Crazy Hand at 1/3

Crazy Hand at 1/3

Probably not my best moment, just sat down about a few orbits ago and I haven't played any hands. I bought for $400 and had about $390. Vilain #1 is an old man who sits to my right and starts raising preflop blind and keeps betting without seeing his hand he wins a few surprise hands but eventually burns his first $200 and buy-ins again.

He blind raises to $25 UTG, Hero UTG+1 makes it $75 with QJ offsuit. I am not sure if that was a mistake, as vilain #2 is someone I have played against before and is an action player, he is also sticky. He likes to straddle, he calls more than he bets and has just given a solid player a bad beat, so he as about 600 in front of him. He looks at me and lectures me "Why you didn't go all in" then he cold calls. Vilain #3 on the button he is solid, goes all - in with ~$180. Vialian #1 goes all in too and it up to me. I know I am behind now, but I call. I thought about folding but I did not consider going all in. Villain #2 goes all in, and again not much of a decision, I call.

Vilain #1 had 46 of hearts, Villain #2 pockets tens and vilain #3 AK offsuit.

Any feedback on how I played?

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04 February 2025 at 03:44 AM

20 Replies

Really bad. Don't play QJo in ep. Probably have to fold to allins.

sounds to me like you're the impatient sort as you're itching to get money in with QJ high.

Just pretend it's a 25 BB game. Qj would be a fold in this position

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You actually wound up getting it in only a slightly losing gamble. However, TT and AK were playing reasonably. What was crazy was mostly how you played. Sort of close once you put in 75, but it was likely you would need to put in 400 not 200. It doesn't matter that much how deep you are. QJo is just not a playable hand unless it is passed to you on the button or something.

I am snap folding QJo from UTG+1, and I'm folding to the first all-in, kicking myself for the $75, and topping off.

Assuming a full 9+ handed table, I think this is an easy fold to the initial blind raise preflop as there are simply far too many people behind us that can wake up with a real hand.

Honestly kinda weird preflop spot after that. Even though we're destroyed by Button's jam, we *might* be getting the correct price to call as it is about 5:1 against him. Assuming the maniac is still blind, we're probably doing ~ok against ATC. But guy behind us is a little bit of a problem as cold calling a 3bet is pretty damn sticky; think we may be forced to fold because of that.


Fold everywhere, obviously, as everyone said.

I think V2 with TT played it almost as bad as hero.

V1 is obviously just gambling and this is better than slots, given that it might well be the second best play.

V3 is me and I leave tilted because I win like 1% of the time in this spot but have no idea how I could play it better.

by illiterat k

Fold everywhere, obviously, as everyone said.

I think V2 with TT played it almost as bad as hero.

V1 is obviously just gambling and this is better than slots, given that it might well be the second best play.

V3 is me and I leave tilted because I win like 1% of the time in this spot but have no idea how I could play it better.

Actually, villain 3 wins about 30% of the time 4-ways. You need to realize it is gambling and you aren't going to win every time you get it in $EV+.

by deuceblocker k

Actually, villain 3 wins about 30% of the time 4-ways. You need to realize it is gambling and you aren't going to win every time you get it in $EV+.

May have been a hint of sarcasm in my reply, as I post to distract myself from *waves vaguely* but let me double check it to be sure...

illiterat AxKy
PLAYER_2 6x4x
4 trials (lol long run)

All-in Equity
[table=head]|Equity %|Wins Hi %|Ties Hi %

by gobbledygeek k

Assuming a full 9+ handed table, I think this is an easy fold to the initial blind raise preflop as there are simply far too many people behind us that can wake up with a real hand.

Honestly kinda weird preflop spot after that. Even though we're destroyed by Button's jam, we *might* be getting the correct price to call as it is about 5:1 against him. Assuming the maniac is still blind, we're probably doing ~ok against ATC. But guy behind us is a little bit of a problem as cold calling a 3bet i

I appreciate it, shouldn't pocket tens go all in there?

At the time, my raise pre-flop seemed like a good play. But you are right this was 9 handed table. So this play would have been better if I was in late position, correct? Or is it still a bad play.

