7 way bomb pot, TP with OESD facing pot sized bet
2-3-5NL 7-handed bomb pot
H KcQd in UTG+1
Everyone posts $20
H has $900 stack.
Table has been low action for the past hour. V just sat down about 30 min ago and I don't recognize him. He is a Hispanic male in his late 40's with faded tattoos and a baseball cap, and is smiling, relaxed and friendly. He's won a few pots already so his stack is $1400. V is loose, has won with some trashy hands, hasn't been playing particuarly aggressive, but calling down to win pots. He has a chill happy vibe. H has a tight nitty image, has folded twice when 3-bet prelop, and also folded to a flop check raise. One young pro recognizes V and jokes with him, so V must be a regular but looks like a rec player to me.
Flop ($133) Qh Jd Ts
Checks through to CO who bets $80.
Folds to H, who calls.
Turn ($299) 7c
H checks.
V bets $300
Clear fold?
9 Replies
We need stack sizes and reads
I might bet the flop myself, but with so many players and being OOP, I get the check. Calling flop is fine. I also might bet/fold the turn ~$120, but again I get the check. As played, I fold the turn, but you could easily be ahead. Not worth finding out, though. Well played by V if he didn't have at least two pair.
Fold turn. This looks like 2P+. People don't generally show their cards to a neighbor when they're bluffing or going too thin.
Would it be lame if I only agreed to play bomb pots when I have the HJ, CO, or button?
Single-board bomb pots in general are kinda lame so I might not play them at all...but it doesn't seem right to only play when in position.
If you want to sit out selectively at least be a little discreet about what you're doing. E.g. "I've been having bad luck"
As for the hand, agree with others on folding the turn, and that betting the flop is slightly better than check-calling.
People play bomb pots so badly I just fold the flop