Took a shot and facing a gross spot!
1/3 MTS up to 2.5k in my local room in NH. Sunday early afternoon. Usually I only play this game if the line-ups are favorable, and the 1/2 games are dry.
Waited an unreasonable time for my 1/2 seat and watch some of 1/3 game as I waited. No massive stacks and no real big pf opens/3b, and after playing a few orbits at 1/2 I moved to 1/3 to follow a V who was at 1/2 with me who got caught bluffing 4x in the 20 minutes or so I was sitting there.
V1 - African-American guy in his 30 or 40s, never seen him in my room before, but like mentioned above was bluffing and clicking buttons in the 1/2 game already. Has about 300
V2 - Hispanic 40 year old, H has played with him before, Ive seen him play all the games offered in the room 2/2 PLO, 1/2, 1/3 MTS, 5/5 PLO. Seems competent, tight, aggressive. Covers
H - 30 year old white guy, V2 may think game is solid, V1 is prob clueless. H has about 400-420
H UTG limps with QdJh could get behind an open, or even a fold pre but figured it be easier to just call an open with this hand OOP. Inconsequential player in UTG +1 opens to 15, two random Vs call in MP including V1, V2 calls in the BB, and H closing the action calls. 5 ways to the flop
Flop (70ish)
Kd10d5c -x all around
Turn (70ish)
V2 x H x, originial opener checks, V2 takes a stab and bets 35, V1 calls in BB, and H raises to 115, fold, fold, V2 tank folds, V1 calls after looking at my stack.
River (330ish)
V2 x, H down bets to 75 - I figure all flush draws are folding regardless, maybe I get Kx to call, or an unbelieving A - my hand seems pretty face-up though. V2 takes about 10 seconds and xr jams. H has about 180-200 left and pukes in his mouth. All flush draws missed, maybe 55, TT, KT, and a suited K5 play this way for value. Maybe V also has QJ? H is getting decent odds but how often are xr river jams bluffs?!!
14 Replies
I usually ignore pre-flop stuff, but this one is pretty impossible to ignore. Limp-calling QJo from UTG is really bad. It's a pretty easy fold pre IMO.
As played, I like the flop check and turn check-raise. On the river, why didn't you just jam yourself? Villain has a little over half-pot behind and there are still plenty of worse hands that call.
Once you get to this point, I think it's a snap call. You are getting a ridiculous price against an opponent who might have some bluffs and could be overvaluing a hand like KQ or QJ. You may have even induced the XR jam by block-betting in position.
EDIT: Misread the stack sizes and didn't realize that Hero was the effective stack here. I still think river is a shove for 2/3 pot
I don't like limp/calling QJo at all. Not sure your position. I would just fold. Not playing this junk hand at all except in some late position situations. Typical low stakes play, but bad.
I don't like the river down bet in position.
Did bluffy V1 call turn or did 'has-a-clue' V2?
In any event, there's roughly 600 at stake, and we're debating adding another 180-200 to it. We have to know V has a boat a lot in order to fold our straight. At the least, 75% of time.
I'm paying off V1 if he's the shover. They're bluffy, not good at it.
For a V2 in the BB, who's competent, are they really checking a set on the turn when the flop checked through 5-ways? (For that matter, why didn't you bet out?) KT is really the only thing I'm that concerned about. If they have it...ehhh.
Oh, and fold pre. UTG, QJo, aren't bolstering your L-RR range, no need to limp it.
Edit: v2 the competent v was the one who called the turn xr, and was the one who xr the river.
If it was v1 im jamming river in his face.
lol wym you could get behind an open
idk whats going on now but i would jam river not block. having blocked id call anyways but would not expect to win all that often even though i have no clue what he has
edit: didn't see offsuit the first time, pre horrendous spew. think calling the river is infinitely worse if he thinks you are fish and he is competent. still calling given line
Yes pre. is a 1-2 fish play, life sucks and we learn/move on.
Turn raise size is bad. Pot is $140 when it gets to you, with two people who have $35 in already ... so your effective bet is 80 into 140.
Even if you were slow playing 55 I doubt you ever raise to this size, and that's assuming you check it a 2nd time. Do you x/raise AdJd/AdQd? (again assuming you always check them).
