Best of the Old Forums (LLSNL and HSNL)
At some point I'll go through and organize this post merger. In the mean time, below is the organized list from LLSNL, and there's a bunch of non-cureated links from HSNL below.
"I love all of the posts that say disregard everthing I did before I got check raised all in on the river and just tell me what to do now. Its like, “hey Dad its me billy and im in jail. Don’t ask me why I got drunk (standard). Don’t ask me why I drove (yawn). Don’t ask me how my car ended up in a 7-11 (meh). Just tell me how to keep from getting buttfuqqed tonight.
The truth is the beginning of the hand is the MOST important part…BY FAR THE MOST IMPORTANT PART. Just
Ahnuld PM'd a few weeks ago with an idea for this type of thread and i think its a great idea, esp. for some of the newer hsnl guys.
Basically, if u have a thread saved (or know where to find it) that was instrumental in your development as a NL player, or just think it was a great thread, plz post it here.
also, if there is a thread that u remember being great but the search function is being difficult, post the summary of it here and maybe someone has it saved as a favorite or knows how to find it.
sorry for the run-ons, i dont really feel like editing.
and in my continuing display of laziness, i cut and pasted this from Ahnuld's PM:
Here some more threads that should be considered.
This is limon and AJo Go Allin Discussion a blocking bet on the river.
In this one AJ0 gets owned by someone who checked behind a medium strength hand on a drawy flop. Just some good thoughts in this one.
This one is ok, probably worth a consideration to get the ball rolling.
Heres a solid theory thread about playing deep. ML4l has some really good tips.
hope these get the ball rolling.