Made a 3-bet with AQ and got cold-called from the blinds

Made a 3-bet with AQ and got cold-called from the blinds


~$700 effective

BB - Tight, straightforward reg – never does anything spewy.
LJ - reg
SB - reg

LJ raises to $20, Hero(HJ) AQ 3bets to $80, BB calls, LJ folds

Flop($165) J J 3

x, Hero checks

Turn($165) K

x, Hero checks

River($165) 4

x, Hero bets $250

I don’t see many Jx hands in his range; he’s mostly calling preflop with hands like TT-KK and AK. By checking the turn, I’ll be able to know for sure whether he has AK on the river or not. After he checks, his range seems to be heavily weighted towards TT-QQ, so I decide to bet big.

) 6 Views 6
13 March 2025 at 03:25 PM

14 Replies

your line doesn't make much sense, the x/x/ 150% pot line doesn't scream value to me, I'd look you up pretty light here

I think a better line would've been , bet 1/4 pot flop and pot turn
or check flop, 75% turn

that being said , a tight dude that doesn't get out of line might just overfold to big bets so congrats if you got this through.

I agree with Joe that your line looks like a lot of button-clicking.

Firstly, I'm likely betting 1/4 pot on this board, to see if he'll throw away hands like 99/TT/AK.

As played, I don't understand not betting the turn, since I doubt that "tight, straight-forward reg" is going to checkraise you without a J.

Finally, given that you didn't bet flop or turn, your overbet on the river brick looks very fishy, and I assume a decent reg is going to look you up here with a lot of his PPs.

I'd rather bet the turn. How is flatting a 3bet out of the BB tight and straightforward? I guess he expected LJ to come along?

I can't imagine he's folding anything that beats you on the river, but who knows? Maybe you are a nit, so he believes you?

If he flats preflop, what’s his range? TT-QQ and AK seem like the most likely hands he’s calling with, right?

On a JJx board, he’s probably not betting the turn with AK, but when he checks the river, his range is capped. That’s why I want to attack it. Makes sense?

No, because he's rarely folding any of the hands you are "attacking" on the river. The only way he folds is if you are a nit or OMC.

I think you’re going to need to start betting on the flop to get him to fold a better hand. Most likely a double barrel to take it down.

I would say he’s flatting here with 55-TT along with suited Aces and connectors.

As played, seems to me like he’s trying to take his medium strength pocket pair to showdown and I wouldn’t think this bet would get through very often.

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by Bellezza k

If he flats preflop, what’s his range? TT-QQ and AK seem like the most likely hands he’s calling with, right?

On a JJx board, he’s probably not betting the turn with AK, but when he checks the river, his range is capped. That’s why I want to attack it. Makes sense?

SCs (despite the low IO), some suited broadway, lower PP than TT-QQ. I certainly don't want to play QQ MW OOP. Maybe 77-TT? Not a pure set mine, but hate to throw it away, and feel like 4! is a big overplay? A lot depends on your image, ofc.

Omit the LJ opener, so we know we're closing the action, and I agree with you.

(Missed part 2) If we're trying to get folds from that range, think we need to bet Turn. Doesn't have to be huge, but helps sell things when we've the As. We get called or lol, raised, we can be done with the hand unless we hit a spade or maybe an ace. I can see both sides of 1/3 or x-back Flop.

by Javanewt k

I'd rather bet the turn. How is flatting a 3bet out of the BB tight and straightforward I guess he expected LJ to come along

I can't imagine he's folding anything that beats you on the river, but who knows Maybe you are a nit, so he believes you

Agree here. The most common hands people who are tight cold call 3! with are PPs and Ak. They are afraid to 4! but think their hand is too good to fold.

Not sure any of those fold the flop. Maybe AK. On the turn, AK hits, but an ace and a king are gone and he checks it. You'd think he would lead at least some. Moreover, we can now get hands like TT 99 and maybe QQ to fold. It is plausible that we have AK or KQs. It is also plausible that we have a jack.

If you do bet the flop, I think it has to be with the intention of triple barreling a lot of run outs. We aren't that deep so that depends on V. Some will eventually fold 99 even on good boards for them, some won't.

Worst line possible.

Flop is an easy bet for 50. Mix checking is fine, but...

Just bet the turn FFS, again 50-60 is probably printing but even betting 80 again to bluff spade rivers has to be good.

River reps. JJ or _maybe_ KK, with no leverage, size should probably be closer to 450.
Not even sure a smaller size is better than checking at this point.

What hands do you check the flop and turn and overbet the river with for value?

Go home Bellezza. You're drunk.

I'm confused. Are we betting for value or as a bluff? I actually think we have some showdown value here. V could have worse ace-high, when he cold calls out of the BB.

If we're trying to make him fold TT or QQ, I think we need to bet turn and barrel river. If we're trying to get called by worse AX, I think we need to bet much smaller.

Checking back flop and turn, then over-betting the river is a strange line for value. Maybe V makes a tight fold with QQ/TT, but I'd be calling with KQ no spades, and maybe KT/K9 no spades. Not sure I'd let go of QQ no spades, and maybe not TT.

The problem with targeting QQ and TT to fold is that those combos double block QJ/JT and KQ. Your line looks like a very slow played AJ, and I'm not sure I buy that you're checking back twice with flopped trips, unless you're trying to tell the story you were concerned he might have KJ on the turn.

I dunno, man. This story doesn't make much sense.

BB range is quite narrow due to the action pre. He doesn’t have hands like KT or AJ. Most of his range is big pairs that don’t like the king. I would bet turn small and bomb river.

As played to river I think an overbet vs this player type is printing.

140bbs deep, I would 3B smaller, around $60-$70 instead.

Flop I would prefer a small range c-bet, 20-33% pot. We have a range advantage on this flop and this small bet will already put villain under a lot of pressure with his underpairs.

As played, I would probably check back river. I agree that villain is extremely capped and unlikely to check trips 3 times, but we have decent showdown value with AQ and can chop with his AQ or even beat some of his loose AJs calls. We have much better hands to bluff like our low suited connectors or our worse Ax.

I like your sizing to target his TT-QQ.
