KK vs 180bb turn jam
Villain is older dude in his 60s/70s playing tight passive preflop and pretty aggressive post flop in the few hands he was in, putting in check raises and value betting. Only limps pre, showed down AA after limping and calling a raise. Just over an hour of playing with him.
Hero (early 30s, hat, chest purse, shades) has been playing pretty TAG and shown down a few winners with top pair strong kicker Broadway type hands. Nothing out of line.
About $1100 effective
Villain limps in MP, BTN limps, hero in SB w/ KK raises to $45, both call.
Flop ($135)
Hero cbets for $70, villain raises to $165, BTN folds, hero calls.
Turn ($465)
Hero checks, villain jams for about $900 remaining
I know it comes down to whether villain is ever doing this with QQ/JJ or maybe AT
I just simply don't have enough hands with villain to know if he would over value a hand like AT/QQ scared of my AK or something or if he's just never punting here.
Villain didn't particularly strike me as your typical OMC as he seemed very alert paying attention to hands and as I mentioned being fairly active post flop. He was not this aggressive in the hand when he showed down AA but I can't recall much other than a regular value bet on the river on a K high board.
Any input welcome on all streets and just in general your experience with potentially similar villains.
5 Replies
check the flop and start letting him value own himself.
as played i just fold. the pot is too big for your hand at this SPR.
its really hard but folding to the flop raise might even be correct. you are basically hoping he checks one street and i dont think this guy is doing that.
This board is good to check/call or even check/raise.
Betting is also fine, but imo it should be either small or large, depending on what you are trying to accomplish.
As played fold because population is never bluffing here so then you are just hoping they are value owning themselves enough.
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Agree with both above posts. Sucks, but this is a fold vs. this guy. Hard to see him doing this w/ JJ or QQ.
Yeah I folded. Villain never showed or said anything when I showed him my fold.
I think checking flop is probably best, the player on the BTN was a big calling station so I was trying to target him with any Tx for 3 streets but our MP villain seemed to have woken up with a hand.
Really trying to see how I can find the fold on the flop, seems the answer is to bet small if I'm going to bet so I can call the raise and reevaluate or if I just get called I can then size up on turn.
fold was good but don't show big fold like ever.