Flopping the nuts action table
1/3 around 600 average stacks
V1 button fish luck player basically a calling station he has been running somewhat hot mid 20s Indian. 560$ eff
V2 LAG MP asian jams pre any two cards playing short stacked has some ammo right now usually plays aggressive post flop 450$ (just doubled up with a4 all in pre vs a aq)
Hero UTG AQ Suited clubs
Hero utg makes it 15, v1, v2 call
Board AAQ rainbow
Do I bet for value here or just check? I want to know if I made a mistake.
5 Replies
I would check, it’ll usually check around which is fine. I think betting small has merit too.
Bet $10. If you check, even if one of them stabs at it, we can't check raise, and it still looks strong when we flat call, so we won't get any more value.
Bet small, and then check turn. Pray someone decides to try to rep your hand by betting big, or that someone improves to a straight, or lower boat.
How would you play KK here? It's hard for either V to have an ace when there are two on board. So we'd probably bet small, with plans to fold to a raise, or check fold the turn if our bet gets called. If either V thinks we're scared of the aces, they might try to rep having one, by stabbing turn when we check.
If one is a maniac and the other is a calling station, and they're both running good, we should take advantage of that. They could call with a surprisingly wide range, and decide to start betting the turn when there's $75 or more up for grabs and it looks like we're giving up.
So, bet small, check call turn, and then on the river, shake your head in a resigned fashion, like you're disgusted by how badly you're running, then quickly check again.
If no one bets turn, size way up on the river, to make it look like we're trying to steal it. Bet like 1.25x pot.
I bet $15. If they fold, so be it -- they probably didn't have a hand that could catch up, anyway.
A check is fine, too, if V2 is aggressive enough to bet this flop.
i c-bet my standard 15$ as i typically would on any pre flop and flop they folded unfortunately. I just wanted to gauge if most people would have also cbet something here. I dont think a check would have really made me more maybe a possible stab later. I was really hoping for a caller and a re raise tank call and check turn. Get raised againd strat