Shallow with AQo in BB against a straddle, raiser and caller
1/2. Rake is 6+3+1. No flop, no drop.
V1 (300) is loose passive, mostly limping.
V2 (covers) is a loose passive calling station.
Hero (325) is a TAG, if Vs are paying attention.
UTG straddle 5. Folds to V1 in CO who raises to 15. V2 on button calls. SB folds. Hero with AsQc in the BB?
14 Replies
need a better read. has he never raised once in hours? is he capable of having something besides KK here?
need a better read. has he never raised once in hours? is he capable of having something besides KK here?
Only two orbits or so. No one has 3bet.
I think V1 called preflop and showed down KJo or QJo. V2 is a regular calling station. He overvalues his hands. Mostly limped pots here. I think the raise by V1 is strong. KK+ is too narrow. Probably more like JJ+, AK. V1 seems to limp or call all other hands.
Only two orbits or so. No one has 3bet.
I think V1 called preflop and showed down KJo or QJo. V2 is a regular calling station. He overvalues his hands. Mostly limped pots here. I think the raise by V1 is strong. KK+ is too narrow. Probably more like JJ+, AK. V1 seems to limp or call all other hands.
if his range is JJ+ and AK, AQ is an instant fold.
the only alternative is to 3b pre to like $75 and hope you either take it down or he calls and then folds a better hand postflop. pretty unlikely given stack sizes.
Good spot to squeeze against a late position open for a small size and a BTN call. Make it $60 and you should take it down pre-flop a lot. If called, you still have good equity. Comfortable fold to a 4bet.
Edit: Just saw the range you assigned for V1 pre-flop. That is an OMC range. I guess fold if you think he is that tight.
What does V1 fold, when he enters a pot? I get V1 hasn't 3! but is V1 the kind of V to call anything, then fold if they whiff flop? If V1 is sticky post, then I guess we fold AQo to a CO open and that range.
I will now abase myself in shame. Really though, this seems like about the easiest 80/f 3! ever. No one's 3!'d yet, so you should have a ton of respect, right?
You say V1 is "mostly limping", which I take to mean he does have a RFI range. If he was an OMC I might consider folding but you describe him as a LP (there is a difference since an OMC sometimes won't RFI AK, for instance).
I'm favouring a 3bet to 4x. You can bet small on Axx or Qxx flops and check most other boards (CO should 4bet KK+). I mean if the flop comes Kxx, I'm never c-betting.
Call over fold over raise.
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Just put in a 3! Calling is too weak this configuration, and there isn't enough evidence villain is that tight. Or raising only 3x with his top premiums.
Everyone was limping crazy preflop. They made childish accusations to party pooper if you raised. I recall just two open-raises in two orbits (hero folded all hands). V2 was a regular calling station that I later recognized. My read was uncertain for V1. Over two orbits he was around 50/10/0, mostly limps. Who knows how to exploit on imperfect information in the moment?
Hero folds. V2 takes down the pot on a flop raise. Hero has to leave table.
I'm happy I made the fold here. Better a small error early in the hand than one later in the hand (see my other post for that fiasco).
I did not look forward to playing for stacks with a dominated hand oop against a calling station. If I was deeper, I would have 3bet. This hand is the second I posted where, with the straddle, the 1-2 game playing now feels 2/5 short-stacked.
About Vs' range. My limited read was V1 open-limps 99, raises JJ fearfully, always raises AKo. He limps and limp-calls everything else. That read is over just two orbits put in the context of a super passive game.
I'm happy I made the fold here. Better a small error early in the hand than one later in the hand (see my other post for that fiasco).
I did not look forward to playing for stacks with a dominated hand oop against a calling station. If I was deeper, I would have 3bet. This hand is the second I posted where, with the straddle, the 1-2 game playing now feels 2/5 short-stacked.
About Vs' range. My limited read was V1 open-limps 99, raises JJ fearfully, always raises AKo. He limps and limp-calls ever
I’m not folding AQ here without really specific reads. Esp with the whale overcalling
Against standard players this is a very easy squeeze. But you are relying on some fold equity here; OOP, multiway with AQo is not a pleasant situation. If you feel you are unlikely to get it folded through at all, and your read is that the original raiser is going to be opening tight, then I'm fully on board with a fold. Calling would be absolutely terrible against standard players, if there's zero fold equity then it just about comes into play against passive players but honestly I'd just fold here and keep very quiet about it.
I'd say that if you believe this is the correct fold (it might be, but I'm not as confident), then chances are it's not worth your while sitting at the table.