1/2: Top pair on priced into multiway 3 bet pot?

1/2: Top pair on priced into multiway 3 bet pot?

1/2, weekday afternoon, Golden Nugget, downtown Las Vegas, 8-handed

Hero (UTG+1) ($500) opens to $12 with QTcc
VillainA (MP) (35yo Asian female, $250, 10/0) 3-bets to $40
VillainB (SB) (40yo white male, $800, 35/25) cold-calls
VillainC (BB) (30yo white male, $500, 30/25) cold-calls
Hero calls, without much enthusiasm.

Flop ($160): Qs 8d 3h

VillainB and VillainC both check.

Hero checks. VillainA goes all-in.

What do you do?

Also, should Hero have bet the flop?

11 November 2024 at 08:03 PM

6 Replies

fold preflop to the 3bet and never donk this flop. what would the point of that be? to see where you're at? please. all you do by doing that is pot commit yourself.

as played obviously fold the flop now to this huge size.

opening pre is pretty marginal too, although i have to admit i do it out of boredom way too much.

Agreed. Most hand charts would have you fold this preflop. You could try to limp it in if you think it'll make it around, but definitely fold to a raise like that. QTs is a decent opening hand from a late position, but not from early. Villain most likely has KK or AA.

It's OK to throw away $12 rather than get involved in a multiway, bloated pot with a trap hand.

I don't open this hand in EP. I might limp if the table conditions are correct (flame away). I fold to the 3bet and check/fold now.

by Javanewt k

I don't open this hand in EP. I might limp if the table conditions are correct (flame away). I fold to the 3bet and check/fold now.

i think open limp is good if there is an aggro to your left opening alot to non-outrageous amts and getting cold called. its a nice hand to play closing the action in a multiway pot with good relative position vs wide ranges.

vs condensed ranges like in the OP, however, not so much.

This is a snap fold on the flop and you should thank the villain for letting you off the hook.

I was going to defend the preflop call, but then I noticed the numbers in your post. This woman is playing 10/0? It doesn't matter what you have in this spot, don't contribute to getting these people paid.
