QQ facing back raise pre

QQ facing back raise pre

1/2 MGM Vegas

Effective Sizes: ~500

V1: MAWG UTG Raises 10
V2: MAWG UTG+2 Calls
Hero: Button with QQ raises to 60
V1 folds
V2 back raises to 130
Hero: ???

Table had been fairly normal 1/2ish - generally loose passive, not much 3 betting, and neither villains had been out of line, and I'm probably viewed as the tighter side of taggish if they are paying attention. Not seen a back raise from anyone at table in hour I have been there.

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01 February 2025 at 08:53 PM

19 Replies

We already knew from your read that V2 was pretty fishy, and we now have confirmation that he is REALLY fishy, because he either:

--Called from UTG+1 with a monster hoping to backraise; or

--Called from UTG+1 with a good hand, and once it came back to him HU he thought "screw it" and went for the backraise despite you having an extremely strong range here.

If it's option #1, then you're obviously toast.

If it's option #2, you need to come up with a reasonable range for a loose-passive who overcalls from UTG+1 and then backraises after a 3-bet and being HU when facing the 3-bet.

I call.

This is not a limp-reraise; this is a backraise. He called someone else’s raise and then 4bet.

Until proven otherwise, this should be considered extremely strong. Another sign of strength is the sizing. If he had a medium-strength hand like AK or JJ he would be more likely to jam so he can see all 5 cards if he gets action. This is probably AA or KK.

by Always Fondling k

--Called from UTG+1 with a good hand, and once it came back to him HU he thought "screw it" and went for the LRR despite your having an extremely strong range here… reasonable range for a loose-passive who overcalls from UTG+1 and then LRR after a 3-bet and being HU when facing the 3-bet.

AQs, JJ, AKo?

It’s pretty close. I’m ok calling because it’s Vegas and people spaz, though I’m probably making a nitty fold against an unknown and never telling anyone.

by adonson k

AQs, JJ, AKo?

That's a reasonable range for a TAG.

The villain was described as loose-passive.

The sizing of the "back-raise" suggests strength. Some players will play AK in this fashion but tend to jam, often not fully cognisant of how deep they are (e.g. 250bb). Given the small size there is a temptation to call IP but you'll be facing a SPR of <1.5 in which you're hoping for no A or K on the flop but then too often regretting calling a shove on such a flop. Hence I would fold.

This is always AA or KK at my game by some weirdo that has no clue. I fold AQ AK and JJ- here and call with QQ+. Minclick is mega-nutted.

I probably 3-bet to 40 from the BTN.

This sucks but I fold.

Fold, but induce the excited idiot to show. This min-ish click BS is AA, often, or KK, trying to get a call before they rip it on a safe flop. If you've a better read on V, work off it, but this is how I see it.

Folding is exploiting this cretin. Sucks to fold Queens, but we like money.

Also what Dr TJO said: with AK, they want to see 5, not fiddle with getting another bet out of you.

Maybe your nitfish are different? Mine do this transparent minclick garbage and it's infuriating w/o good IO to crush them. All you can do is wait, and manipulate the pot to eat their faces.

by Stupidbanana k

This is always AA or KK at my game by some weirdo that has no clue. I fold AQ AK and JJ- here and call with QQ+. Minclick is mega-nutted.

It's always AA/KK but you call with KK and QQ?

My only disagreement with CMV is that I'd need a read to believe this is as weak as KK at low stakes. AA almost always.

by venice10 k

My only disagreement with CMV is that I'd need a read to believe this is as weak as KK at low stakes. AA almost always.

Mathematician nitpick: any percentage mix of AA and KK is still “AA or KK,” even 100-0.

Flat calling the flop. Even if this is AA/KK, we sort of have odds to set mine. Usually fold the flop if we miss, but can reevaluate.

A little smaller pre, probably going 45. Probably calling 70 more mostly as a set mine.

Annoying fold.

Not saying that this isn't still a fold, but I would go smaller preflop, like $40 - $50 maximum. When I see someone raise this big, I often imagine they have AK or TT-QQ that is afraid to play postflop. When your hand is semi-faceup as non-nuts (are you really raising 6x with AA on the button?) it could potentially induce opponents to spazz.

That being said, I agree with the consensus that you likely just ran into it. Would much rather call a big raise than this small one.

Thank you all.

Agree that my 3 bet was a little too high.


I tanked, and called, thinking perhaps there was enough spazz coupled with some set minining odds that made it worth it.

Flop KQJ rainbow. He c-bets 100, I insta shove. He tanks, saying it was the worst flop for him, but eventually calls with the inevitable AA, he doesn't hit an Ace or a Ten, and I scoop.

Clearly got lucky, and not convinced that folding pre was not the correct call, especially since we're going to often face the same c-bet on say like T47, and are probably not getting away from calling at least one bet.

by hitchens97 k

1/2 MGM Vegas

Effective Sizes: ~500

V1: MAWG UTG Raises 10
V2: MAWG UTG+2 Calls
Hero: Button with QQ raises to 60
V1 folds
V2 back raises to 130
Hero: ???

Table had been fairly normal 1/2ish - generally loose passive, not much 3 betting, and neither villains had been out of line, and I'm probably viewed as the tighter side of taggish if they are paying attention. Not seen a back raise from anyone at table in hour I have been there.

The old call and re-raise from players 15 and up and some weird remnant to the past of what you do with kings or aces. I would easily fold here then once they take the pot I normally thank them for saving me so much money.

May as well fold
