1/2 Line checks

1/2 Line checks

HH1: 300 effective
I raise LJ to 10 with AhKs
HJ 3-bets to 30, CO cold 4-bets to 75

I fold.

HH2: 400 effective
I raise UTG 9-handed to 10 with QhQs
BTN - reg suspected on the slightly tighter side - 3-bets to 25, I call.

Flop: JhTh2d (Pot 53)
I check, BTN bets 25, I call

Turn: 3s (Pot 103)
I check, BTN bets 50

I fold, they show aces.

I am more sure about the first hand, but in hindsight the second one feels a little bit nitty even though it was correct this time.

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05 January 2025 at 11:06 PM

8 Replies

HH1 it depends on both their ranges. If the CO's a weak/tight recreational player I would fold. If you're unsure, I would still fold since a 4bet at the lowest stake in live poker is usually AA or KK.

HH2 I think it was a horrible fold, but that's just me.

by Playbig2000 k

HH1 it depends on both their ranges. If the CO's a weak/tight recreational player I would fold.

HH2 I think it was a horrible fold, but that's just me.

For HH1, their cold 4-betting range should look something like QQ+ AK ( plus the occasional bluffs which I don't think this player is finding ). Against that range, playing OOP to both the 3-bettor and the 4-bettor, and getting a **** price, I can't imagine there is too much EV in calling or jamming into two uncapped ranges with a large chunk of AA, KK in them.

I agree that HH2 was on the nitty side, but can't see them value betting worse after 3-betting an UTG player and c-betting. I should have a really tight and strong range here.

Hand 1: Good fold.

Hand 2: Bad fold.

by RaiseAnnounced k

Hand 1: Good fold.

Hand 2: Bad fold.

What worse hands are they value-betting?

Also just checked on gtowiz it's 0 ev on the turn and opponent for sure underbluffing so -ev

by foldAToUTG k
by RaiseAnnounced k

Hand 1: Good fold.

Hand 2: Bad fold.

What worse hands are they value-betting?

You’re proposing a bit of a theoretical riddle. If you only called with things that are ahead of their value range, then the bottom of their “value” range would be behind our entire range and so it wouldn’t be a value range at all. It’s like asking what’s the sound of a one hand clap.

by foldAToUTG k

Also just checked on gtowiz it's 0 ev on the turn and opponent for sure underbluffing so -ev

I don’t necessarily agree he’s underbluffing. 3bing frequencies are very low at equilibrium in this configuration, so it ends up converging pretty close to standard low stake reg 3bs. As for postflop, I think people are too aggressive OTT with draws and too aggressive overall with AK specifically. People hate losing pots when they had the third nuts pre and they’ll take any outs as an excuse to take what’s rightfully theirs.

HOWEVER it is entirely possible you have a better beat on villain than I do. All I’ve got to go on is he seems to be maybe a little on the tighter side. If what you mean by that is that his 3b% is 2.5% and 1/2ping a couple streets with overs and a gutshot would be out of character for them, then I’d trust your judgement over mine.

Without any reads I agree HH2 should not be a fold but we do have a read that makes it less likely V is on a draw and if not on a draw we are tied or behind every pp described V will 3 bet.

by RaiseAnnounced k

You’re proposing a bit of a theoretical riddle. If you only called with things that are ahead of their value range, then the bottom of their “value” range would be behind our entire range and so it wouldn’t be a value range at all. It’s like asking what’s the sound of a one hand clap.

I don’t necessarily agree he’s underbluffing. 3bing frequencies are very low at equilibrium in this configuration, so it ends up converging pretty close to standard low stake reg 3bs. As for postflop

Haha fair point. My idea was that if we're behind all value and he underbluffs we can just fold. Yes I understand that in theory we obviously call bluffcatchers but that assumes villain has an appropriate bluff frequency.

You actually do make a good point about the nature of how tight this configuration really is. It could be easy to mistakenly overbluff into my very strong UTG open and call 3-bet range or mistakenly over-value AJ.
