passive AT or KT, etc., in the hand.

I can't blame anyone either way. If betting I would b/f like 45 and check back most rivers. Checking now for pot control is also fine.

I woulda checked the flop 3 ways because 9T (and TJ, QJ, etc.) usually connects with the callers ranges.

With just TP I'd be cooler with leaning towards a bet because we can safely fold to a check/raise drawing ~dead. But with outs to the nuts it is disaster if we get check/raised and have to fold, so that's why I'd lean to a check here (not too mention multiway / so much got there).


by pokerfan655 k

Like the flop bet - would bet the turn. Should have the best hand a lot of times - rather not let them see a free river and this is really a two street value hand.

Basically this, although a flop check would be fine as well

I’ll give more time before results, but I appreciate all the input!

I am probably too cautious about betting without absolute position, but I think in this spot, the flop bet makes a lot of sense. We can easily fold to a raise and we generally get to control how we get to a river. Plus these loose passive players are so wide I think we get a lot of folds and continues from bad hands that will fold to a turn bet.

I ended up betting $70 on the turn as I think I can now get value from 1 pair hands and a bunch of draws. If we face a raise, we can basically snap fold.

yeah they don't allow results for 24hrs until the initial post to stop people from coming in later and being results oriented.

I would literally hate to fold to a raise with our equity, which is why I would lean towards a check but that's just me again (as usual).

I ended up betting $70 for value. BB raises to $250, HJ folds, and we fold.

I think I liked the way I played it, especially against 2 passive players. Might check back more flop and/or turn vs more aggressive players.

Obviously folding to a raise is fine if betting... but we shouldn't exactly be pleased we were put in this spot when we had outs to a very good hand.


it sucks not being able to see a river with your hand. your Qx outs are usually clean and you even might have two pair outs.

amongst other reasons, thats why you should check the turn.
