1/3 Best way to play this?
Original raiser has a reputation for being fairly loose. However, I've noticed over the past month or so that he's slowed down quite a bit. He tends to be playing a bit more solid recently.
Villain has been seen overplaying his hands and bluffing multiple streets to perceived weakness. I watched him bet turn and river out of position when the original raiser declined to c-bet. There was another situation where I saw him bet two streets with an extremely weak top pair. I don't have much other information on him except that he seems to get into a lot of pots. He's definitely very active preflop and maybe a bit sticky post.
SB in the hand is a sticky player for sure. Have played with him in hold'em and PLO. He likes to play a lot of hands and is not one to fold post. I watched him with an overpair bet turn and then river after flop check through with an overpair. Then villain raises river on a paired river and he calls then complains about luck or whatever. Not sure what he was beating but ok.
The whole table is playing really loose in general. I've made a few raises pre to isolate that I regretted after getting called in 3-4 places. Realizing I definitely need to tighten up pre, especially when raising.
Hero with T7cc (750)
Original raiser (covers)
Villain (covers)
SB (500)
Original raiser opens to 15 in LJ. Some goober calls. I call on the button with T7s. Admittedly loose, but I expect a multiway pot in position. SB calls. BB (villain) makes it 50 to go. Original raiser calls. Goober folds. I call. SB calls.
Flop (215)
Checks around. I was debating betting, but I'm not sure I get folds from SB/BB. Certainly a c/r is devastating. So I elect for the free card. I don't have a backdoor flush draw.
Turn (215)
SB bets 50. BB calls. Original raiser calls. Hero makes it 250. SB folds. BB (villain) goes all-in. Original raiser folds. Hero calls getting 3-1. Based on his 3-bet pre, I'm thinking maybe a slowplayed JJ/99. Butttt he call/all-in, which looks super strong. I'm having trouble really putting him on a non-nut hand. If he has a set, what's the likelihood that he really plays it this way? He would be raising the turn to get flush draws out. I'm struggling to really find hands I beat. This seems like a close spot, but I just don't think folding is sane. I'm not really sure what to do. I feel like raising is mandatory given the three players seeing the river and the draw heavy nature of the board, but it's also hard to see getting paid off by much given the texture. If someone could provide some insight? If it were a smaller SPR pot, I think it would be more standard. But this 3-bet pot here makes it seem like just jam it in without thinking. Maybe that's a mistake.
5 Replies
Probably fold pre. Snap call now. You have the 2nd nuts in a 3bet pot.
Villain’s line doesn’t make a ton of sense…if he had a set or a straight I would expect him to raise turn the first time. Feels like some kind of FD to me
Definitely fold pre. You should be tightening up given the 5x open and raising your stronger hands with the caller in between. Getting in there in the hopes of playing MW is just playing bingo. You can call with pocket pairs, some Ace suited and some of your worse broadways. In a raked game though you would mostly like to three bet here.
I'd suspect the BB has some sort of combo draw or maybe the nut flush draw. You said he is sticky so maybe after your raise he decided he is just going with whatever he has or is drawing too. You would think he would be putting in more money with QT prior to your turn raise. You have a blocker to QT.
I can't see folding now.
Fold pf the first time. Fold pf to the 3 bet.
What is reinforcing why you should have folded pf is that you hit a 4 outer on the turn to make the second nuts and you are asking what to do.
At this point, I'd just get it all in. If you have bad luck, you'll win this hand.
PRE - just fold the first time. Fold the second time.
FLOP - just check.
TURN - raise bigger, to $350, at least. $400 isn't crazy. We want to get stacks in now or take it down now.
As played, your somewhat small raise may have induced this jam from V, who was happy to call the SB's small bet with a strong hand or good draw and hoping to get calls from everyone else. He's never folding, so he jams over your raise. He's letting the poker gods sort it out.
Do you think he's 3B'ing pre with QT? Seems unlikely. I'd be putting him on a set or some sort of combo draw.
If he's got QT, or he sucks out on us, so be it. This is about as good a situation as we could hope for when we get involved with T7s. Just get it in and hope for the best.
Initial preflop call is very meh, imo. The more multiway we go, the more we need ~nutmaking hands and the less we need hands that could have high RIO due to being dominated. Even on the Button, I think this is a fold to the initial raise. Calling the 3bet is just really setting money on fire, imo.
Easy checkback on the flop versus these guys.
With $350 in the pot, 3 interested players, a very drawy board, sticky players and $700 left (are we ever going to be able to fold?), I think we could just jam the turn ourselves. I'm not folding to a jam at this remaining stack size / SPR, espeically against a preflop 3better who is less likely to have the nuts.