Two nickels to rub together, are we commited?

Two nickels to rub together, are we commited?

1/3 NLHE 9 handed

Table has some good players and a couple whales. Lots of all ins pre and so the game is quite good. V is MAAG I don't know very well. I've played a couple sessions with him now. From what I've seen his betting range is quite value/premium and his check-calling range has tons of trash. He's definitely a losing player and a loose passive overall. Covers from LJ.

--- H is eff with 450 OTB ---

folds to V who opens 15, fish calls HJ, whale calls CO, H sees 5 5 and calls of 450 eff, SB and BB loose passives call. 6-ways IP.

Flop 90 (435 back) - K 9 5

SB x, BB x, V bets 30, HJ folds, CO folds, Hero to 85, SB folds, BB folds, V calls

Turn 260 (350 back) - 8

V checks, H bets 120, V calls

River 500 (230 back) - 2

V leads AI...

) 5 Views 5
18 January 2025 at 05:04 AM

19 Replies

Larger raise on flop to 1/3 pot cbet. Larger than 1/3 pot on turn with somewhat wet board. I would call river, but you are usually beat.

by deuceblocker k

Larger raise on flop to 1/3 pot cbet. Larger than 1/3 pot on turn with somewhat wet board. I would call river, but you are usually beat.

Agree with all of this. If you raise slightly larger on flop, you can jam turn for pot.

On river I don’t think you can fold for this price. I have seen Villains donk jam in this spot with something like AA or AK that doesn’t want to fold but also doesn’t want to check/call.

You did this to yourself imo. At a table like this with the aggressive dynamics ("lots of all-ins pre" likely means people like to put their money in light) I'd just raise the flop big, shove the turn and expect to be paid off by Kx, maybe even flush draws (sure, you'd lose to those in the end, but that’s not the point). I often just call the flop here as a default, by the way. Not sure how good or bad that is to be honest. But here I would just raise. 140 leaves you with 295 behind, right? 295 is less than 300, maybe that would matter to villain, psychologically.

I think the flop raise amount was fine. However, the turn should've been a jam.

Bigger raise on the flop (there is $90 in pot -- go $100); bigger bet on the turn ($175 - jam). As played, meh. ...his betting range is quite value/premium, so I guess it's a fold, but it sucks. I would like to have committed myself before river.

I would have certainly jammed on turn or at least made it 2/3 of his stack to call but I am wanting this hand to end on the turn. I did the same thing with a made hand yesterday facing two diamonds with the nut straight I made it 4/5th his chips he folded but I didn't care I won enough and if he wanted to see it gonna cost dearly.

V has to be a real wild card to call this one off imo. As played without anything telling you he would not have a flush here I would probably let it go. It is closer than you might think though. Occasionally you will see a bluff here, either JT or something he decided to turn into a bluff. Pretty rare though.

I think either raise larger flop to jam a relatively clean turn or just call flop to rope in the loose passives for one street. The small turn bet is bad. Your flop raise reps a polar range. Either your hand wants to pile in money on the turn to get in stacks or it wants to generate folds by betting big. You very rarely want to raise flop and then bet less thsn 2/3 pot on turn, especially on a wet board where the nuts are relatively unchanged. 7c6c is the only combo that really gets there so the turn is a relative blank.

Raising flop and not following up with a very large turn bet and instead betting small or checking turn too much is a relatively common leak. Fortunately it is an easy fix. Just don't do it.

wow great advice mlark thx



I decide theres too much in the pot and call, he shows 7 8, I thought his RFI was too tight for this hand so I had excluded it.

bigger flop, bigger turn. you should have very little left by the river making it trivial.

by Stupidbanana k

wow great advice mlark thx



I decide theres too much in the pot and call, he shows 7 8, I thought his RFI was too tight for this hand so I had excluded it.


You could’ve bet V’s 401k on the flop and he’s calling. You could’ve bet his kids’ lives on the turn and he’s calling. nh sir, gg, bb, “Player’s checks!”

