2nd nut flush looking to get paid off

2nd nut flush looking to get paid off

2/3/5 NL 8 handed
H’s table image is TAG.
$800 effective stacks.
UTG is a good TAG who opens $20, 2 callers.
H in BB with Kc9c calls.
($80) Flop Ac 8c 4s. Utg bet $25. Fold to H, H calls.
($130) Turn 6c. H $100. V call.
($330) River 3s.
H with $645 behind. How much should H bet? Is he calling if raised?
(H has been overbetting several rivers (4 out of 5 were bluffs, only 1 was shown. V has been paying attention.)

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05 January 2025 at 07:01 PM

22 Replies

I presume the flop was As8c4c?

Because as you wrote it, we have the nuts here.

Sorry. Yes, the A on the flop was not a club. 2 clubs on flop. I turned the K high club flush and it’s not the nuts.

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Not sure I have the board exactly right. There was no straight flush possible on the river.

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i doubt AQ will call more than $200. even that might be too much.

Are you targeting AX or a worse flush?

If our value target is Ax then I think 1/2 to 2/3 pot. But given our maniac river over betting image, I may just shove again greedily. If we bet less than all in we are never folding.

Targetting a big Ace.

by twitcherroo k

Are you targeting AX or a worse flush?

i think turn is pretty bad

by OGfromOCC k

Targetting a big Ace.

I think then 1/3 PSB or so is fine and every once in a while use your overbet / shove image and rip it.

by submersible k

i think turn is pretty bad

Please elaborate.

If you really think he's going to sniff you out you can go all in. But realistically, $135 ish for an ace to call

Probably just jam river. You could go 220, but you're making almost 3x more on a call. Villain has seen you overbet a lot. Presumably the showdown was a bluff. You're probably not getting called 3x more often with worse by going 220. You will get called by worse flushes, sets, 2 pair, and possibly even lighter if v really levels himself. Allow him to make a huge mistake.

Why are you leading the turn? Check in flow.
Let him reveal the strength of his hand. We can raise his turn bet or call turn to check jam river. Or we can just overbet river if he checks on the turn. As played I think it makes it more difficult to get the max.

Fold pre in a raked game facing a 4x from TAG utg with 2 callers. Probably fold in an unraked game too.

V called an almost pot sized bet on the turn when the scare card hit so feel free to bomb the blank river.. if they’re calling pot again then they’re also calling an overbet

If V folds then they would have also folded to a lot less, so don’t leave the value on the table

I jammed the river and got called by the nut flush A7s. I think I can’t avoid getting stacked here. No matter what I bet on the river, I think I’d have to call his jam.

Interesting to hear one say it’s a fold preflop in that situation. I thought it was an automatic call.

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I think it’s ok to stack off with 2nd NF 160bb deep. At >200 and def >300bb, hands that make the second nuts should be more carefully considered preflop.

So, if you've been over-betting rivers, 80% of the time as a bluff, I doubt your table image is TAG, especially if the one you showed was one of the bluffs.

PRE - flatting seems fine. I might 3B here if I thought UTG was capable of opening too wide.

FLOP - Think I'd be check-raising here when V takes this sizing, at least some of the time (understanding the Ac was not on board). I like check-raising my good flush draws when the PFR c-bets small. Otherwise, flat calling is fine.

TURN - why are we donking almost full pot? I don't necessarily hate the donk, but why not make it 1/2 pot? It would suck to get raised after betting so much.

RIVER - As played to this point, after V flat calls our turn bet, and with the info that you've been over-betting rivers, mostly with bluffs, I think I would just check river, to let V bet. I'd call any reasonable size bet, maybe up to 2/3 pot, and fold if he over-bets.

He may have flat called the turn with the nuts, praying we'd over-bet the river. If he doesn't have the nuts, it's hard to see what he can have that's calling this donk on a scare card. Maybe AA hoping to boat up.

In the BB, it's possible for us to have some 2P and straights, and maybe even some sets that didn't x/r the flop for some reason. If we check the river, he may bet small enough that we can call, thinking that we're scared because he called the turn, and we can't call a big river bet.

by OGfromOCC k

I jammed the river and got called by the nut flush A7s. I think I can’t avoid getting stacked here. No matter what I bet on the river, I think I’d have to call his jam.

Interesting to hear one say it’s a fold preflop in that situation. I thought it was an automatic call.

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Respectfully, if you 3B pre, there's a good chance he folds A7s, when you're 3B'ing out of the BB, over a UTG raise, and can just call, closing the action, with a lot of your range.

If you check-raise the flop, it's extremely unlikely he folds TP with the NFD, but when he calls, we can put a good bit of AXcc in his range, and avoid disaster when the flush comes in on the turn.

If we just check-call the flop, we can donk 1/2 pot on the turn, and when he calls, we should know he's got it, and avoid going broke on the river. "I can't fold the second nuts" isn't a winning mantra.

The only reason I can get behind check-calling river is that our table image is probably LAG, not TAG, and V might have called our turn bet somewhat light. We'd be checking to induce, when we have the 2nd nuts, in a spot where presumably we'd be over-betting with a polarized range of the nuts or nothing.

I wouldn't donk turn, it becomes too obvious. It also becomes hard to narrow Villain's range. I'd just bet $150 to get paid from A and weaker flushes

Blinds: $2/3/5 (Straddle: $5)
Hero: BB (K️ 9️)
Villain(s): UTG, LJ, BTN
Effective Stack: $800

Preflop ($10):
LJ raises $20, BTN calls, Hero calls, UTG calls

Flop ($82): A️ 8️ 4
Hero bets $25, UTG folds, LJ folds, BTN calls

Turn ($132): A️ 8️ 4️ 6
Hero bets $100, BTN calls

River ($332): A️ 8️ 4️ 6️ 3

Total pot: $332

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What sizing are people taking as the Villian with nut flush if the hand goes down the same but the hero now checks river?

If I'm V and hero checks river, maybe I jam, hoping it looks bluffy, and hero calls with his 2nd nuts.

Alternatively, since it's kind of obvious we have the nuts, I might size down, to $80, to make it look like we've just got AK and we're hoping to get called by worse Ax, meanwhile we're actually hoping hero reads that as weakness and decides to raise.

I was actually thinking about this in a different way since 4 out of 5 of your rivers were bluffs and V has been paying attention why not size down possibly 50$ hope for a call and then showdown, but best case scenario he sees your bet as weakness and re-pops. May make him much less likely to call down your future bluffs and give you long term payoff against V. This method has worked for me before several times to discount river bet as a continued bluff when really holding a monster and I end up getting re popped for what I had initially wanted to bet in the first place. On top of it if he does re-pop and you just call you get to see his hand first. (playing the long game baby)

I characterized my table image as TAG because I had played very few hands in this session, but when I played I was aggressive.

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