1/3 AK 500 effective
Weird hand.
1/3 500 effective
V is pretty active but also pretty aggressive for a 1/3 player
H: should be seen as tight but been here an hour
I open UTG with AcKc 3 callers including v in SB
Flop Ah5c7h (40)
Checks to me I bet 15 fold fold SB (v) check raises to 45 I call
(130) turn Qc he checks I bet 65 he calls
(260) river 5d
He quickly jams 380
12 March 2025 at 05:14 PM
If the river is a brick and V checks, we can probably just check back, because he either has a missed draw or 75. Otherwise we can turn our hand into a bluff by over-betting, but it's higher variance. He's not checking to mostly fold, he's mostly checking to call.
V tipped his hand when he x/r'd the flop and check-called turn.