Top set and a lot of money going into the pot
$2/$5 at Mohegan Sun in CT on a Sunday afternoon.
This is an exceptionally good table. Two players to my left is a VIP player, a wild younger guy who is VPIPing 100% of hands and making big mistakes post flop. In between us (on Hero's direct left) is another loose fish.
Hero is 30s WG. I am one of the tighter players at the table. I am one of the only players who has been 3betting (even though the VIP player has been open raising hands like 24o). $850 stack.
UTG is MAWG reg. ABC/TAG style. The hand before this one, he got stacked in a 3BP with AA vs K4s on K64. Just rebought for $1000. I think he is tilted. His normal open is to $20.
UTG1 is MAWG reg. Seems like a decent player. I recognize him but don't know his game. $1000 stack.
UTG2 is MAAG. I don't know much about him but I have seen him around before and I don't think he is a big losing player. $850 stack.
LJ is MAAG. Unknown to me. Has been losing but isn't playing particularly loose. $300 stack.
Hero is dealt TsTh
UTG angrily opens to $25. UTG1 calls. UTG2 calls. LJ calls. Hero? Hero calls to keep in the aforementioned fish behind. CO calls. BTN calls. Blinds fold.
Flop: Tc8c7d (Pot: $175).
UTG checks. UTG1 bets $80. UTG2 is in the tank when LJ moves All-in out of turn for $280. The dealer corrects him and action is back on UTG2. UTG2 calls $80 anyway. LJ moves All-in for $280.
Hero? Cold-call $280 with many players behind? Or re-jam for $825? Surely not fold.
Should I squeeze pre here despite the table dynamics?
Hero re-jams turn for $825
CO folds. BTN folds. UTG folds. UTG1 tank folds. UTG2, shrugs, smiles and says "I have the nut" and calls. I show my hand. LJ says "don't pair the board!" and turns over J9ss for the nuts. UTG2 turns over J9cc for the nuts with the open-ended straight flush re-draw.
Turn K. River 7. Hero scoops $2100 pot and continues his 15-months long sunrun.
After the hand, UTG1 said that he had K7cc for flopped bottom pair and 2nd nut flush draw. His hand would have backdoored an inferior full house which is wild to think about.
Made this thread because I had the question about pre-flop and because I was pretty sure I made a mistake on the flop, albeit not a huge one. I do think I prefer just calling. While it lets in hands with a lot of equity that might otherwise fold (even 89s has plenty of outs against me) I think it allows hands that are dead to continue. I worry that even a hand like 77 (and certainly 87s) can fold against this insanely strong action.
Pre is a call pure at Mohegan, people ITT don't know. Wouldn't 3b against a $15 open either. All-in now.
I mean, to your point, I got it 3-ways with TT on T87tt and had the third best hand lol.
If I 3bet this spot, I really don't want to get any action from the UTG nitreg. I'm almost trying to bluff him off his equity with something AQ or KQs. I do think there is additional value to be had from other players at the table, but I don't disagree with the sentiment that one has to tread with real caution pre-flop in this nitty player pool.
I think ship is fine, UTG+2 is presumably capped here, and Hero would also just ship all his j9 hands anyway. Villain might still stack off with a worse set but calling allows villain to play his whole range easily.
Agree with other posters that its not too important whether you call vs. raise in this spot pre-flop.
I did not think about UTG2's range much in game (another mistake from me), but I think this is a bad read on your end. UTG2 has free information that LJ is planning on shoving his shor
I guess. I don't think someone should be tanking with nuts on this flop vs. less than 1/2 pot, but maybe we have difference definitions of tank. I'd say 90 seconds would be a quite generous amount of time to make a decision (before out-of-turn action), and him still calling the $80 doesn't make his range that much stronger.
In my mind the weaker hands that may now fold should have called the flop bet without tanking by now such as 98, qt, kt; maybe villain was thinking of getting creative with a hand like jtdd. I don't villain can still call off any 2p combos he has vs shorter-stack losing player but maybe fold to additional action when t7 and 87 are now a lot riskier.
I'd be more open to Hero flatting 77 or 88 when we are unblocking cards that encourage villains to call.