1/2: Bottom set 3-way facing a 0.1p cbet followed by a 3b/5b jam
1/2, $600 eff with HJ, $400 eff with LJ
LJ (loose player) limp, HJ (unknown) raises $20, Hero flats SB with 5♠️5♣️, BB & LJ call
Flop ($80): Q❤️T♣️5♦️
Checks to HJ who cbets $10, Hero raises to $50, BB fold, LJ snapcalls, HJ raises to $200, Hero trapcalls (hoping he hangs himself on turn with AA/KK)
LJ now pushes $400, HJ confidently says “lemme take a deep breath” and ships $600.. and now I’m worried
We’re always beating LJ here IMO.
HJ’s idealistic range is {AA, KK, QQ, TT, AQ} but the 0.1p cbet on flop followed by a 3b and a confident 5b jam all in has me concerned.. I would be less concerned if he cbet a standard size and then pushed..
Can we ever find the hero fold here?
13 Replies
Think we could have 3B pre, at least some of the time. Not crazy about flatting and going multi-way and OOP post-flop.
I'd have donked out on the flop, with two opponents between us on the PFR. Probably would have bet $20-$40 depending on how spazzy-spewy HJ seems.
The small c-bet followed by 5B jam does look pretty nutted. It's rare for folding a set to be a good decision, but this seems like it might be one of those spots. That said, weird $hlt happens in multi-way pots.
You or LJ could conceivably be on a draw with KJ / J9, such that HJ thinks he's good with AA/KK. LJ could have QT or TT, maybe, but I'd think he'd have raised pre with TT, not limp-called.
From HJ's perspective, no one has QQ or TT here, and he might not consider the possibility you or LJ could have 55. But its hard to think HJ doesn't consider the possibility someone has QT, so it seems fairly likely he has QQ/TT.
I dunno. I might find a fold if I had some reads. It's harder when HJ is just an unknown. I don't think it's a huge mistake to call. But I got a feeling you're going to tell us you folded, HJ showed AA/KK, and LJ scooped with QT, or said "I missed" and mucked KJ/J9.
What the heck is a "0.1p cbet?" One tenth of a penny?
Unlike doc, I'm fine with the call to set mine pre, but I agree I'd probably donk here, unless I'm really confident HJ will cbet big. We're too deep to GII by c/c, and board is a bit dry for c/r to look like anything but what it is.
The tiny c-bet is basically a check, so I don't mind a c/r here AP, even though it's pretty transparent. We can't let the pot stay this small.
Not sure about the call of his three-bet, tbh, but it does look kinda overpairy, so 4-bet shoving yourself might lose your customer. AP, I puke and hate life, but the pot is so huge IDK that we can fold. Even if we take AQ and some of the overpairs out of his range, you only need 25% equity overall (oddly distributed, because of the main/side issues) to put call. Hard to see ranges where we don't have that. Just two combos of AA/KK in his range get us there.
The preflop call at 1/2 with a likely multiway pot prints.
I would not be happy about the betting pattern, but you can't fold a set with the pot odds at that point.
Don't fold a set here.
I think it's pretty rare to see HJ shoveling in money IP (and busting out the confident speech play) with top set here. I also think that TT would typically cbet bigger, unblocking top pair.
But even if those things weren't true, I don't think you can fold a set. You are ahead of value (QT), overplays (AA/KK/AQ), and high-equity draws (J9s, KJs). If you are beat, it's just a cooler.
Only for clarity's sake, I don't hate the flat call pre. It's not a mandatory 3B. But I'd prefer to fold out some equity pre and get this heads up if possible. We're deep enough here to 3B and still have a ~4x-5x SPR on the flop.
Thanks for the input guys, V had TT.
LJ binked turn with J9cc for the main though.
Was a 10x iso standard or was he using multiple sizings? If he sometimes iso to 10-15 and is now going 20 I think it removes QT from his range. And I think his b/3b/5b range is top 2 or sets. So if he splits his range I think we can find the hero fold. If he doesn’t then we should go with it.
Also these oversized raises tend to be TT-KK with some AK/AA so that is concerning.
dont fold
donk bet the flop small. trap the loose player and get someone with an overpair to overplay their hand.
pf is fine.
The ONLY reason id consider folding is the speech. But im putting LJ on 2 pair or at least a pair so that cuts down on the sets and also adds dead money to the pot for pot odds so its still a clear call imo
Grunch: when I am on my A+ game I can fold the flop. This is such an obvious FPS line for top set. I don’t know if I could fold TT in the same spot though.
Eh, call me crazy but I think it's a relatively easy fold as far as folding sets goes. If you put the pieces together (preflop, bet-sizing, line, speech) it all makes sense for QQ/TT.
This seems like an easy fold for the remaining 230bbs. This deep with this prior action… flop 3-bets are almost always value bets and 5-bets certainly are, and his value is always QQ/TT there. $20 preflop over only 1 limper is also strong if that is not standard for him.