99's gets 3 bet.

99's gets 3 bet.

2/3 NL 8 handed,

I'm not sure how to be thinking about this spot.

Very loose UTG open limps, I am next and raise to 15 with 9s9d. It's folded to BB who raises to 60, the UTG folds. BB seems like a competent player. He's opened a decent amount pre but got no calls. He has me covered. I have 300. I have been very tight so far. We have only been at the same table for about 30 minutes. The UTG has limp folded pre several times.

I don't know what his range is but I would think it is tight. What would a tight range here look like? JJ's+ AK+? Do I consider mostly pot odds when making the call or am I deep enough to be thinking about flopping a set and stacking him? Should I be considering how this could play out post flop? For example how would I proceed if the flop comes 322 and he puts out a 3/4 pot size bet. I have position which is good. Is there a preflop 3 bet size where it should be an easy fold for me? This 3 bet size seems fairly standard. If UTG called this would be an easy call right?

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25 November 2024 at 04:43 PM

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