88's flopped full house.

88's flopped full house.

2/3 nl.

The button is the effective stack with 225. He has played a couple orbits and has limped or called every hand. I haven't seen him take aggressive action yet.

UTG limps, I am next and raise 8s8d to 15, The button calls, It's folded back to the UTG who calls.

(45 in pot)...7s8h7c...The flop gets checked through. Should I bet?

(45 in pot)...7s8h7cQd...It's checked to me and I bet 15, The button raises to 35, UTG folds. I ask to see how much he has which was 175. He pushed it all out towards me.

How would you play this?

) 5 Views 5
23 January 2025 at 11:26 PM

10 Replies

by mongidig k

2/3 nl.

The button is the effective stack with 225. He has played a couple orbits and has limped or called every hand. I haven't seen him take aggressive action yet.

UTG limps, I am next and raise 8s8d to 15, The button calls, It's folded back to the UTG who calls.

(45 in pot)...7s8h7c...The flop gets checked through. Should I bet?

(45 in pot)...7s8h7cQd...It's checked to me and I bet 15, The button raises to 35, UTG folds. I ask to see how much he has which was 175. He pushed it all out towards

Raise to $20 instead of $15 preflop. Losing free money there. Could even go $25. I check that flop to give someone a chance to ketchup or bluff. On turn a bet is fine, but I bet $25 instead on $15. Button seems sticky so I don't mind a min raise to get him pot committed for all in river shove. If he pushes it all out like that he would be bending over to you in front of table if he folds.

check or bet flop small is ok. i was going to say GII but actually i wouldnt be surprised if this was some Qx that is going to fold to shove, so you can just minraise and jam river.

Flop check is fine unless these guys are just floating constantly with unpaired overcards and lower pps. If we do bet, that's when I bet $15.

On turn, no one is folding Qx, 7x or better... or an OESD holding T9, 96, 65 to a big bet so that's what I'm targeting. I throw in two green chips on the turn expecting to get called by those hands. They may chase a gutterball with their JT/J9 hands too.

We're leaving way too much money on the table by betting $15 on the turn. They're rarely folding any of the range above and they're often folding everything worse if we just breathe on the pot. Lowest I'd go on the turn is $40 fwiw.

This is where everything went wrong imo and created this awkward spot. As played, 3bet turn and shove river. If he folds to your turn 3bet, he never had anything anyway.

+1 to above, bigger turn.

think about the range that calls $15 vs. calls pot. not much difference. you have to start building a pot.

PRE - I might raise a little more, like $20, but otherwise this looks fine.

FLOP - I'd probably c-bet at least some of the time, for a small size, on this flop texture, because I'm not really expecting the opponent behind to stab at it often enough to check. Probably bet $15.

TURN - think I'd have bet more than $15, when the flop checks through. Probably bet $30.

His raise is basically a min-click, probably indicating he slow played 7x or he's got Qx. Possibly he's got Q7 and wants to get stacks in. That pushing chips forward move is often a sign of strength.

Think I'd click it back, to $75, and pray he jams. If he doesn't, I'm just going to jam the river. We want to get as much money into the pot as possible, as soon as possible. We don't want to go to the river with more than a PSB remaining.

I just overlimp preflop but that's me.

Really think we should always be betting small (like $15) on the flop here. Target straight draws, backdoors, overs, small pears, spazz, etc. not too mention trips. Missing huge value here overall, imo.

Thanks in part to not betting small on the flop, it may even be difficult to get stacks in now even though the SPR was small (as we now need 2 PSBs). I probably go larger on the turn with this idea in mind.

Due to being OOP I think we are probably forced to reraise now. If we go $100 that will create a $245 pot with him having $110 left for the river, which seems reasonable (could maybe go slightly smaller on the turn). In position we could consider flatting to jam over the incoming river bet, but OOP too risky the river checks thru.


I think as played is fine I would probably wait a bit before even calling looking suspicious and may even check river to induce him trying to steal and then jam. I don't really think he is going to call a re-raise unless he is holding a 7 you want him to have a chance to improve his hand and get really stuck.

Played fine, although I might go $20 on turn targeting Qx or 7x. As played, flat the turn and then bet the river about $40 to make it look like a blocking bet -- let's hope he jams.

If these guys will play back at you on flop thinking you whiffed or have an over pair, I can see a small bet, but the check is fine.

Thanks for the replies.

I tanked for about a minute after he raised the turn. I decided to call and then check/jam the river.

(115 in pot) 7s8h7cQdKd...I suppose this goes from check/jam to bet small?

I think I should have just bet small on the flop and started building a pot. As played, I should bet bigger on the turn since they either have something they can call or not. Might as well go for the bigger bet to set up a river shove.

by mongidig k

Thanks for the replies.

I tanked for about a minute after he raised the turn. I decided to call and then check/jam the river.

(115 in pot) 7s8h7cQdKd...I suppose this goes from check/jam to bet small?

I think I should have just bet small on the flop and started building a pot. As played, I should bet bigger on the turn since they either have something they can call or not. Might as well go for the bigger bet to set up a river shove.

It's probably still a jam. In fact I'd like to donk jam, not check jam, especially on the river K.

His most likely hand is a slow played 7x, which he's not folding, or maybe AQo. If you bet small, like half pot, he just flat calls, because he'll level himself into thinking you could have KK/QQ. You have no bluffs when you bet small after calling the turn raise.

You could bet REALLY small, like $15, to induce him to spaz raise. If he does, I'd fake tank for maybe five seconds, then jam.

Or we could skip the fancy play and just jam. Few opponents are going to lay down trips here, as played. He'll tank for a while, mumble something about us having KK/QQ or KQ, but he'll stick it in.

Just look at your line from his perspective. You raised pre, checked flop, bet-called a turn raise, then jam river. It doesn't make sense for you to take that line with KK/QQ. He'll never think you have 88, or 87 if he has a 7, and if he has K7/Q7 he beats 87.

You have no draws on the turn. Your raise pre, flop check and turn bet-call look like AQ/KQ or maybe occasionally AK. His turn raise looks like AQo or BS, because he supposed to bet flop with his 7x. Your river jam looks like KQ. He didn't slow play trips on the flop and min-click the turn just to fold on the river. If he has AQ he's folding anyway, or just checking back.

Just jam.
