AJ in SB.

AJ in SB.

2/3 NL 8 handed.

The hand prior to this I raised to 20 in the BB with QQ's with two limpers in the pot. Both folded.

I have no read on the villain other than he is a quiet petite Middle Eastern guy. He has been pretty lose with limps and has raised a few times. He is in the UTG.

UTG limps, MP limps, HJ limps, CO limps, folded to me in the SB and I raise to 20, the BB folds and the rest all call. My image tonight is tight but not nitty since I've had a few playable hands.

UTG is the effective at 300.

(100 in pot). 5s6hAd....I check, it gets checked around.

(100 in pot). 5s6hAd6s...I bet 25 and only UTG calls.

(150 in pot). 5s6hAd6s3h....I check, UTG bets 65. Is this a call or fold? At the time I felt like I gave him some rope with my river check. I also thought it was possible he may V bet a worse Ace. I didn't feel good about calling though.

Is my preflop raise correct? Is the sizing right? Might it be better to just flick in the dollar and see a flop instead of potentially bloating the pot OOP?

) 6 Views 6
04 February 2025 at 02:49 AM

12 Replies

I think you should raise preflop, but this amount was a bit small OOP. It's the same size you made it from BB last hand with 2 limpers, and this hand has 4 limps. Take it to 25 or 30.

Going small on turn after flop checks thru doesn't feel optimal to me. Think a bet of 40 or 50 would serve us better. I think we should value bet river as well. As played, I kind of get what you mean about calling river not feeling good. But we can be wrong 70% of the time and a call is still winning, so I think we have to call the 65.

The way you played this hand, you have to call.

Why check flop as PFR? This should be a nice chunky bet, I would go 60. That way you can put him AI OTT. Or alternatively, you can downbet to 50 OTT, he will let you know if he has a 6.

If he just calls the turn, easy AI OTR.

Also, Thamel is right, bigger bet preflop, you are OOP for this whole hand.

id rather bet 1/3 pot on the river and get him call with weak Ax because most people are gonna check that hand back. preflop i would either raise to like $30 (or more) or check. postflop, the hand is fine. i would not bet tpgk OOP into multiple players in fact i think doing so is quite bad.

as played obvious call. if he has something better, w/e you lose.

Agree that you should raise larger preflop (between 8-10x) over 4 limpers. I like the check on the flop. Prefer 50%+ bet on turn. Don't mind the check on the river. Call.

Raise Pre is obvious. The sizing is always going to be questionable. If you go to small everyone will call, If you go to big no one will call except someone planning to back raise with big pairs. IF your taking it to $20 with two limpers and getting called, Then you'll need to go bigger to thin the field with 4 limpers. I like going to $30 here.

AP on the flop I'm betting about a third. I always bet a third multiway (maybe this is a weakness on my part). You will get action from straight draws and smaller aces. Anyone with two pair will most likely raise and this will give you a chance to get out cheaply.

The bet on turn is fine. If Villain has a six he most likely would have raised. There is a flush draw now. Most players fear flushes.

On the river a check is fine. Villain didn't bet flop, he didn't raise turn. There's a good chance he was on a draw and missed and will stab at it. he's not calling with a missed draw. If he is strong then you are only losing another $65.

Call river and let the forums know the reveal please.

I would raise to 30 pre after all the limpers and from the SB

I agree with nitty old man we should continue betting otr after betting a quarter pot ott, I would bet 40, otherwise if we check we might have to tank over a psb and not know what the bet means, whereas if we bet 40 otr and got raised it would be much clearer that we're likely behind.

As played, more info would be needed on UTG, but since it's less than h/p just call even knowing people do limp/call AK and AQ from UTG in 1/3.

I go $25 pre, but whatever. The rest of the hand is fine as long as you called the river.

I might go ahead and bet the flop, though, after raising pre from SB. Not sure why you checked?

I'll admit I sometimes just see a flop preflop after all these limps, OOP and dominating hands sometimes in the mix. If raising, I'd go $30+ to actually have a chance at thinning the field in most lineups plus setting up a more comfortable stackoff spot postflop with TP. The result should be expected at this sizing and it sucks (OOP to a very small SPR where we offered everyone ~okish IO, yuck, imo).

I avoid these postflop spots by doing something dfferent preflop cuz I think everything we do sucks. Checking to give the world a free card sucks. Betting to commit stacks giving these IO preflop sucks. Pick our poison I guess?

Not exactly sure what we're accomplishing with a 1/4 PSB on the turn; I guess trying to tow the line between getting value while somehow not committing?

Think against most we're better off setting our price on the river and going for a bet/fold. This guy doesn't seem like a bluffer so all a bet/call does is mostly guarantee money only goes in on the river when behind. But we're getting a good price and our hand does look weak.



PRE - I'd probably raise bigger than $20 from the SB when there are multiple limpers involved. Probably make it at least $25, if not $30.

FLOP - Don't mind the check from OOP and multi-way on this board, but wouldn't hate a small c-bet either. Doubtful we'd be up against better aces.

TURN - When the flop checks through, I think I'd size up here, and bet 1/2 to 2/3 pot.

RIVER - Never folding. Just call.

As played definitely not folding river. Probably call but it's close between call and jam I think. I think we should bet 100 on the river and hope to get more value fron an ace. And we can make an exploitative fold if he jsns over the top.

Turn I would probably go 50, I expect 6x to raise 50 on turn anyways.

I am fine with the flop check this multiway.

Preflop I think 25-30 is more appropriate with this number of limpers.

by mongidig k


(150 in pot). 5s6hAd6s3h....I check, UTG bets 65. Is this a call or fold? At the time I felt like I gave him some rope with my river check. I also thought it was possible he may V bet a worse Ace. I didn't feel good about calling though.

Is my preflop raise correct? Is the sizing right? Might it be better to just flick in the dollar and see a flop instead of potentially bloating the pot OOP?

Agree with Mlark that we can probably / usually bet the river and expect to get called by worse AX, after the flop checks through. It may be a little thin against some V's. If we don't have any reads to indicate he's aggro or bluffy, it's possible he shows up with some better AX occasionally, or even something strong that didn't raise turn for some reason.

When V bets 1/3 pot on the river, it's very likely to be a weak hand. But if so, he can't call a raise, so there's not much point in raising. It's possible he has no idea how to value bet a hand like AQ or 6x, or he's hoping to induce a raise.

I think we'd prefer to bet 2/3 to full pot, or even over-bet slightly, accepting the risk that we value-own ourselves, rather than check, hope he bets, but without a reasonable expectation that he'll bet big, and knowing he might just check back with a worse hand that would have called a big bet.

I’m actually okay with not raising PF with AJo because you do sometimes end up OOP with a bloated pot and a hand that isn’t a great hand multiway (obviously AJs is a lot better). Raising could also fold out weaker aces you dominate that would call multiple postflop bets.

But raising to 30 is fine too, especially if multiple players are likely to limp-fold so you could end up heads up, 3-way or even take it down PF.

I don’t understand why we don’t bet the flop. We raise PF and got one of our best flops with this hand. I like a small bet on the flop.

The is no way villain puts you on an ace or better on the river. I wouldn’t be sure if we are good here or not but you played it in a way that will induce bluffs if villain is the type that could do it. So might as well call for those odds. A bonus is you’ll get some info about this villain when you see his cards.
