Line Check: Bluffed River on a Dry Run-Out with KQss in the HJ

Line Check: Bluffed River on a Dry Run-Out with KQss in the HJ

1/2. 6+3+1 rake.

V (900) is preflop loose aggressive with a calling range: VPiP-RFI-3B is about 50-40-4 (he has three-bet only once). On the flop, V is c-betting 80 percent of the time. He has also called several flops and mucked later streets. He has shown down only good hands, with one questionable line playing KJo too aggressively. He’s built a big stack running the table.

Hero (235) has a TAG image. He hasn’t yet three-bet.


Button straddle 5. BB and UTG call. V in LJ raises to 30. Hero in HJ with KsQs 3bets to 75. Folds to V, who calls.

Flop (157 after rake): Jh7d6c

V checks. Hero checks

Turn: Ts

Checks thru.

River: 3c

V checks. Hero bets 60.

During the hand, I thought my 3bet was too large—75 seemed like a huge bet preflop in 1/2 with effective stacks of 235. After the hand, I wondered if I should have bet standard 3x plus limps to 100.

I know you mostly want to c-bet 1/3 pot on the flop after 3betting IP pre, but because my flop aggression is my main leak, I thought that here was a fine place to just try checking.

The river was my first ever bluff with garbage. Truly, since puberty, I have never bluffed the river with air. However, I read in several 2+2 HHs that most players under-bluff the river. Even if V calls the hero's bluff, hero has set up V to call hero's future bigger river bet with a made hand. During this hand, I didn’t really think through what V held specifically. I just thought that a LAG who checks all streets is weak. I thought: I can win this hand only by bluffing. This is a good spot.

I planned to bluff 1/3. With the straddle-calls and rake, I lost track of the exact pot size.


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15 December 2024 at 02:35 PM

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