2/5 pre flop with queens with a 3 bet cold caller

2/5 pre flop with queens with a 3 bet cold caller



SB 500 effective
BB/LJ(hero) 1100 effective

Hero(Q, Q) opens 30
SB reraises 105
BB calls 3 bet


I know what to do here when I’m heads up against the SB which is to call and play the flop in position. Would I shove the short stack here or still just call? 4 bet min seems wrong here cause I would have to call a shove anyways by SB cause I’m just pot committed and I’m not sure going to the flop three ways is a good idea. I assume someone would have AK so I want to fold them out? Or do I just call cause SB can have KK+/AK and play the flop against 2? The more I think about it the more I just want to call the 3bet and play in position cause at best I’m flipping.


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15 March 2025 at 09:33 PM

2 Replies

You can 4B to $235. If the $500 stack jams, you call. If the $1100 stack 5B's you fold. If SB folds and BB calls, you play HU and IP as the PFR in a 4B pot, and you get to c-bet small on every flop.

I’d 4bet to 300 here to get heads up and I’m calling any shove behind

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