AA doesn't always win.

AA doesn't always win.

1/3NL 8 handed. I am the effective stack with 450. I have a tight image.

I open AA's in the LJ to 20 because the CO and button were super loose and calling a lot of raises. The CO calls and the rest fold. The CO is a 30 ish Mexican guy.

(40 in pot) 3c9sTc...I bet 30, the CO min clicks to 60. The only time I have seen him bluff was on the river after given some rope. He likes to chase post flop but I haven't seen him show aggression. I decide to just call.

(160 in pot) 3c9sTd6c...I check and he bets 100, I call.

(360 in pot) 3c9sTd6c2d...I check and he jams all in. I have 270 left.

) 4 Views 4
08 February 2025 at 04:46 PM

8 Replies

The suits changed. Was the flop 2 clubs or rainbow. If the former, the turn would have made a flush possible.

by fatmanonguitar k

The suits changed. Was the flop 2 clubs or rainbow. If the former, the turn would have made a flush possible.

It was rainbow. I post like I play. Sorry!

Probably just fold flop, you bet way too big as an exploit to charge one pair and draws and you got raised instead.
Esp. given read he's super likely to call way too wide and only raise when he beats an overpair.

Turn 87 now gets there and he doesn't care. More likely to be overplaying T9 than bombing it with KT. Some chance he has JJ or even QQ, I guess. Some (smaller) chance he has QJ or maybe J8, and your read is off.

River, 4c5c would be chefs kiss.

check flop

as played fold turn

dont pay off loose passives

he might have Tx OTF. i doubt he has it on OTT.

Check flop OOP. Better to bet JJ/QQ to deny equity to overcards and they would have more backdoor barreling opportunities. AA does not need as much protection and this board can have many nut-changing turns. Checking can still allow us to get 2 streets of value against worse while not allowing us to get semibluffed.

Minclicks are annoying and whether I fold or continue is going to be very V dependent.

As played, 78 got there and he’s probably slowing down with Tx and taking a free card with draws. Fold turn.

Agree with fatman on flop strategy. But I cannot find a fold against this guy, given H's read on V and H's table image.

I don't mind the c-bet, but I might go smaller -- $20.

I hate getting min-clicked, but I can't find a fold on the flop. Does he just call 99/TT pre? Will he call T9 (most players will)? Does he min-click draws or top pair? It doesn't sound like it, so if he truly is loose/passive and the min-click is rare, just fold the turn.

I limp the LJ but that's my style.

SPR is 11 and we offered terrific 22+:1 IO preflop, so I definitely don't want to work towards playing for stacks. Board is a little drawy. Against face up ABC players I probably lean to three streets of small bet/folds. Against trickier players I probably lean towards a check with an eye on getting to showdown for a reasonable price. So if betting, I'm mostly just making a nitty fold to the flop raise (especially against someone who rarely gets out-of-line, especially against aggression).

As played, I check/fold the turn. He's taking a massive valuey line and most don't overplay Tx against nitty opponents. Also, one of his few semi-bluffs got there (87).

And I don't get to the river, but I fold again. Keep track of how many players blast off over 3 streets even with busted KQcc here; they are an extremely rare breed.

