5/5/10/20 Donking on a 4 flush river

5/5/10/20 Donking on a 4 flush river

5/5/10/20 | $3k effective | 10 Handed

UTG limps
UTG1 Raises $100.
I'm in the SB with QdQc I call
Everyone else folds.

Pot: about $220
Flop Th6h4c

I check,
He bets $175
I call.

Pot: ~$570
Turn 7h
I check
He bets $250
I call

Pot: ~$1070
River 8h
Hero: ??

) 6 Views 6
15 January 2025 at 11:21 AM

12 Replies

Why not 3bet pre-flop? This is a crystal clear 3bet spot, and especially so if you view this opponent as a loose player who will call light.

I think you have the suit distribution wrong somewhere, since the Th is both on the board and in your hand. I assume your opponent had the T-high flush and won the hand.

I don't like the river bet. With four to a straight (any 9 or 5 makes a straight here) and four to a flush, this bet is too thin. I think your opponent would have to be really bad to hero call a worse hand here and you are inviting a thinking opponent to bluff raise. You should just check and hope he checks back.

Reads? Regardless, I 3bet pre. As played, it's fine -- you got the max.

(In future, please put pot size on each street and maybe give a few reads of villains and yourself.)

Edit: Never mind -- just realized he got the max. Check the river -- no reason to bet here; he's not folding any heart he should be holding.

Any reads on V would help.

You have the Th in his hand and on the board.

Wait at least 24 hours before posting the results.

Put pot size on each street.

PRE - I'd usually 3B. If the $100 open is overly large for the game, I can see just flat calling. But if we flat, we're mostly just check-calling the whole way on most run-outs.

FLOP - check call seems standard. I'm getting a little concerned about V's sizing, when he c-bets $175 into $250.

TURN - one of the worst cards in the deck, bringing in the FDFD and 98. Can't really see folding though, when he only bets 40% pot. Raising seems like it would be a massive over-play.

RIVER - just another terrible card. Don't know what to make of this super small donk. What worse calls this bet? It wouldn't seem to make sense to turn our hand into a bluff, when there's four to a straight and a four flush on board.

Not sure why we're weighting his range towards top pair. He raised 5x from UTG1. He could have AA/KK, TT, 99, 88, 77, 66, 98s, 65s, and a bunch of flushes.

I think I'd just check-evaluate the river, with a plan to call a less than 1/2 pot bet, and just fold to 2/3 or more.

Welcome to the forum, OP. As others have said, pot sizes and no results, please. I edited.

Also, is your hand correct? Folks said earlier you had posted that you held Th, but now it says QdQc. So you have no flush and are considering donking river as a bluff? Or do you actually have the Qh and are considering donking for value?

This hand is confused enough, you might want to just repost it in a new thread.

3bet Pre

I’m check raising this flop - OOP on a dynamic board I want to get more $$$ in here before a lot of turns that kill my action

As played I’m checking river

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I thought about check/raising flop, but it was a big bet. Are you folding to a raise? Calling? Gii?

I'd be curious what the usual raise size is in this game. V's 5x open size seems huge at these stakes. We're only starting 150bb effective.

I'm bringing it up because lots of us want to 3B pre. But would we here, facing a 5x open? If so, what size? Are we happier going to the flop with a 13 SPR, or do we want to 3B to $300, and go to the flop with a 4.5 SPR, with QQ and OOP?

I dunno. I'm not arguing against a 3B. I'm honestly unsure. I suppose if we don't get 4B, we'd rather have the betting lead and a lower SPR when we'll be OOP. If we 3B and V just flats, I'd feel pretty good about c-betting fairly large on this flop, and wouldn't be TOO worried about the turn, even though I wouldn't love it.

I wouldn't hate a check-raise on the flop if V c-bet small, like 1/3 pot. But it's kind of gross when V goes 80% pot.

When I see low-stakes recs raising absurdly huge pre, and c-betting huge on boards that aren't A/K/Q high, I tend to put them squarely on TT/JJ. Seems like they always go huge with those hands pre and on the flop.

We're obviously beating JJ on the flop, and I have no idea if V would go this big with top set, but regardless, I don't see how we can be comfortable check-raising here, when we just flat his big open pre, and he's piling it in on the flop. If he's bluffing, we want him to keep bluffing. If we're beat, we don't want to bloat the pot more than it already is.

The 40% pot bet on the turn looks like he has 98, a flush, or just a PP with one heart. If the pot was smaller, I'd consider raising, but the SPR is awkward here. I don't want to raise to $750 or $1k and fold if he jams for another $1500-$1700.

If there's really four hearts on board by the river, we're now losing to JJ with a heart. It's hard to find a hand we beat, other than JJ no heart.

3b pre.

I like the idea on the river. Might be a little high up in range to be necessary in practice because I think they’ll both have more worse made hands than they should AND check them back more than they should. Also obviously entirely read dependent whether you should be trying to get people to fold big pairs, much less two-pair+.

by Garick k

Welcome to the forum, OP. As others have said, pot sizes and no results, please. I edited.

Also, is your hand correct? Folks said earlier you had posted that you held Th, but now it says QdQc. So you have no flush and are considering donking river as a bluff? Or do you actually have the Qh and are considering donking for value?

This hand is confused enough, you might want to just repost it in a new thread.

Re-reading my post, I believe OP said V had the Th in his hand in his premature reveal.

Should fold turn be considered?

As played, with V's choice of bet sizing, folding turn feels a little too tight to me, but I can see a case for folding turn if we have a read on V that says he's always got thick value here and he's just milking us.

by docvail k

Re-reading my post, I believe OP said V had the Th in his hand in his premature reveal.

This is correct. I had a typo in my response which may have caused further confusion.