Pretending you might have AK/AT/KT here seems lol.
$185/$235 might be better than just shoving (depending on image).
On the river OOP vs. V2 where you basically never have the nuts and probably never have anything that Ad5d is winning against (and competent players much less likely to call 25% pot for a chop) ... block betting seems bad unless you think he's going to spew bluff shove (possible for a 2-2 PLO player who think shte board changing means more than it does).
Shoving might be fine with the right image.
After the raise I would call, what is he supposed to have that beats you? V2 calling pre. in the BB seems unlikely to have AA/KK/AK, I guess sometimes he might have slow played a 55 and got there, or maybe played AK/KT in very bad/weird ways ... if he has K5s I'd probably say well played river, but our hand makes it less funny.
If you are going to fold any QJ then fold the ones with a diamond, I guess ... but I'd lean call against anyone I thought could bluff, and snap call against anyone who played a bunch of PLO.
Preflop turbofold the first time, and I guess u can call the small raise but it's getting to be the wrong type of pot for a small offsuit Broadway.
Turn, I like the c/r idea and tho I would probably go bigger, the small raise should keep in marginal hands like KQ/KJ and other pair+draw stuff.
When you see the K pair, some of those hand just made trips. I don't think I could fold for this price, especially after your weak river bet.
Preflop never open limp, and fold QJo UTG. Limp-calling QJo is a losing play. If people are non-only limping, but limp-calling QJo from UTG, that is a sign the game is good. Plenty of other players at the table will do it. But don't be the reason the game is good.
I would call river now as v could have Kx and just have been non-believing on the since you didn't outright bet turn.
On the river you should have jammed and it's not close. Generally betting less than half pot in position on the river is going to be a mistake. Your hand is either strong enough bet big, like 2/3+ or it is not strong enough to reopen the action. If you're out of position then a small bet can be fine, because the action is open regardless
Raise or fold pre. Open limping is definitely not pimping.
With the OESD and BDFD, think I just bet out on the flop. When the flop checks through, I'm definitely betting out on turn.
If we're going to check raise, I like going much bigger than $115. Probably going $250-$275.
Like, what are we targeting for value here? It's all 2P+ and draws. Don't we want to get max value from all those hands?
Not sure why we're down-betting the river and then thinking about a fold. I'd just bet pot. Don't see how we can fold now, but it's definitely a gross spot.
Only read docvail's reply, and I agree 100%. I actually do limp pre occasionally at 1/2 and 1/3, which most posters here disagree with, but this is not one of those occasions -- I basically never limp from UTG.
It really is a sick river. Not sure how competent V is, but it's tough to see him bluffing here or we could be calling for a chop. That said, the $75 could easily have prompted it, so call.
Preflop never open limp, and fold QJo UTG. Limp-calling QJo is a losing play. If people are non-only limping, but limp-calling QJo from UTG, that is a sign the game is good. Plenty of other players at the table will do it. But don't be the reason the game is good.
I'm not picking on the OP here, but so many hand histories start with dubious preflop choices that lead to these "interesting" situations that Heros then need to navigate.
It's like preparing for a long-distance bicycle trip, not having the patience to fully stock the repair kit, and then breaking down and having to MacGyver some solution in the middle of nowhere.
So if you were trying to limp this hand and play the trap game why even bother raising with the best hand here on the turn to block the flush? Unless your planning on going super large like 200$+ effective on turn to take it down. Why not just call if they catch the flush you got out cheap way too many players in the hand as it is and possible combos of 2 pairs here or slow played sets that get there in the end. You'd get to the river and not have to make such a large call because the initial raiser is NEVER going to jam having only bet 35$ they want to be paid on the river if they made a boat so sizing is probably going to be around or less what you actually 3! the turn. You would get paid decently on your hand if he is full of shit here and your not loosing nearly as much as the current situation which I think you have to pay off anyways.
Results - H tank and folds. V never shows but states 30 minutes or so after that he TT.
"H UTG limps with QdJh"
There's your problem. You're UTG, that's garbage to open.
In terms of your river space, unless you have a plan on what you'll do when being raised then check it back. You seem uncomfortable playing this deep so in the really high $$ decisions, you're playing scared money.