Moved up in stakes yesterday

Moved up in stakes yesterday

Best move i ever did my God the player pool at 2/5 is so much worse then the 1/3 guys at my room. I wouldn't even say I was playing optimally. Anyways tough hand here wanted to share.

8 handed 2/5$ Hero $2200 eff

Most stacks around 700-2400$ whole table is straddling except me I didn't come to a higher stake to play 5/10 so they were a little miffed whatever my money fk em

V1 maybe Indian or some kind of mix older 40s bluffed jammed me w ace high on the river I was betting the whole way ironically 3rd hand at the table so I was a little on guard now to sniff him out but did catch a tell since he showed me his cards after the boastful bluff he was so proud of... LAG/Maniac [2600$ eff]

V2 older guy young 50s very quiet I've only been at the table for around 45 minutes bought in for 1k he flopped a boat on me second hand in and checked all streets bc i was betting my pocket pair til the river smelled something sus... he's def the most capable player at the table able to trap and 4 bet very quiet and doesn't play much [1400$ eff]

Hero AsKs UTG+1 straddle of course is on 25$ Hero flats waiting for usually raise from later streets typical action at the table is around 75$ which i could either flat or squeeze depending on who's in.

Folds to V1 HJ calls, button calls, sb & bb call utg checks not exactly what I wanted but its not horrible nice healthy pot.

[150$ in the pot] board

Kc 4s 7d

X, x, hero x, V1 35$ V2 calls sb folds, bb folds utg folds hero calls

just gonna check here i want some splashy splash from V1 I know I'll get wanting to milk first street 3 bet on turn unless everyone calls ill 3bet turn this is the plan. Only player I'm remotely concerned about bc I can't really figure him out.

Turn 8s

Hero x, v1 45$, button 45$, hero?

I'm actually thinking of milking this some more since I've got action behind by two should I 3 bet here or is it just to sweet to give them one more street of rope check raise river for pot? I think 3 betting here is way too transparent i get insta fold by garbage holdings, but maybe one more street and I look like I'm trying to buy it with a check raise the sizing just seems far too weak for either of them to have anything substantial.


) 15 Views 15
17 February 2025 at 03:24 AM

9 Replies

surprising no one commented.. :(

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I'm a bit confused about preflop. You said straddle is on, but that is $10 right?
Where is this $25 coming from if you said you flat and it gets checked around to the straddle who checks?

Was this a 2/5/10/25 pot with second straddle being 25?

They're most likely allowed to straddle to 25 there.

I would just raise pre instead of tryna get cute in games that are alil over our head, if you had aces and there were raises and 3bets routinely then sure maybe l/rr from UTG but here I would just raise.

As played, we're not in that great of a spot being it was 6 ways and we have a one pair hand with half the field still left. I'm not really looking to go broke here if I don't have to (assuming it's 2,600 eff?), so I would most likely just call and raise if I thought we had FE against both of them since we're a little bit deep. If someone calls an all in we would probably need to river the nuts.

Yeh, would rather raise flop than turn even though we turned NFD.
At least some V's have all 16 combos. of 65, then there's sets and 87.


I end up calling Kh peels on river it checks to me. I bet smaller 85$ hoping for a call and everyone snap folds meh :( .

Preflop you're overthinking things trying to trap there. Just raise always here imo.

Your same thinking process seems to be leaking into postflop play as well, which is going to hurt you longterm a lot.
When you talk about wanting to start checking to "milk action on flop to then raise turn" you're projecting action way too much. We don't know what card is going to fall on turn, nor how big bets are, or who is still in.
Checking flop with two players behind is def still fine of course, but it's mainly to see what happens and learn more about the multiple opponent's ranges if a bet goes in. If it's a small size we can look to raise flop right away.
If it's bigger or if multiple people are calling we can just call often.
As played there vs the small size and only 3 way I would be raising for value right away.

Turn same idea, you're talking about "milking" some more but all you're doing by "milking" is allowing them to showdown very cheaply, which will happen a lot given the tiny turn size bet.
We are still behind some hands, like 56 and potential two pairs sometimes, but I think given how tiny the bet is we should just be raising for value again here.


PRE - I understand not wanting to raise because it's a straddled pot and you're shot taking, but I would just open for a raise and play somewhat straightforward until our opponents develop some respect for our raises and post flop ability.

FLOP - I'd check raise. Even decent 2/5 players are likely going to bet bigger on the flop with strong hands. We want to get value from worse Kx and charge their draws.

TURN - sort of yuck. 65 got there, but we picked up the BDFD to go with our TPTK.

If my maths are right, the pot is $255 on the turn, and the bet is only $45? If we were heads up I'd want to raise this small bet, but here I'm concerned about what the BTN has when he calls flop, sees us over-call, and then calls again on the turn.

Maybe V1 is bluffing, though this seems like a bad spot for it, or maybe they're both on a draw or have worse for value, but I think I smell a straight somewhere.

Think it's probably best to just flat, hope to make our flush, and then just donk out huge on the river if we do. Otherwise just flat, check the river, and evaluate. Hopefully it gets checked through.

If we raised pre, we probably could have taken down a decent size pot with a big check raise on the flop. Or if we got called, we could check call or barrel this turn, and possibly win a huge pot on a river spade.

I raise pre, but I understand the decision you made. Flop is fine, but I might raise. Turn I definitely raise -- get them in there with worse draws/hands.
