Table Etiquette when it comes to Nits and OMCs

Table Etiquette when it comes to Nits and OMCs

Have had this thought running in my head the past few sessions and was wondering if I could get some feedback or just thoughts on the subject in general.

In my local room as well as many others there are types of players who are OMC/Nit types that we all encounter. Some are the stereotypical OMC, others are just super tight MAWGs. These players only play premiums, and once they win a pot getting any of their winnings becomes very difficult. I obviously just avoid playing with them, and essentially do not give them any action.

HOWEVER how does one attempt to persuade the 'recs' and lesser players to avoid giving action to these OMCs/Nits? T

Does one just blatantly call out their tightness to the table? Would you mention it to the rec if the OMC/Nit gets up from the table?

I know there aren't any rules against that in many rooms, but besides upsetting the feelings of these OMC/nits what other issues may arise?

I obviously know to request table changes, etc.

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17 January 2025 at 05:31 PM

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