Suited wheel ace flops huge OOP
1/3 NLHE 9 handed
Table is fairly loose passive with some short stacks that are occaisionally spazzing pre. We were going to leave but a whale sat down on our right and we're on a heater. We've been card dead for a couple hours before this and now we keep picking up premiums and also smashing flops. People have taken notice. We cover the table.
V - MAWG that played a couple tournaments locally and won 50k and now thinks he's some poker wizard. He's quite bad at 1/3 cash. He's a loose passive that makes weird bluffs from time to time. By weird I mean they just don't make sense, like 3-betting the asian nit woman who opens one hand an hour with A2s or something. Also can bluff post flop and river. He bought in for 300, lost most of it, then tripled up when some guy glued to his overpair 3-bet him, V calls OOP with 98o. Flop T-7-6 flush draw, V check calls a PSB, turn 3 brings in a two flush draw. V x/raises AI and the guy calls with KK. 500$. CO.
Folds to H in LJ who sees A♦ 3♦ and opens 10, V to 25 in CO, BTN loose passive calls, SB loose passive calls, we decide to just call. 4-ways 2nd to act.
Flop 100 (475 back) - 5♦ 3♥ 2♦
SB check, H check, V bets 50, BTN folds, SB folds, I decide to just call this time...
Turn 200 (425 back) - J♣
I check, V bets 65, I just call
River 330 (360 back) - J♦
Hero? How do you like the line so far?
River 330 (360 back) -
8 Replies
Preflop, not happy about it, but I guess OK. Due to the 3! being small and the cold callers, you have to call it.
This is an extreme action flop with 3 wheel cards and a 2-flush. Despite that, I would x/r the flop, shove the turn once it is HU against the preflop 3-bettor. He probably has a overpair or an ace. It is unlikely he has a set or otherwise hit this board hard. He shouldn't have a flush draw, but you have flush draws crushed. You are 60% against KK, 44% against AA. He could have AK/AQ with a straight draw, which you are about 90% against. You are 43% against a made straight with A4s, and crushing other Axs.
I would shove the turn as played with good FE and equity if called.
As played, I would bet the river, maybe push to target big pairs. You should also always be winning at showdown.
I think you played pretty close to optimal. I see no reason to x/r flop because Vs big hands that will pay you off are hands like AA/KK/QQ. By x/r you are pushing out all his bluffs and getting called by hands that will probably pay you off even if you hit. My x/r would be 56, 66, QJdd, KJdd type of holdings. OTT, same story. You can now rope in hands like AJ or KJ, but he has a lot more bluffs or hands that are going to commit on almost any river. I think calling is best.
On the river, it depends on the V. Is he going to bet AA/KK here? Is he going to try to bluff at least sometimes? If either of those is true, check and jam. However, at these stakes a ton of players will not value bet or bluff when the FDFD comes in. Some players would check back KQdd here. So if I'm not sure, I just jam and hope he has a hand he can't get away from.
Xr flop. Bet or jam river as played.
I think you NEED to check-raise-GII on flop. This is the one of the best possible flops for your hand and range and you can GII ahead of overpairs and dominated draws or put a lot of pressure on one-pair hands. I would also strongly consider check-jamming turn.
River, I would donk-shove and hope he has something he can't fold. I don't think that you can check this card.
Calling pre. is probably bad, but I understand with 666 people in the hand and we close the action.
I think you should lean heavily to raising flop for a big size.
Turn is weird, he should almost certainly be betting bigger here with QQ+ ... but maybe he is bad and/or is "trapping", except our equity has gone way down from the flop so the trap might work.
River I like betting, but not sure shove is good.
Villain's betting 1/3 pot on the wet board in position is bad whatever he has. Once he does that, it is a clear check/shove.
If he has a pair of face cards, you want to checkraise the flop / gii / shove the turn to get him to fold or gii the underdog. With this strong a draw, you have to play checkraise/gii shove turn.
When he bets on this flop, he should have something and the 3-bet pre makes a pp or ace likely. I wouldn't worry about getting him to fold weak holdings.
CR the flop and then jam turn, call it off. you have some FE and are actually equity favorites vs KK/QQ and such.
as played CR the turn big. maybe AI. rep JJ.
I check river, he bets 75, I x/r jam and he says he puts me on eights (no idea why) and then folds. Guessing it was TT or 99