3 hands at 2/5 against 100% VPIP Whale
Saturday morning 2/5 game 1k cap
V is middle aged lady who was not the brightest bulb in the lightbulb store, maybe drunk or on drugs. VPIPing 100% of hands, almost always limping including with AA, AKs, etc. Saw her 3bet once with AQs, otherwise has just flatted all opens including with aces and AKo.
Hero is young 20's kid in a hoodie, playing TAG except trying to get into spots with the VIP, who is on my left. I ended up getting completely owned by her and I would love some feedback on these spots to figure out how I can adjust to this player type better in the future.
Hand 1 (910 eff):
Pro opens EP to 15
3 callers including VIP on BU
I squeeze AKcc in SB to 100
Only she calls
Flop (245): Qc 8s 2s
I bet 80
She calls
Turn (405): 5s
I continue for 210
She thinks and calls
River (815): 9c
She has about 525 behind
I decide she isn't folding her Q to a jam after calling the turn and give up
She checks back QhTd
Hand 2 (1250 eff):
VIP limps LJ
I overlimp HJ with 56ss
Old man iso's BB to 20
She calls I call
Flop (60): Qs 9s 3d
OMC continues for 25
VIP calls
I call
Turn (135): 7h
Lady bets 65
I call
Old man tank calls
River (330): 6h
Lady bets 150 without much thought
I raise to 600, I think she would go more polar with thick value, this size smells like BS to me
Old man folds
She tanks forever, tries to talk to me (I never talk on the river either way which one of the regs tells her) and eventually she calls 73o
Hand 3 (910 eff):
VIP limps LJ
I iso to 25 in HJ with K7ss
BB calls
She calls
Flop (75): Ts Th 5s
Checks to me
I cbet 25
They both call
Turn (150): 3d
Checks through
River (150): 2s
She bets 65
I raise to 300
BB folds
She thinks and jams
I'm in the blender, so hard for her to have me beat with the flop action unless she has a random T3o T2o. She can have nut flush but she VPIPs 100% and she can have any flush and may overvalue it or a Tx hand, may also be getting tired of me bluffing her and just jam a 5x hand with a spade here. Maybe this is just a clear fold, 3 bets on the river are so nutted at 2/5 but I just couldn't figure this lady out, I put in the call and she has 5h5d for the flopped boat.
Would love feedback on these spots and what I should have done differently, this session has been bothering me for last 24 hours
(I know people usually say don't post results but because the first two hands feed into the third thought it was okay this time)
12 Replies
So you were bluffing a calling station.
You should've probably picked up on that way way before the first hand.
The last hand it's easy fold unless you know for sure that she overvalues hands.
you play too loose pre, cbet too much, and bluff when you dont rep anything.
Hand 1 is fine but I think you can give up turn. If there wasn't a flush completing turn and if you were shallower I would probably jam for value to get called by worse Ax or air. But 200bb eff I think you threw too much into this pot
Hand 2 I would iso the whale pre you want to go heads up vs her as frequently as possible.
Hand 3 I read results so I'm already biased and usually prefer to get the results later. I prefer to check back K high flush draws on a paired board multiway flop. But after that I think you played fine
Also ignore these comments above lol I think overall your strategy vs a whale fish is smart and variance definitely played a role in the bad outcomes. Iso with a slightly wider range that performs well post flop, and get it in with slightly lighter value than usual.
Agree with B00m that you should ignore the comments. There is nothing in the hands you posted that suggests she is a calling station, and against the average fish you should be bluffing a lot simply because they are overfolding almost everywhere.
Hand 1: Flop and turn are wp, but I would jam the river.
Hand 2: I would iso pre, but apart from that it's also wp.
Hand 3: I would probably fold the river but it's close.
To the guys saying OP shouldn't bluff her: she is playing close to 100% of hands preflop, do you really think she'll be able to defend enough of that range to stop OP's bluffs from being profitable?
Hand #3 is a fold since even fish know a paired board is bad for a flush.
Hand #2 is WP. But it’s possible isoing preflop is better depending on the opponents behind you.
Hand #1 is a triple barrel if she is as wide as you say. Against a normal fish it is a give up OTT.
