Great flop for KK in 3 bet pot heads up

Great flop for KK in 3 bet pot heads up

V is a very aggressive and very loose regular, one of the most aggressive in the cardroom, who knows H and likely sees him as tight and nitty. effective stacks are $800. 2/3/5 NL. $10 straddle, 9 handed.

V opens in EP to $40. Tight player directly to his left calls. H in HJ raises to $120 with KdKs. V calls. Heads up.

($260) 4h 4d 4s
V bets $120
H raises to $240
V calls

($740) Turn: As

($740) River: 5d
V shoves $440

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22 November 2024 at 11:37 PM

7 Replies


On the flop, call or raise larger. It is weird with him having a little over pot left, but minraises are almost never a good play.

Not sure turn is a check. When he leads the flop, it looks like he has a pp not an ace. If you are checking, it is to induce. For those reasons, call the river.

Larger pre larger flop. River is whatever just flip a coin or try to get a read.

I raise bigger pre. I raise bigger flop. Turn sucks. River is probably a call, but who knows? Table read.

If you go bigger pre and bigger on flop, gii is a no-brainer.

$200 pre.

raise flop bigger but not much more, like $3-320 or so

idk on river. hes not supposed to have an A here but when you minraised his button click he could easily have that. i guess you are getting good enough odds to call.

V had AK

Raise bigger pre. We're only 80 straddles deep to start. We should be looking to pile it in. I'd have made it at least $180.

The flop min-raise is pure FPS. I'd probably just jam.

As played, I think we can grudginglly fold the river.
