1/3 Caught Button Clicking in 3b pot vs IPader

1/3 Caught Button Clicking in 3b pot vs IPader

I haven’t played in a year. Making some of the usually mistakes early on. We’re about 2 hours into the session. Table has gotten tight, after the hand villain changes tables.

Hero QhQs. I look like a grinder playing a standard Tag game up to this point

Villain - mid thirties, on his iPad doing dfs the whole time. Has been milking the same beer for 2 hours. Has only played literally 1 other hand up to this point

100bb eff

I open to 10 in MP in 1/3 game. Sb cc and Villain BB squeezes to 45. I flat QhQs

Flop Th9c9s

V bets 40 I call

Turn 5h

V checks, I bet 50 and get jammed on for 225$ total. Villain had slightly confused look on his face before jamming.

I fold. Should have checked turn? I guess if he can have JJ and a few heart draws altho we block a lot of those I should be calling. He doesn’t show

20 November 2024 at 11:57 PM

6 Replies

I'm not crazy about flatting a 3! with QQ at only 100BB effective, but I see the point given the Villain's presumed nittiness.

I think the flop call is fine, but keeping his nittiness in mind, I want to get to showdown as cheaply as possible, rather than targeting AK/JJ. In addition, the only flush draw he realistically can have is AhKh.

Consequently, I'm checking behind on the turn and calling a reasonable bet on the river.

Villain had slightly confused look on his face before jamming.

I don't see it often but I have noticed one particular overly aggro reg making a "uh duh I dunno what's happening?"-face every single time he had to make a decision in a hand where he'd luckboxed his way to a monster.

I xb the turn and call most rivers. AP I personally fold because I don't think he has AKo but I guess theoretically we shouldn't get here and fold so whatever.

The confused look is a classic weak=strong tell, so it's significant (very unlikely a reverse-tell). Irrespective of the tell, it's a fold most times, anyway. Since you're closing the preflop action IP I don't mind flatting the 3b with QQ, especially against a Villain who's only played 1 hand in 2 hours and is drinking flat beer.

I limp in.

Is $10 a standard open in this game? Could it be seen as weak and invite a squeeze? Against an old guy who has played 1 hand in 2 hours, I'd more get behind a preflop flat to make nitty flop folds. But against maybe a more tight but capable player looking for spots, I might go with it if he could be squeezy.

I'm fine with calling the flop to see what he does on the turn.

When he checks the turn with just a little over a PSB left and a drawy board, I kinda think I have the best hand always. I'm cool with a small bet to induce AK / etc. and I think I'm calling off here at this SPR. We really think vulnerable AA/KK are getting tricky here in a huge pot? Still JJ and lots of draws.


When my opponent bets into me when I have the nuts, I sometimes can't help looking surprised before taking my own aggressive reaction.

It's not worth trying to figure out if it's natural or forced. The action following the look matters more. If someone looks surprised to be facing a bet, then puts in a raise, they're not likely to be bluffing.

I think the hand was played fine pre and on flop. But when a guy who plays 1 hand every 2 hours wakes up and 3B's us out of the BB, I'm not looking to play a huge pot with less than AA. I'm just looking to get to showdown with QQ.

I actually don't hate the small turn bet of $50 into $180. Very few opponents are going to check turn with the intention of inducing a bet so they can check-raise as a bluff, and very few are going to suddenly decide to turn AK or worse value into a bluff just because we bet <1/3 pot on a paired board like this, where we could conceivably have some boats or trips that are betting for value.

I think betting $50 to get some value and protection is fine. But once he jams, it's a pretty trivial fold.

Snap fold. Don't bet the turn. The confused look means you are toast.
