1/3 Riv jam, line check?

1/3 Riv jam, line check?

1/3 Home game 9 handed
900 effective

First time playing with villain, villain probably is in his 50's or 60's, white male.
During the 2 hours I'm at the table, villain never played a single big pot and no showdown. Occasional flat preflop and folded on most flops. Did a 3bet once but took it down preflop.
Assume villain is tight, fit/fold?

Hero plays tight aggro? Only played 2 big hands, 1st hand bet/called a river shove and mucked, 2nd hand hero showed two pairs for 3barrel thin value on flush turn board and won.

Actual hand
+1 donkfish opens for 7, Hero in MP 3bets to 30 w/KcJs, Villain in sb coldcalls???? +1 folds

Pot 70
Flop QT6ssd, H cbets 20, V x/r to 60. H calls.

V range only tt/qq? AKss probably x/c if assuming he's tight passive.

Pot 190

Turn 8d, V bets 100, H tank call.

Pot 390
River 3s, V bets 100, Hero ships 700+.

River good play? Bad play?

) 7 Views 7
14 March 2025 at 04:29 AM

12 Replies

I don't mind this jam, given that you got to the river with Js, although obv better if you had As. It's reasonable for you to BC-C-R AsJs and AsKs in this way as well as the other spade broadway combos.

Btw: Are both the Q and T spades on the flop? It's relevant not only for your range but also for V's, given that he could be calling preflop with AQ and KQ as well QQ/TT/66/AK.

Another consideration is whether V is aware of stack depth. You are 300bb deep so he can widen his SB calling range (doesn't seem like a 3bet or fold type). I mean if you're targeting only QQ and TT on the river then, well, makes it tougher to get through, regardless of V's tight image. You want V to have some strong one pair hands as well.

by DrTJO k

I don't mind this jam, given that you got to the river with Js, although obv better if you had As. It's reasonable for you to BC-C-R AsJs and AsKs in this way as well as the other spade broadway combos.

Btw: Are both the Q and T spades on the flop? It's relevant not only for your range but also for V's, given that he could be calling preflop with AQ and KQ as well QQ/TT/66/AK.

Another consideration is whether V is aware of stack depth. You are 300bb deep so he can widen his SB calling range (does

Yea, QT are both spades.
Villain never have only 1 pair hands after the flop check/raise.

Based on your description of V, it sounds like he has no 4B range, and so he could have TT+ here. His cold flat pre is worrisome. His flop x/r is even more worrisome.

I'd call the flop, but fold the turn. He's just never bluffing or betting worse for value, we haven't picked up any additional equity, and he's apparently not concerned we might have a real hand.

I wouldn't see the river, but if I did, I wouldn't try to bluff this guy off whatever he has.

MP is too early to be getting out-of-line with a 3bet with this hand at a full table, imo. I just fold preflop.

I think I'm ok with the small flop cbet to target underpairs. Also calling the check/raise due to getting good immediate odds as well as likely awesome IO and in position.

Getting ~3:1 in position on the turn against likely a huge hand, I'm also calling. We can easily rep the flush if it comes in and so we can consider a big bluff if he checks a non pairing flush card. Meanwhile our IO with a non flush straight are thru the roof as we can rep the busted flush.

I'm cool with river. I mean, I guess we're never in love with attempting to make a set fold, but this is the best dynamic to attempt that (i.e. our tight image / our story makes sense / he's obviously block betting / he seems to be tight and accustomed to folding).


by docvail k

I wouldn't see the river, but if I did, I wouldn't try to bluff this guy off whatever he has.

Yeah, I get this too though. I mean, does QQ/TT (which is what he has, like, always) just eventually toss in a "I can't fold / if you have it you have it" call here too often? It might really depend on how big this game plays. In smaller BI games, a $700 bet is absolutely massive and has a bunch of FE; but if everyone is used to playing super deep with big chip stacks flying around then maybe not as much.


