Multiway pot with small overpair in early position
2/3/5 NL 8 handed
H has effective stack of $815. H has nit image, has been card dead for the past 2 hours. V in CO is jovial 60’s Asian male rec, loose and has twice bluffed a multiway pot in early position with small bets (and not succeeded).
UTG pro opens $15
H utg+1 $45 TdTc
LJ calls
CO calls
B calls
UTG calls
$265 8c 7s 3d
Utg checks
H $90
LJ folds
CO tanks 20 sec, looks like he wants to raise, and calls.
Everyone else folds
$445 3s
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3 Replies
The card-dead nit 3!s a UTG open, and gets 3 callers, and then the "Pro" opener overcalls instead of 4!s the crowd. K'then.
I see no reason to bet into a loose, bluffy but not super aggro V here. It's a very vulnerable OP, but you're WA/WB, and I'm kind of surprised you didn't get raised on 873r. This V doesn't sound like they've a fold button either. Bluff-catching/pot-controlling at first seems the way to go. 87 just got counterfeited, pair + bd got their draws wrecked, and I doubt 43/53 called the 3!. 2 combos of A3s to worry about, I guess. So 8 combos beating us. Which would make this a valuebet then. 8 combos vs 20-30 or so pair, lower 2p or draw combos. Is this V overcalling pf with QQ/JJ vs putting in a 4! ? That can change things considerably.
88/77 are ofc out there despite V only calling flop with two players left to act, and I'd prefer calling one street against the possibility vs two. There are a bunch of T9/65/96 stuff we'd like to charge that would float flop vs a 1/3 bet, (though we block the first one), but I wonder if the downside of facing a x-r is worth it?
Yes, the "Pro" is actually a pro, as he probably logs 60+ hrs per week at this 2/3/5 game. I play a lot of hours at this casino, so someone who is there every single time I go is more than a reg. I don't think this guy is a crusher, but he grinds out a living. He thought for quite a while before calling my 3-bet. I'm seen by this guy as a very tight player, so if I 3-bet an UTG open, I don't a 4-bet bluff from him.
I think this was like the 3rd hand I raised in 2 hours, and first two never saw the flop. So, yeah I was surprised when everyone called my raise, but it was a good game and there were a lot of multiway pots both limped and raised.
When V called the flop after cold-calling the pre-flop 3-bet, I thought JJ and QQ were definitely in his range. I wouldn't expect those hands to 4-bet me preflop given the table dynamics up to that point.
I shoved the turn, and V folded 87. I was trying to fold out JJ. In retrospect, I think it wasn't a good shove. Regardless of what V actually had, I think a check or a small bet on the turn by me would have been better.