I was close to floding, but as you say I thought I might be getting the correct odds to call.

by illiterat k

V1 is obviously just gambling and this is better than slots,


Lol no its not. Slots you have a chance of winning. With his "gambling" he won a few hands but there is no way of keeping his money if he keeps raising every hand blind, then keeps betting blind.

no, but please come play in my game

by MistekK k

I appreciate it, shouldn't pocket tens go all in there?

At the time, my raise pre-flop seemed like a good play. But you are right this was 9 handed table. So this play would have been better if I was in late position, correct? Or is it still a bad play.

I was close to floding, but as you say I thought I might be getting the correct odds to call.

by Dominic k

no, but please come play in my game

Once you raise to 75, it becomes close whether to call the other 125, particularly with the blind raiser probably calling or at least folding dead money. But then there is the other 200 you might have to call, and as played, you have to call it.

If it was folding to you in the BB, then it might be a push with QJo against the blind raiser. It might be a question what to do if folded to you on the BTN or SB.

In general, the initial 3! with QJo was just terrible, and you shouldn't be playing QJo in general, except if passed to you on the BTN or calling a straddle in the BB or something like that. It is possible you are not a winning player with that sort of hand selection. A lot people play that way at low stakes, but it isn't good.

Its actually one of the best possible iterations - your Q and J are both live!

V2 shouldn't be talking about your play with players left to act. Poor form.

Otherwise, this hand is BINGO, where strat goes right the f**k out the window.

I'm not opening QJo from UTG+1 so I'm definitely not isolating villain with a 3bet either.

Yeah, sometimes it'll get through or you'll get him HU but there's too much action left behind at a FR 1/3 table where people will just cold call 3bets, leaving you OOP with a weak RIO hand.

This just seems like a case of finally seeing a somewhat playable hand after a few orbits and wanting to take a stand against someone blind raising.

I don't consider QJo a playable hand. I wouldn't raise with it or call a raise or 3! with it in normal conditions without the blind raise. If there were a bunch of limpers and I was on the BTN, I would fold it. If it was passed to me in CO or later I would usually play it.

I don't know if OP won the hand and got criticized by one of the players with TT or AK. Obviously, QJo had decent equity against those specific hands, but it is dominated by JJ+/AQ/AJ/KQ/KJ.

by MistekK k

I appreciate it, shouldn't pocket tens go all in there?

At the time, my raise pre-flop seemed like a good play. But you are right this was 9 handed table. So this play would have been better if I was in late position, correct? Or is it still a bad play.

I was close to floding, but as you say I thought I might be getting the correct odds to call.

Honestly, TT is in a pretty difficult spot facing your UTG+1 3bet unless he thinks you're maniacal (which you are in this hand). Also depends what position he is in too; the earlier position he is in against a more "standard" player putting in $75 preflop in a 1/3 game from UTG+1, the more it might be a nitty fold.

QJo is a modest 60:40 fave against ATC. So the less people behind us, the more we're ok with possibly trying to isolate with it. So if it was folded to us in the BB, then seems okish. But folded to us on the Button with the 2 blinds still to act, it might even be meh. Really, you could just always muck this to a blind raise; you'd be far better attacking with A high that Q high when getting in hugenormous percentages of stacks preflop.



by MistekK k

He looks at me and lectures me "Why you didn't go all in" then he cold calls.

It's a multiway pot. He's not allowed to make any comments on the hand. I d point that out to him personally.

by 009285832 k

It's a multiway pot. He's not allowed to make any comments on the hand. I d point that out to him personally.

I don't mind him, because every time he sits on the table I have won. I lost that hand but overall made money that night.

But you are 100% correct and he is worst than that. He routinely shows his cards to his buddies and he makes comments in multiway pots even if he is NOT in the hand. Later that evening, TAG player raises form early position with AA to $25 and him and a few other make the call. It goes to the river heads up, AA guy has about 50 left and the pot is close to $300, his vilain goes all in and I kid you not starts saying the villain flopped a set. TAG folds his Aces face up and He starts pestering the villain, you have a set here don't you.
