1-2-3 NL KK facing re-raise on flop
Prehand Descriptions
Villain 1: older male in his 60s that is a regular. Hasn't gotten out of line from the past hour that Hero has been at the table. Lots of $100 chips that they colored up (5-6 at least)
Hero: TAG style. Playing few hands but raising all hands that I play preflop
Everyone at the table has been straddling $6 after they win the pot (not Hero).
$1/2/3 NL (2 handed)
MP Hero ($300)
CO Villain ($750)
Hero is dealt KK
3 folds, Hero raises to $20, Villain calls $20
There was a straddle ahead of me so I raised a bit higher than usual.
Flop ($45) T, 8, 6 rainbow
Hero bets $25, Villain re-raises to $100, Hero?
3 Replies
Prehand Descriptions
Villain 1: older male in his 60s that is a regular. Hasn't gotten out of line from the past hour that Hero has been at the table. Lots of $100 chips that they colored up (5-6 at least)
Hero: TAG style. Playing few hands but raising all hands that I play preflop
Everyone at the table has been straddling $6 after they win the pot (not Hero).
$1/2/3 NL (2 handed)
MP Hero ($300)
CO Villain ($750)
Hero is dealt KK
3 folds, Hero raises to $20, Villain calls $20
There was a straddle ahead o
All in.
Tell him "nice hand" as you reload if he shows you a hand that beats yours.
We can’t stack off on this flop at spr 6. Check range on flop.
Hero will have $180 back if he calls the $100 with a pot of $245. It's all-in or fold. Should probably sigh-fold vs. described V, but I don't know if I could do it.