Against the right player it's a good play, but I'm not sure you know enough about him considering you've seen a few hands and you don't actually know what he's playing/folding. It feels as if you are a bit deep to risk it, too.

by gobbledygeek k

Yeah, I get this too though. I mean, does QQ/TT (which is what he has, like, always) just eventually toss in a "I can't fold / if you have it you have it" call here too often? It might really depend on how big this game plays. In smaller BI games, a $700 bet is absolutely massive and has a bunch of FE; but if everyone is used to playing super deep with big chip stacks flying around then maybe not as much.


Just going to assume your question wasn't purely rhetorical and give an answer.

There's a class of low-stakes player who has enough money to gamble in low stakes games and not worry about making a "bad" play. I think this same sort of player very likely doesn't have any 4B range pre, but post-flop will fast-play everything they could have 4B pre.

If V has AA/KK here, I don't expect him to fold, once he decides to x/r the flop and barrel the turn. If he ain't folding AA/KK, he definitely ain't folding QQ/TT. If we have J9 or rivered a flush, he's just paying us off.

From the description, V sounds tight-passive. When he cold-calls the 3B pre, from the SB, x/r's flop, and barrels turn, he has a hand he likes, a lot. The river jam may seem credible for value to US, but is it to V? Should we be trying to bluff a rock off a hand he clearly likes enough to play this way?

Hero risked $900 when he could have gotten away from his hand for $90 by simply folding the turn. If that's just too nitty with an OESD and the IO of a bad rec who can't fold AA/KK or QQ/TT on the river, okay, call the turn, to try and make our straight, but it's okay to abort mission when we don't.

If the jam works, awesome. Good for OP. He got one through. But jamming river to make this guy fold, when he hasn't played a big pot in the past 2 hours, yet seems willing to play a big one now, just seems like LAG-spew.

7 is an unusually small raise at 1/3. I would call or fold. Don't like 3-betting a trouble hand / RIO hand from that position, but the 3! isn't really bad. Your 3! does not represent a big hand as much because of the small open size.

On the river, a flush hit, but a backdoor flush draw missed and possible straight draws missed. It seem likely he has a set, top 2-pair, or an overpair. The big bet in absolute terms may have some chance, but I wouldn't try it.

by deuceblocker k

7 is an unusually small raise at 1/3. I would call or fold. Don't like 3-betting a trouble hand / RIO hand from that position, but the 3! isn't really bad. Your 3! does not represent a big hand as much because of the small open size.

On the river, a flush hit, but a backdoor flush draw missed and possible straight draws missed. It seem likely he has a set, top 2-pair, or an overpair. The big bet in absolute terms may have some chance, but I wouldn't try it.

It's a home game. Might not be raked. The $7 open wouldn't seem strange if so, or if the donk-fish recently read he should open to 2.5x.

Hero's 3B to 10BB's should be large enough to get some respect, especially if his image really is TAG. If KJ is a trouble hand, better to play it as a 3B or fold than a call.

by dangomango k

Yea, QT are both spades.
Villain never have only 1 pair hands after the flop check/raise.

Yeah I'm less convinced by the river shove given this info, as you're targeting a very narrow range, but tight players do fold sets on the river. I'm guessing you're assuming V never has AsKs or other nut flush draws (as he wouldn't x-r these). This bluff has to work over 50% to be profitable and if V doesn't have other hands it's a tougher ask but the front-door flush gets there and V unlikely to have a spade, so might come down to whether he's a "can't fold sets" type or not. Getting a nit to fold a set is a super-exploit --- and reasonable in this situation --- so congrats if you went for it (regardless of the result).


Ok Villain had QTdd he called the jam pretty quickly.

Hand was kinda spewy without better reads. Not too used to playing deep stacks.

Yea I should've probably folded on turn

by dangomango k

Ok Villain had QTdd he called the jam pretty quickly.

Hand was kinda spewy without better reads. Not too used to playing deep stacks.

Yea I should've probably folded on turn

That's a tough one.

This sort of reveal leads me to wonder how reliable our reads are, both for V and our own table image. I would not have expected QTs as often as a better starting hand, when there's an EP open, you 3B, and he calls out of the SB, if he's tight, and you appear tight.
