J7s vs thinking reg deep
1/3 NLHE 9 handed
V - thinking reg that has a lot of holes in his game. Understands the basics and can read the board but still calls too wide and plays too passively. Has weird BB defend range like K9o and Q8s for 15$ defends. X/raises his thick value OOP. 3-bets linear. CO 800$.
Two fish limp and V opens to 15, H sees J♥ 7♥ and calls OTB covering, one fish calls. 3-ways IP.
Flop 45 - Q♥ 9♣ 8♥
Fish checks, V bets 20, H raises to 85, fish folds, V calls
Turn 215 (700 back) - A♠
V checks, Hero?
Do we bomb this card?
22 Replies
I would turbo fold this hand pre flop. How is defending the BB with Q8s weird, but cold-calling the button with J7s normal?
Flop raise seems gigantic in position, too, but maybe it's OK when we are this deep.
As played, I think I might check back the turn. I don't think you have a lot of fold equity here and it is an absolute disaster when you get check-raised. I would rather barrel with a lower-equity bluff like KTcc that can easily fold to a raise.
Fold pre. j7s way too wide. Would be calling j9s+
"V - thinking reg that has a lot of holes in his game."
"V opens to 15, H sees Jh7h and calls OTB covering"
"Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?"
I mean, literally, Jesus Christ.
I'm never going to hate too much attempting to see a flop on the Button, but this is too loose for me (this small of suited 3 gapper doesn't even make my overlimping range, let alone being the first to call a raise).
So long as we don't fold the flop I think any play is fine.
I'd continue on this turn card as it just makes it that much more difficult for him to call with Qx. Prolly at least $100 to start flexing some FE.
inclined to check the turn bc of spr
Post-grunch: I see literally everyone has already made this joke.
Turn is whatever. The card's a little better for villain than it is for us, but no shame in continuing with a combo draw.
I think preflop I would 3b - you're IP very deep and would prefer to build a pot with position with this hand. This hand sucks multiway - would say 3b>folding>calling. Flop looks good to me, turn I would fire again - we have plenty of equity. Even if he has AQ he's just going to call most likely - stacks are too deep to do anything else imo. The river becomes very tricky if we miss - not sure what I'd do there.
Barreling turns seems kind of spewy vs passive, calling station who has indicated strength, and we unblock some of his weaker draws/combo draws.
I wimp out and check back, river is a brick and goes check check and V has a set of 99!?
check turn.
as an aside, pretty obvious OP has an ego problem.
also villain's river play is expert. not sure OP realizes that.
Villain probably thinks hero is a bad reg who calls raises with J7s. I would fold. Normally, this hand seems more reasonable as a 3! than a call, but you don't want to push out the limper and isolate versus the reg, who has a stronger range than the limper.
I would check turn and bluff river, even though it wouldn't have worked.
I would have seen a flop at best (but this is way outside of my playable range even from button), but I am snap folding to any aggression with this board you didn't hit your drawing and its not the best draw. You hit any 10 and probably lose you hit a heart and probably lose, also any jack and any 7 are horrible cards for you.
WHY ARE YOU STILL IN THE HAND ????!? (this should be your first thought!)
Instead your thinking is I have two fish limpers I'm in position and I can get the monies!! SO LETS BLUFF *devil eyes* ( but there's another guy who has you comfortably covered and is capable even with holes in his game.)
check turn.
as an aside, pretty obvious OP has an ego problem.
also villain's river play is expert. not sure OP realizes that.
the same op that has posted 2000 times over 10 years while refusing to look at a solver or take advice and describes the regular opponents of his 1/3 game as either the worst player on the planet or actual nose bleed crushers with no inbetween?
I would have seen a flop at best (but this is way outside of my playable range even from button), but I am snap folding to any aggression with this board you didn't hit your drawing and its not the best draw. You hit any 10 and probably lose you hit a heart and probably lose, also any jack and any 7 are horrible cards for you.
WHY ARE YOU STILL IN THE HAND ! (this should be your first thought!)
Instead your thinking is I have two fish limpers I'm in position and I can get the monies!! SO LETS BLU
Folding to the 40% pot bet seems insane. Not sure about raising though. A straight or flush may not be good, but they certain aren't probably losing. I agree that playing junk hands like this tends to result in draws that are worse than the look.
the same op that has posted 2000 times over 10 years while refusing to look at a solver or take advice and describes the regular opponents of his 1/3 game as either the worst player on the planet or actual nose bleed crushers with no inbetween?
sounds like narcissistic personality disorder
FWIW, K9o and Q8s are very reasonable holdings for defending our BB.
PRE - I'd flat call, too, when V opens somewhat small over two fish limps, and we'll be last to act post-flop, as long as the players in the blinds aren't likely to 3B.
FLOP - I don't hate the raise, but I'd probably just go 3x. Flat calling to realize is also fine, and probably preferable, when V is uncapped.
TURN - Since V raised pre, c-bet the flop, and called our raise, he could have some fairly strong hands on this turn. I would mostly just check back and take the free card. If we bet, I'd bet small, like 1/2 pot, and fold if he raises.
If we bomb the turn, we'd mostly just be repping JT or A9hh. We can certainly have those hands, but V can still call with 2P+ hoping to boat up, or just Ax or Qx being stubborn. It would suck to bomb it and get snapped off, or worse, face an all-in jam we'd have to call.
I don't like bluffing big in spots where we'd only be repping a super-narrow value range, and our opponent's range isn't capped.
If we want to rep a very strong hand, and create max fold equity, I think we could do that by betting $100 on the turn, and then over-bet jamming brick rivers if he checks to us again. We can rep JT on brick run-outs, and bet our hand for value on flush run-outs.
ETA - Oof. Just read the rest of the thread and the reveal. I agree OP's reads are frequently at odds with the reveals. But I don't think OP played the hand too terribly. He avoided disaster by not bombing turn and / or river.
Yeah, I agree mostly with docvail. Thinking about it, the flat call is probably OK on the button. The raiser and two fish limpers probably don't have that much either and you have position.
Whether or not preflop was good, it really shows a good approach to think about making the call preflop, even though it is definitely not GTO and the hand is not generally playable. Doyle said you could sometimes call with 2 napkins on the button. This hand is decent enough for the situation.
Personally, I play solid ranges, and would never make that sort of call, but it is probably fine if you have an aggressive style.
I don't like raising on such a wet board, but the rest of it seems OK.