Analyze this high hand jackpot structure (sorry mods if wrong sub)

Analyze this high hand jackpot structure (sorry mods if wrong sub)

1/3 NLHE

The room has instituted a new high hand promotion structure. Rules:

1. 1$ will be taken from every pot over 50$ at all stakes towards this jackpot.

2. To win you must "collect" high hands, four of them to be exact, once someone collects all four they win the jackpot and EVERYONES PROGRESS RESETS. Progress is saved electronically.

4. The four hands you need are:
-Any royal flush
-Any straight flush
-Any Four of a kind
-Aces full of tens, jacks, queens, OR kings.

5. Both your hole cards must play.

6. All money paid in is paid out, money in the jackpot does not accrue interest while sitting - ie. there is no leakage in or out.

7. You have the choice of opting out whereupon you must stay opted out for at least six months before you can opt back in.

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18 January 2025 at 08:20 PM

22 Replies

Most high hands / bad beats go out randomly. Obviously if you play 10x or 100x as many hands as other people you get more lotto tickets, but plenty of times people who only play infrequently will win.

This structure seems like it'd be impossible to win unless you played a huge number of hands, or got stupidly lucky.

So if you aren't in the top 5% of users by volume then snap opt out, maybe even if not in top 2% or 1% then opt out.

Possible it's kind of good for the game if you know who got lucky "recently" by hitting a royal and so is now chasing 100% of quads and straight flushes.

They have this at my casino too 300$ per half hour which can grow if not hit. Only during Sunday-Thursday so a lot of recs come to play just for this.

Aha but you also have paid in the most if you are putting in the most hours.

In a perfect imbalance example with 2 people - one who plays 24/7 and the other one plays only 4 hands runout to the river... the former is massively a favorite to win the jackpot but other than 4$, its all his money..

by pnut007z k

They have this at my casino too 300$ per half hour which can grow if not hit. Only during Sunday-Thursday so a lot of recs come to play just for this.

not the same I dont think.. this isnt a high hand "draw" ever X minutes. This is a you-accumulate-these-hands-to-win in a sort of race format with the other players that will likely span months if not years

kind of an interesting format be ready for 1000s of hours of play to even have a chance.. lol

Looks clearly designed to create a return reg economy. You see tourists sometimes winning a royal flush jackpot but needing the other 3 big hands means that this favours regular players heavily.

^ In essence it seems to me to be a semi-eternal fun side bet amongst the regs with a layover from incidental players.

Seems poorly designed - also I don't follow why anyone would opt out? room is dropping $1 regardless.

Once the jackpot gets big enough this also encourages dealer cheating, collusion and secret agreements among players to split the reward. But hitting those 4 hands actually probably does not take that long on average, so wouldn't expect any monster jackpots. Player can easily hit 75% of the list in <24 hrs, its that fourth one where there is a big expected grind.

Rewarding grinders over tourists is all ready strategically debatable, but this promotion doesn't even clearly benefit grinders relative to the extra rake, and on top of this, it pushes most of the "rakeback" to a tiny group of individuals. So punish everyone who plays 10-30 hrs a week at the expense of nits who give no action - bad idea.

And if you want to reward high volume grinders there are plenty of easy ways to tie that to actual hours played, that still allow competition, with bonuses; its been done before.

idk id opt out if theyre taking 1$ from every hand u win

If you opt out they won’t take the $1 out? That seems like an amazing alternative.

My assumption was that if you opt out you keep the extra dollar for every pot you win over $50. Obviously insane to opt out if they take the promo money from you anyway.

Correct. If you opt out you will receive 1$ extra in every pot that you won that was over 50$.

by Stupidbanana k

Correct. If you opt out you will receive 1$ extra in every pot that you won that was over 50$.

This rule still hasn't been fully explained.

So up to $9 extra dollars (on top of normal rake) are raked for a special jackpot every hand.
Does dealer drop $1 for every play who has opted in only at showdown?
What if they folded an earlier street or posted a blind? How many dollars get dropped later?

So dealer needs to track more information.
I can't imagine a way that this could be implemented without being a mess and / or slowing down the game.
Like I said in my previous post, even regs / grinders might not think its +EV to participate. (and historically pros almost always prefer less rake because it directly increases profit)

Just to clarify - is this a real rule or just an idea you had?

by monikrazy k

This rule still hasn't been fully explained.

So up to $9 extra dollars (on top of normal rake) are raked for a special jackpot every hand.
Does dealer drop $1 for every play who has opted in only at showdown?
What if they folded an earlier street or posted a blind? How many dollars get dropped later?

So dealer needs to track more information.
I can't imagine a way that this could be implemented without being a mess and / or slowing down the game.
Like I said in my previous post, even regs / grinders m

It's not complicated. At end of hand either 1usd is removed or it isn't depending on whether winner opted out... Nothing to track

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The odds of just collecting a royal flush is about 650,000 to 1. At 30 hands per hour, it will take you almost 22,000 hours to collect one on average. And that assumes that the pot even gets to 50. The good news is that in that time, you'll probably collect all the others.

The smart play is to opt out. Wait for the room to stop this promotion and play when they disperse the holdings.

by monikrazy k

This rule still hasn't been fully explained.

So up to $9 extra dollars (on top of normal rake) are raked for a special jackpot every hand.
Does dealer drop $1 for every play who has opted in only at showdown?
What if they folded an earlier street or posted a blind? How many dollars get dropped later?

So dealer needs to track more information.
I can't imagine a way that this could be implemented without being a mess and / or slowing down the game.
Like I said in my previous post, even regs / grinders m

What the heck? Its 1$ from the WINNER SINGULAR of the pot. You seem have reading comprehension issues.


Seems needlessly and overly complicated to me. I don't like it.

I don't play in a room which electronically tracks players / their hours / etc., although I did play a single session in a Texas cardhouse that did this in order to track timed rake. So I'm guessing a player's opt-in / opt-out status (in order for the dealer to know whether to rake the $1) as well as their hand progress status can be trivially checked/updated by the dealer without massively slowing the game down?


by Stupidbanana k

What the heck? Its 1$ from the WINNER SINGULAR of the pot. You seem have reading comprehension issues.


by Stupidbanana k

1. 1$ will be taken from every pot over 50$ at all stakes towards this jackpot.

You seem to have trouble comprehending that Literally the first thing you wrote was Wrong! and it was never fully clarified anywhere else in your post.

It's a stupid promo. Even bad poker room managers would figure out this is a bad promo pretty quick.

by gobbledygeek k

I don't play in a room which electronically tracks players / their hours / etc., although I did play a single session in a Texas cardhouse that did this in order to track timed rake. So I'm guessing a player's opt-in / opt-out status (in order for the dealer to know whether to rake the $1) as well as their hand progress status can be trivially checked/updated by the dealer without massively slowing the game down?


When you hit a high hand the house comes over and you give them your ID and they record your details. At any time you can claim to have all four high hands and they can check on their system by searching your (legal, ie. not poker alias) name. Some people don't like this aspect already.

But how do the dealers know if player has opted in versus out so as to rake the pot or not?


Easiest opt out ever.
