NL1/2: TPGK in 6way pot
full ring, at least four players with >= 100BB stacks including hero
Hero (CO)
Pre Flop: (1.5BB) Hero has K♣ J♣
2 x limp, 2 x folds, Hero raises to 5BB, BTN, SB, BB, and 2 limpers call
Flop: (pot 30, 6 players, stacks ~95) J♠ T♥ 6♠
4 x check, Hero bets 10, 5 x call
Turn: (pot 90, 6 players, stacks ~85) 7♦
6 x check
River: (pot 90, 6 players, stacks ~85) 7♣
4 x check, Hero ?
Do you bet OTR or already OTT? If yes, how much? With so many players in the pot I’m quite concerned about random 2pairs, trips, or better. On the other hand, I wouldn’t expect strong hands to slowplay. So when it checks to me OTR my TP looks still good.
Mostly rather passive limpers at the table, two players slightly aggro but perhaps not too competent, not many reads yet.
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