AKo on a paired turn against an unknown limper

AKo on a paired turn against an unknown limper

1/3 weekday afternoon session. Hero was the effective stack with 430.

UTG +1 (chip leader at the table) opened 10
HJ just moved to this table with lots of chips. It's literally his first hand at this table and he limped without realizing there had been a raise.
The dealer reminded HJ it was a 10, and he called.
Hero saw AhKc on the btn, h 3-bet to 50.
UTG+1 sighed folded.
HJ tank called.

Flop (114)
Q J 8
V checked,
H bet 40,
V raised to 90.
H called.

Turn (294)
V checked
H had exactly one pot-size bet left. Hero?
And what's our plan on river in position, if the river is a brick?

Thanks in advance.

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12 March 2025 at 02:19 PM

21 Replies

I would check back the turn after he minraised the flop. Wet board tends to hit him and not great for your range. Not sure what you represent by betting.

I check back the turn and hope for a really good river or a check from V.

W/o reads we don't know if he check/raised the flop because your bet induced or because he actually has a hand.

Preflop sizing is a little awkward at this stack size. One part of me wants to go $65 to setup a more comfortable stackoff spot postflop with TP (since we'll be creating a small SPR). Another part of me wonders if we can get away with a much smaller 3bet that can still manage to get this HU but at a more playable bigger SPR (but $30 might just get us 3ways to a small SPR anyways).

I'm cool with a small cbet. Calling the check/raise is dicey. Yes, we're getting decent immediate odds thanks to the small sizing, but it is still only 5:1 which is far away from being able to chase a gutshot. Plus our overs could have massive RIO. I think this is more just a fold.

I actually give up on the turn and UI on the river. This line is often taken with a boat or with a straight who is a little afraid of the board pairing (but they are never folding with this little behind). If I bink a straight on the river I probably sigh call a reasonable bet or bet if checked to. If I bink TP on the river I probably lean to a nitty fold if bet into, otherwise probably making a small bet if checked to.


I would play defensive here as this flop favors V's range much more than yours, as someone who effectively limp called 3B he has more nuts in his range. So c/small cbet flop. I am leaning towards not calling that flop raise as seeing A/K in the next two streets is not exactly great for us. We wanted to get to river as cheap as possible but it seems unlikely.

As played, I would check the turn. Sure you could try to represent a boat but what are the chances that this guy folds second nuts at 1/3 after limp calling 3b. By river if he bets this would essentially be bluff catching and at that point if you made straight it would just be slightly better than if you made TPTK.

For the weaker hands, V surely has hands like Axss, QTs, 89s in his PF limp-called 3 bet and flop check raise range right?
V surely shouldn't have absolute nuts like QQ & JJ in his range.

by Javanewt k

W/o reads we don't know if he check/raised the flop because your bet induced or because he actually has a hand.

For a 3-bet pot on this flop, I'm likely betting 1/3 pot or less with most or all of my range. Very few randos are going to checkraise here with air even if they think the flop bet looks weak.

I do agree we should check back the turn.

by Fish1999 k

For the weaker hands, V surely has hands like Axss, QTs, 89s in his PF limp-called 3 bet and flop check raise range right?
V surely shouldn't have absolute nuts like QQ & JJ in his range.

Why? I mean, if you know this about him, fine, but how do you know it? I know players who absolutely could have these hands.

by Fish1999 k

V surely shouldn't have absolute nuts like QQ & JJ in his range.

Why not? Villain could easily have just called the 3-bet, even OOP, with either QQ or JJ.

Check flop

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by Fish1999 k

For the weaker hands, V surely has hands like Axss, QTs, 89s in his PF limp-called 3 bet and flop check raise range right?
V surely shouldn't have absolute nuts like QQ & JJ in his range.

IMO limp call 3b is a very capped top range. In 1/3 this would be wider but still I expect to see TT JJ, Axs, sc like JT-AK. Occasionally 88 99 QQ. That tank call makes me think it is not a drawing card though.

by Javanewt k

Why I mean, if you know this about him, fine, but how do you know it I know players who absolutely could have these hands.

Did you guys miss the part that he limped before realizing there was an open, and then flat the initial open and then flat the 3 bet? As a recreational player in Europe, I have never seen anyone doing this with QQ/JJ in the last a couple of years.

OK, what do they do it with? You have AK. What is he folding if you bet except a naked flush draw?

By all means, if you think he does this with naked flush draw or less and you think he'll fold, go for it.

by Always Fondling k

Why not Villain could easily have just called the 3-bet, even OOP, with either QQ or JJ.

Please see above my reply to Javanewt for my first reasoning.