OK, he had 8c7c for a combo draw and you were getting stacked anyway. If you made it 120 on the flop and shoved the turn, you get all his money in if he misses and he might give up here on a blank as played.

Then if he had a made hand, shoving the turn represents a draw, and you would have a good chance of getting called. If he had a weaker draw, then you get him to fold or get allin with incorrect odds.

by deuceblocker k

OK, he had 8c7c for a combo draw and you were getting stacked anyway. If you made it 120 on the flop and shoved the turn, you get all his money in if he misses and he might give up here on a blank as played.

Then if he had a made hand, shoving the turn represents a draw, and you would have a good chance of getting called. If he had a weaker draw, then you get him to fold or get allin with incorrect odds.

The 8s is not a blank to V as played, it’s seven more outs. Why should he put H on a set? And at 59yo, the next MAAG I see fold a four flush headup on the turn with an unpaired board will be the first one. They always call and show their neighbor if they miss. Always. For over thirty years, 100% of the time. Add in the gutshot draw, he’d call $2000 there. Hell, he’s beating AcQJTc!

There is something comforting about being all in on the turn with a set.

I just had him pegged as such a straightforward player with his bets being pure value and thought (when he cbet into 20 people) that it had to be a K. maybe K9 even or heck K5. But a K. So my thought process OTT was "I have 350ish and pot is 250ish, how much can a king call here? KT, KJ might fold to an overbet..". In essence I thought I was milking the cow on one of those boards where its like A-6-3-2-2 and you have AK and are squeezing the fish's A8o lemon for every drop.

by OmahaDonk k

There is something comforting about being all in on the turn with a set.

Or even on the flop. But V is never folding after that flop.

As played, based on HÂ’s read of V, tough but clear fold on river.

by Stupidbanana k

I just had him pegged as such a straightforward player with his bets being pure value and thought (when he cbet into 20 people) that it had to be a K. maybe K9 even or heck K5. But a K. So my thought process OTT was "I have 350ish and pot is 250ish, how much can a king call here? KT, KJ might fold to an overbet..". In essence I thought I was milking the cow on one of those boards where its like A-6-3-2-2 and you have AK and are squeezing the fish's A8o lemon for every drop.

On your good days it’s an 8 or 7 on the river and V is wishing he had more money to shove in the pot.

PRE - In this configuration, I'd like to 3B, to hopefully get this heads up with the whale in the CO.

FLOP - I'd raise bigger, like $130, or even $150.

TURN - think I'd just jam for a PSB or over-bet here, before an action killing river card. This 1/3 PSB is way too small. He's likely to call with a pretty wide range here, including lots of draws.

RIVER - pretty gross. As played, I don't think he's bluffing very often, but I don't see how we can fold. We only need to be good around 24% of the time, and we're basically at the top of our range.

Next time 3B pre, raise bigger on flop, and jam turn. If he calls with a flush draw and gets there, reload and keep playing.

by Stupidbanana k

I just had him pegged as such a straightforward player with his bets being pure value and thought (when he cbet into 20 people) that it had to be a K. maybe K9 even or heck K5. But a K. So my thought process OTT was "I have 350ish and pot is 250ish, how much can a king call here? KT, KJ might fold to an overbet..". In essence I thought I was milking the cow on one of those boards where its like A-6-3-2-2 and you have AK and are squeezing the fish's A8o lemon for every drop.

One more example of why you need to pay closer attention to your opponents and work on your reads, which many here have noted as being unreliable.

Quote: "V is MAAG I don't know very well. I've played a couple sessions with him now."

After a couple sessions, you should have a good read. Even if you haven't seen the guy in months, a few orbits should be enough to see how he's playing, and know he's chasing his draws to the end, hence why we want to pile it in on the flop and turn.

A basic mistake to put him on a king rather than on a range. Like he can sometimes have a draw or 2-pair or whatever. Playing optimal against an OK make hand is not optimal versus his range.