Variance is tough, especially live when you don’t see many hands.
Agree with B00m that you should ignore the comments. There is nothing in the hands you posted that suggests she is a calling station, and against the average fish you should be bluffing a lot simply because they are overfolding almost everywhere.
Hand 1: Flop and turn are wp, but I would jam the river.
Hand 2: I would iso pre, but apart from that it's also wp.
Hand 3: I would probably fold the river but it's close.
To the guys saying OP shouldn't bluff her: she is playing close to 100% of hands pre
Yes because her leak isn't she folds too often. You can not successfully multi--barrel bluff a calling station. You can bluff but once called unless you are betting for value you are handing her money.
Yes because her leak isn't she folds too often. You can not successfully multi--barrel bluff a calling station. You can bluff but once called unless you are betting for value you are handing her money.
This is not correct.
Your strategy of bluffing once is exploiting yourself because the 100 VPIP fish will call flops/turns more than theory to see if she hits her hand.
You should be triple barrel bluffing a 100 VPIP fish more than regular fish/regular players not less.
This is not correct.
Your strategy of bluffing once is exploiting yourself because the 100 VPIP fish will call flops/turns more than theory to see if she hits her hand.
You should be triple barrel bluffing a 100 VPIP fish more than regular fish/regular players not less.
Absent the hand histories you have an argument but facts trump theory. This fish will call down with low pairs, do a small c-bet to try to take pots, and let you hang yourself when she flops big. We obviously did not get to see every hand she played but every hand we were shown she calls down once she calls once. She definitely plays too many hands but in every hand we saw she is not a random call every hand fish post flop. And her being up as much as she was suggests thinking of her as a fool post flop is an expensive mistake.
I don't see anything that seems bad, though it depends on her tendencies, obviously.
I disagree with the turn on hand 1. I feel that we are value betting and also trying to buy a cheap river. This type of player will often let you dictate the action, so I would bet quite a bit smaller. Maybe just do 80 again, maybe 100. She isn't folding a queen and might not fold any pair. So we want some value from unpaired hands and a chance to suck out against pairs at a reasonable price.
Hand 2 I would generally isso with 56s. However, if people are 3! when they know you are isoing wide, then it is OK to limp call so you get to play the pot with her. You could consider blasting the turn obviously, but call is OK. River bluff is OK.
Hand 3: Ugly. I pretty much agree with your thought process, but I would try to get good reads on V, as I'm sure you did. There might be cases where you could find a fold here. Some players are whales who just DGAF about the money, but they do understand handstrengths and aren't nec. totally idiotic post flop or in spots like this. Others are just super passive, playing bingo and won't be looking to raise unless they have a sure winner. But there are some who rarely play poker and might just think "flush!" You said she seemed possibly intoxicated so I can't fault you for calling.
Hand 1 Flop bet is fine because we have great equity vs. her range but I give up OTT on a card which doesn't improve us.
Hand 2 I fold river.
Hand 3 Raise for value is probably good, calling her jam is not good.
Saturday morning 2/5 game 1k cap
V is middle aged lady who was not the brightest bulb in the lightbulb store, maybe drunk or on drugs. VPIPing 100% of hands, almost always limping including with AA, AKs, etc. Saw her 3bet once with AQs, otherwise has just flatted all opens including with aces and AKo.
Hero is young 20's kid in a hoodie, playing TAG except trying to get into spots with the VIP, who is on my left. I ended up getting completely owned by her and I would love some feedback on these sp
My strat against this sort of V would be to use lots of smaller bets when we're bluffing or have thin value, under-bluff / over-fold when she shows aggression, and go for max value when we can cooler her, knowing she has a hard time folding.
Trying to make her fold ATC while we're holding napkins and over-playing our marginal relative value hands is just torching.
Also helpful to delay gratification with delayed aggression. Like, H1, I would just check flop and turn, see what she does, and consider raising turn or river. H2 I'd iso pre, check back flop, raise turn, and probably barrel river. H3 I might not even play pre, but if we do, I think we just need to barrel turn and river, then consider folding when she raises. If she donks river, I'd be careful about raising, when we've shown nothing but strength.