"Trade me shovels for flowers?" with QJs.

"Trade me shovels for flowers?" with QJs.

1/3 NLHE 9 handed.

Room is a pre-Christmas shamble of regs with 5 tables going and the room buzzing quite a bit. Our game is the main and has been very sticky and passive. Most hands going 4-6 ways and no 3-betting nevermind 4-betting.

V - Seems semi-drunk or on drugs and kind of out of it. Dealer keeps having to yell at him when its his action, he cant tell how much bets are, he's calling everything (VPIP about 50%-75% pre) but also sometimes raising and re-raising with air. He's shown K8o for a 4-bet pre in late position. J9o for an open from CO and A8o for a full house at showdown in a passive trappy line. He's been running hot and hitting as well and is up to about 1500$ from 500$. Covers. CO.

----- Hero effective with 450$ in BB ----

Folds to fish in LJ who limps, V limps CO, folds to H who raises to 25 with Q J, both call (Fish has like 285ish).

Flop 75 - K T 9

H cbets 20, fish folds, V calls, HU.

Turn 115 - J

H checks, V bets 95, Banana smoothbrain calls

River 305 - K

H checks, V puts me AI for 310 total.

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24 December 2024 at 07:53 AM

14 Replies

Based on the description it looks like we have to call getting 2:1, although can’t be too surprised to see a flush.

I don’t see much of a reason to raise this hand preflop when we will be out of position.

Why did you raise preflop? Best case scenario is you get it heads up OOP but most of the time you're just bloating the pot with Queen high.

River is ugly. Many of the Kx are boats and any sets ditto. You may have been behind from the start. Against a wild spewy player there may be some merit in calling - especially if he's blasted off with wild airballs - but a straight isn't that strong here so really is a bluffcatcher

I agree that this hand can be a check-back in the BB at this particular table. Your iso-raises have no fold equity here, so why bloat the pot OOP with Q-high?

If this was a good player, I would say that his line makes no sense. He limp-called pre, flatted a small bet on flop, then bombed a straightening turn, and is overbet shoving a board-pairing river. He's repping a full house now (or an lol straight flush) when it felt like he was repping a straight on the turn and had a weaker hand on the flop. Does he bomb the turn with two pair? Does he limp-call big pairs? If not, how many full houses can he even have? But those questions don't really matter if this guy is completely zonked and just clicking buttons.

I would also wonder if this guy capable of bluffing post-flop, because all of the reads that you provided are for pre-flop.

hate your raise preflop

as played fold river

Just flat call pre.

Small flop c-bet in monotone board seems fine. Also don't hate a range check here, from OOP and multi-way.

Getting kind of gross on the turn, with his bet size. I might rage fold here sometimes, but mostly just a square call.

Trying to figure out what we beat on the river. Mostly just naked ace of clubs, or trip K's that somehow isn't boated up, and some weird 2P combos that got counterfeited and are now being turned into bluffs.

I dunno. If he's high, drunk, or otherwise always out of line, I might call. But mostly I'm just folding when an opponent takes this line on a board like this.

To the people asking why bet pre - QJs is LEAGUES ahead of fish and Vs limp calling ranges. To the flop these guys have about 50% of starting hands. "Q high" is a value bet.

by Stupidbanana k

To the people asking why bet pre - QJs is LEAGUES ahead of fish and Vs limp calling ranges. To the flop these guys have about 50% of starting hands. "Q high" is a value bet.

is this the only hand you'll ever play, did you sit down for one single hand and the game will break after it is over?

by rickroll k

is this the only hand you'll ever play, did you sit down for one single hand and the game will break after it is over?

I play every +EV spot

I think you have to call. I don't see many boats playing this way, you've under-represented your hand, and his line doesn't make sense for much other than the nut flush. I could see a spaz with Acx or see you chopping with another Q. Factoring all of that in, I think you have enough equity to call, especially against this guy.



I decide I literally have no idea what this guy has but I imagine it could be anything from 23cc to the mortal nuts to I fold. He doesn't show.


by Stupidbanana k

QJs is LEAGUES ahead of fish and Vs limp calling ranges.

Then why would you fold? There isn't a hand you were leagues ahead of preflop that has anything on this board.

I guess a weak flush, but I would call.

tough spot. am much more inclined to call on the king then a brick tbh

i dont really mind checking the flop esp w this guy ip. i think river is whatever but flop sizing and player description make me want to call so i guess thats what i would do

by Stupidbanana k

1/3 NLHE 9 handed.

Room is a pre-Christmas shamble of regs with 5 tables going and the room buzzing quite a bit. Our game is the main and has been very sticky and passive. Most hands going 4-6 ways and no 3-betting nevermind 4-betting.

V - Seems semi-drunk or on drugs and kind of out of it. Dealer keeps having to yell at him when its his action, he cant tell how much bets are, he's calling everything (VPIP about 50%-75% pre) but also sometimes raising and re-raising with air. He's shown K8o for a

If I believe your last sentence about the room that there is no 3-betting never mind 4-betting how can I believe your second sentence about V where you describe he 4-bet pre with K8o?

by Buster65 k


Then why would you fold? There isn't a hand you were leagues ahead of preflop that has anything on this board.

I guess a weak flush, but I would call.

ummm..literally every flush the guy has 82cc here.
