Strange hand with AQo in the middle

Strange hand with AQo in the middle

1/3 NLHE 8 handed

Nearing the end of session and getting a little tired, been stuck about 200$ all night. We have 600$ (in for 800$) in the UTG+1. Wondering how I played this hand.

V1 - BB loose passive asian kid. VPIP/PFR about 35/10/2. He's very sticky postflop and generally fairly straightforward. He massively overvalues top pair. Doesn't understand that he should tighten up MW. Covers. BB.

V2 - Tight passive MAWG. On his 3rd BI. Came from 2/5 where he lost. He's been losing all night and is running his mouth and getting annoyed. 240$ BTN.


UTG straddles 6, Hero to 20 UTG+1 with A Q, folds to V2 who calls, V1 calls in BB. 3-ways in the middle.

Flop 60 - 5 4 2

V1 checks, H checks, V2 bets 60, V1 calls, we think and call.

Turn 240 - K

V1 checks, H checks, V2 AI for 160, V1 starts tanking for a long time and looks like he is going to fold but then finally seems unhappy and puts in the call, we think a bit and call (?).

River Main 720 Side 0 - T

V1 checks... Hero?

) 7 Views 7
01 February 2025 at 10:16 AM

8 Replies

You have like half pot left? Easy allin

Whatever you bet, V1 is folding. So why not shove? It's only 1/2 pot (360) as Joe noted.

Great runout, ldo, and helped you maybe earn an additional 320 on the turn vs raising flop. Why didn't you raise flop though?

What bums you about how you played it? I don't think V1 is calling any bet after whiffing river. Dry side pot, maybe that 1/10th river bet size mentioned before might induce shenanigans, but flushes are easy to see. Nh.



Hero bets river for 105 into side pot and V1 calls showing K 3, V2 has 2 4

I think the flop is a raise or fold spot. We have the most obvious draw, so I’m not expecting much in the way of implied odds.

by Stupidbanana k



Hero bets river for 105 into side pot and V1 calls showing K 3, V2 has 2 4

That cost you a lot of money.

What is V's range getting to this river? Big spade or no spade, right? If it's no spade (or low spade), it's highly unlikely he will call any bet, so you need to shove to get paid when he cannot fold the K or Q of spades.

Fortunately, since V1 called the turn, equity wise you don't need to make anything more to have called profitably OTT. However, this is another reason to shove the river, so you get paid the max from a big spade.

Also need to fix your read on V1. He makes top pair OTT, and still has the str8 and spade draw and is tanking? He ain't that sticky postflop, he obviously is NOT overvaluing top pair, and he seems to be playing quite cautiously MW, at least in this hand....

Tough one on the flop. I'm tempted to just shove or raise enough to commit myself. As played, turn is fine, but again the shove is tempting, and river is gin. Bet ~$150 or just shove.

Read results: shove would probably have gotten paid 😉

I asked V1 if he calls a shove and he said 'no way' and then I said 'what about 200$?' and he said no.. I felt like he had a lot of overpairs to the flop with one that couldn't call much, hands like 9s9x 8s8x, I was also really worried that V2 had a set and V1 had 6s6x in which case I'm in serious trouble as my flush and straight outs aren't all live.

by Stupidbanana k

I asked V1 if he calls a shove and he said 'no way' and then I said 'what about 200$?' and he said no..

I don't believe him, but if you do believe him, change your read immediately. You can take advantage of this guy!
