AQo IP vs good reg

AQo IP vs good reg

1/3 NLHE 5 handed.

V - Reg that plays 2/5 sometimes. He's not that good. He's too loose passive but also splashy, taking stabs here and there. Overall he's TAG. Probably a break even player. Not great but not terrible. SB. Covers hero's 400$ eff.


Loose passive indian guy limps UTG/HJ off 150$ stack, CO folds, BTN folds, V to 20 in SB covers all, Hero just calls with A Q, indian calls.

Flop 60 - A 7 4

V cbets 25, H calls, indian guy folds.

Turn 110 - J

V checks, Hero bets 120 leaving 235 back....

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14 November 2024 at 04:48 AM

10 Replies

pre is fine. i like to keep the passive limper in the hand here because your hand is inelastic on most flops (i.e. you have a top pair hand) vs passive players. Meaning the passive guy wont punish you for being sandwiched and will call too much postflop with weak holdings.

3betting is obv fine too. if you 3b you are probably GII postflop with top pair.

turn bet seems too big to me. its too easy for him to fold all his weak Ax. id go 1/2 - 2/3 pot and 1/3 pot OTR.

I prefer a pre-flop 3!, which presumably either gets two folds or gets the limper to fold and then Hero is HU IP against the fishy reg.

I don't see why you went over pot on the turn.

Headline is not correct. Should say mediocre reg, bad reg, OK reg, or fishy reg.

fishy reg*


Seems pretty standard until the turn, though I might 3B pre to get this HU and IP versus a SB raising range that could be fairly wide. I don't hate the flat call with AQo though.

The turn is tricky because it's harder to define ranges on dry / static ace-high boards. He could be checking to induce or just pot-control.

I think it might make more sense to bet turn for a smaller size that can get called by worse, like $50-$60. This $110 bet is going to pot commit us to calling a check raise or river donk.

It's hard to see what worse hands V can have that are going to call a big bet on the turn and call off the rest on the river. V could have AK/AQ/AJ and we're losing more than we're chopping. Maybe he calls off with AT.

All that said, if V is a bad reg, it's possible he gets sticky with worse AX, and / or maybe just thinks you're stabbing at it with weak AX, after you flatted pre, and looks you up light.

I don't flat hardly ever with AQ pre, I would 3bet and if he's a tight nit I would fold.

I don't see what the need to bet so big ott was, he could of slowed up with AJ, I would bet closer to hp and depending on how fast he calls I have options to check back the river. Fishy players love to slow play strong hands whenever possible (and I don't wanna blow him off hands we beat either).

my thought was his AX has to call turn and then I check back most if not all rivers.

by Stupidbanana k

my thought was his AX has to call turn and then I check back most if not all rivers.

Pulling on that string...

What does he do with AK here? We could have AJ, so he calls turn. We check-back river, and lose.

What does he do with AJ here? He probably jams turn, or jams river, and we have to call, because we over-committed ourselves. And we lose.

Same with JJ that is hoping we stab when he checks.

A7/A4? They probably call turn, and check river, and we lose.

What does he do with AT and worse AX? He probably calls turn, then checks river. We check back and win, but we lose value from a hand that might have called.

If we bet $50-$60 on the turn, we can have some bluffs or thin value that V's worse AX can beat, so those hands can call. If he check-raises, we're probably beat, and we can just fold. If he check-calls, we can bet again when he checks to us on the river, and actually win more money by sizing up.

Say the pot is $220 on the river, and he checks. We can bet 1/2 pot, $110, and get looked up by AT and worse AX. We make an extra $40-$50 by betting turn small and getting a second street of value on the river, instead of only getting $120 by over-betting turn, or possibly instead of losing $120 when V calls down with AK/A7/A4.

3bet pre, but maybe you wanted to keep the limper in. I really don't like the over bet on the turn. You let him fold worse and call/raise w/ better. Unless you've been playing splashy and doing this often or gotten caught -- then I like. it.



V calls, river K goes check-check and V has AQo.
