Should I go broke here with KKs?
1/3 cash game.
Button makes it 10. I make it 40 from the SB with KdKc. BB cold calls the 40 and button folds. Pot is 90.
Flop comes 10 5 3, all hearts. I c bet 40. BB calls. Pot is 170.
Turn is an offsuit 9. I bet 150. BB smooth calls. Pot is 470.
River is an offsuit Q. I decide to check. BB puts me all in for my remaining 470. I call.
He shows K8 of hearts for a flopped flush.
Did I need to go broke here?
13 Replies
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I don't think you needed to go broke. I check turn and sigh fold river.
1/3 cash game.
Button makes it 10. I make it 40 from the SB with KdKc. BB cold calls the 40 and button folds. Pot is 90.
Flop comes 10 5 3, all hearts. I c bet 40. BB calls. Pot is 170.
Turn is an offsuit 9. I bet 150. BB smooth calls. Pot is 470.
River is an offsuit Q. I decide to check. BB puts me all in for my remaining 470. I call.
He shows K8 of hearts for a flopped flush.
Did I need to go broke here?
If the preflop call with Kh8h is even slightly indicative of how this game plays, make it 50 or 60 pre.
Flop bet is fine. Could go a bit bigger, but it's fine. I can see arguments for a range of sizes here. Buthe' nobody is folding a good pocket pair or a heart or a ten so might as well bet large.
Turn, now that he's called we are losing to TT, 99 (esp with 9h) and the flush. We still beat a lot, but those hands might now start getting a bit reluctant to call a pot sized bet. We are not hoping to play for stacks. However, you don't want to bet so small that we give them a green light to raise us off the hand. So maybe 100.
River: so, in theory, V should not have a ton of flushes here. But plenty of Vs will have AJ AQ AK KQ and maybe QJ KJ. If you know that this V has hands like K8s it is a pretty clear fold. Even at stakes higher than this, there aren't a lot of people turning AhTx into a bluff, or they do it once a year. We also lose to TT, 99 and QQ. So I think you can fold.
Next time include your effective stack size. If I've mathed right, it looks to be $700.
I'm fine with preflop.
The SPR is ~7 and we offered fairly good IO of almost 20:1 to the BB. Therefore our main plan should be to not stack off postflop. With this in mind, we could bet even smaller on the flop, or even check it.
We're making a huge pot by the turn, which goes against what our postflop plan should be at this SPR.
River is interesting because the main draw did bust, so there is some argument to check to induce to call. But most players aren't capable of shoving this many stacks of reds on the river with a bluff. Next time don't post results as it could influence responses.
Overall, very overplayed at this SPR, imo.
Not only do I go broke with this hand, I would probably have mistaken it for 55 or 33.
But then I rebuy and plot how to get all my ****ing chips back, with interest.
No need to go broke here. Pf and flop are ok. Definitely checking the turn and you're not beating anything that is shoving the river often enough to call.
I would check the flop. You have a medium strength hand on this board, so maybe call down.
Turn bet of almost pot is questionable.
Without a heart in hand, I don't c-betting and growing the pot. Flop should be a check. Turn we can bet small, and I'd b/f river for like 40-60% pot.
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PRE - looks fine. You can go bigger, to $45 or $50, but $40 is fine.
FLOP - just check from OOP. No reason to c-bet here.
TURN - your barrel is way too big. Just check.
RIVER - just check fold.
You over-played your hand post-flop.
I really don't understand people advocating to check the flop here. I don't think it is a particularly terrible flop in a 3bet for KK?
How many made flushes or sets does he in his range on the flop?
Turn is closer. I still like a small bet. He can still call with the Ah o QhQx or whatever. And if he throws away a worse hand: This saves us from a potential tricky river situation.
River is probably a fold. I am not sure how many pure bluffs he has. AhKx and AhJx maybe but we block a lot of kings.
It's a tough spot when the BB cold calls pre. His range is going to be pretty condensed. He'll have all the sets, and a lot of suited combos that may have flopped a made hand.
I generally just check range when HU and OOP as the PFR, regardless of the board texture, unless I see a reason to bet. And I don't see one here. V isn't folding any hand that has us beat, and isn't folding any decent flush draw before the river, unless we want to turn our hand into a bluff and start blasting off.
No reason for us to want to play a big pot here, OOP on a monotone board without a heart in our hand. Hero's line just looks like entitlement tilt, because he has KK pre and is supposed to win.
I hate leading from OOP. If I do it's for either very small or very large sizing. I do a lot of checking though.
V likely doesn't have much made flushes or sets in range, sure. From this point of view, how many combos does villain call the flop c-bet with that doesn't include a heart?
The assumption is that when H cbets, and villain calls, were funneling stronger part of villains range to the turn. Checking keeps his range wide, and makes it easy for us to play two streets and get value. This isn't a 3 street value hand.
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I xb flop and no I don't go broke here.