In additional to that, ok, let's say there ARE players who limped QQ/JJ at HJ, and then double-flat to see the flop. Is this a likely scenario in a 30ish recreational player who just moved table with lots of chips? You kind of have to hugely discount QQ/JJ even if you do include them in V's range.

by Javanewt k

OK, what do they do it with You have AK. What is he folding if you bet except a naked flush draw

By all means, if you think he does this with naked flush draw or less and you think he'll fold, go for it.

I am more curious regarding the previous discussion now. Did you and Alwaysfonding miss the part that he limped first and then double flat, or this is a commonly seen play at 1/3 in the U.S? I may go and play in the U.S at some point this year. So, seriously, do people do this with QQ/JJ? Thanks in advance.

AA/KK show up here in my games, let alone QQ/JJ, plus everything else under the sun, so I wouldn't cast too narrow a net when attempting to range.

The key point is that he check/raised us on the flop for decent $$. Yeah, we're not blocking some flush draws who could do this (if he's aggro). But otherwise, how much of your poker population is check/raising flops against a preflop 3better with not a whole heckuva lot?


by Fish1999 k

Please see above my reply to Javanewt for my first reasoning.

In additional to that, ok, let's say there ARE players who limped QQ/JJ at HJ, and then double-flat to see the flop. Is this a likely scenario in a 30ish recreational player who just moved table with lots of chips? You kind of have to hugely discount QQ/JJ even if you do include them in V's range.

You may be right about this, but he could certainly have all of the 2-pairs on the flop, since all we know is that he's a rando with a lot of chips who may or may not be sticky when facing PF 3-bets. However, the fact that he called the first raise and then called the 3-bet means he's probably a fish, so good luck trying to range him.

by gobbledygeek k

But otherwise, how much of your poker population is check/raising flops against a preflop 3better with not a whole heckuva lot?

I only play in the casino for 1/2 and 1/3, so most of the time against unknown players. I can only speak for the pots I have played in the last a couple of years.

The flop CR range in a 3! pot from the 3! caller includes certainly bottom pair, some suited connector FDs like 67s, pair & straight draw, combo draws, and obviously thick values such as sets, two pairs, overpairs are seen as well. The player's profile can make a difference, the younger the player is, the wider the CR range.

by Always Fondling k

You may be right about this, but he could certainly have all of the 2-pairs on the flop, since all we know is that he's a rando with a lot of chips who may or may not be sticky when facing PF 3-bets. However, the fact that he called the first raise and then called the 3-bet means he's probably a fish, so good luck trying to range him.

I like your last sentence, still I have to range him - it can be useless but it's my poker habit.

Flop should be checked back very often. If we had a spade, id lean towards a bet a little more but still checking. The range you're trying to fold out (pp under 77) will fold to aggression later.

The issue here is we're growing the pot on the flop with no backdoor equity. A lot of villains range will have caught some part of this flop, so betting and hoping for a fold doesn't seem optimal to me.

AP check back turn and hope we bink a T. If the river is an Ace and v checks, I'd bet/fold small. If the river is a K and v checks I might just check back. If the river is blank I just check back.

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by Fish1999 k

The flop CR range in a 3! pot from the 3! caller includes certainly bottom pair, some suited connector FDs like 67s, pair & straight draw, combo draws, and obviously thick values such as sets, two pairs, overpairs are seen as well. The player's profile can make a difference, the younger the player is, the wider the CR range.

That's what I see in America. The problem is you don't have a profile, and you have A high with a the best kicker. Just check the turn.

Just FYI, some peeps here get their shorts in a twist if you refer to the "big stack" at the table as the "chip leader" when it's a cash game, not a tournament.

We know what you mean, but...no one likes twisted shorts.

PRE - I'm already suspicious of HJ and his possible angling shenanigans. Nothing wrong with 3B'ing AKo, but...let's keep our guard up here. This "Oh, I didn't realize there was already a raise" BS as he's sitting down with a monster stack is making my dickhead detector go bonkers.

FLOP - Meh. I know we can range bet here, but the board is so wet and connected, and smacks his range so hard, and all we have is GSSD with only 3 clean outs. Think we can check back here. I'm already mentally preparing to fold the turn when he puts out his inevitable bet.

As played, when we c-bet over 1/3 pot and he 2.25x min-clicks it, I not only want to fold, I want to turn my cards face up and call him an a$$hole in front of the whole table, for trying to angle.

TURN - we should have folded already. But, we're here now. As tempting as it is to rip it in, and show the bluff when he folds AA face up, just check it back.

When he checks or bets river, just say "aces are good", and check back or fold. He'll feel like a douchebag, rightly so.
